#ifndef __PM6150_SBU_SHORT__ #define __PM6150_SBU_SHORT__ /** * pm6150_detect_sbu_short - Detects and return the status of SBU-GND short or * SBU-VBUS short or open. This will be called before and from AFC. **/ int pm6150_detect_sbu_short(void); /** * pm6150_detect_sbu_short_init - Enumerates SBU Short detection resources. **/ int pm6150_detect_sbu_short_init(struct smb_charger *chg); enum { SBUx_VBUS_OPEN = 0x0, SBUx_VBUS_SHORT = 0x10, SBU1_VBUS_SHORT, SBU2_VBUS_SHORT, SBUx_GND_SHORT = 0x20, SBU1_GND_SHORT, SBU2_GND_SHORT, CCx_VBUS_SHORT = 0x30, SBUx_CCx_SHORT = 0x40, SBU1_CC1_SHORT, SBU1_CC2_SHORT, SBU2_CC1_SHORT, SBU2_CC2_SHORT, SBUx_SHORT_UNDEF = 0xFF, }; #endif //__PM6150_SBU_SHORT__