/* Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #if !defined(_SDE_TRACE_H_) || defined(TRACE_HEADER_MULTI_READ) #define _SDE_TRACE_H_ #include #include #include #undef TRACE_SYSTEM #define TRACE_SYSTEM sde #undef TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE #define TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE sde_trace TRACE_EVENT(sde_perf_set_qos_luts, TP_PROTO(u32 pnum, u32 fmt, bool rt, u32 fl, u32 lut, u32 lut_usage), TP_ARGS(pnum, fmt, rt, fl, lut, lut_usage), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(u32, pnum) __field(u32, fmt) __field(bool, rt) __field(u32, fl) __field(u64, lut) __field(u32, lut_usage) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->pnum = pnum; __entry->fmt = fmt; __entry->rt = rt; __entry->fl = fl; __entry->lut = lut; __entry->lut_usage = lut_usage; ), TP_printk("pnum=%d fmt=%x rt=%d fl=%d lut=0x%llx lut_usage=%d", __entry->pnum, __entry->fmt, __entry->rt, __entry->fl, __entry->lut, __entry->lut_usage) ); TRACE_EVENT(sde_perf_set_danger_luts, TP_PROTO(u32 pnum, u32 fmt, u32 mode, u32 danger_lut, u32 safe_lut), TP_ARGS(pnum, fmt, mode, danger_lut, safe_lut), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(u32, pnum) __field(u32, fmt) __field(u32, mode) __field(u32, danger_lut) __field(u32, safe_lut) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->pnum = pnum; __entry->fmt = fmt; __entry->mode = mode; __entry->danger_lut = danger_lut; __entry->safe_lut = safe_lut; ), TP_printk("pnum=%d fmt=%x mode=%d luts[0x%x, 0x%x]", __entry->pnum, __entry->fmt, __entry->mode, __entry->danger_lut, __entry->safe_lut) ); TRACE_EVENT(sde_perf_set_ot, TP_PROTO(u32 pnum, u32 xin_id, u32 rd_lim, u32 vbif_idx), TP_ARGS(pnum, xin_id, rd_lim, vbif_idx), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(u32, pnum) __field(u32, xin_id) __field(u32, rd_lim) __field(u32, vbif_idx) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->pnum = pnum; __entry->xin_id = xin_id; __entry->rd_lim = rd_lim; __entry->vbif_idx = vbif_idx; ), TP_printk("pnum:%d xin_id:%d ot:%d vbif:%d", __entry->pnum, __entry->xin_id, __entry->rd_lim, __entry->vbif_idx) ) TRACE_EVENT(sde_perf_update_bus, TP_PROTO(int client, u32 bus_id, unsigned long long ab_quota, unsigned long long ib_quota), TP_ARGS(client, bus_id, ab_quota, ib_quota), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(int, client) __field(u32, bus_id); __field(u64, ab_quota) __field(u64, ib_quota) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->client = client; __entry->bus_id = bus_id; __entry->ab_quota = ab_quota; __entry->ib_quota = ib_quota; ), TP_printk("Request client:%d bus_id:%d ab=%llu ib=%llu", __entry->client, __entry->bus_id, __entry->ab_quota, __entry->ib_quota) ) TRACE_EVENT(sde_cmd_release_bw, TP_PROTO(u32 crtc_id), TP_ARGS(crtc_id), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(u32, crtc_id) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->crtc_id = crtc_id; ), TP_printk("crtc:%d", __entry->crtc_id) ); TRACE_EVENT(sde_encoder_underrun, TP_PROTO(u32 enc_id, u32 underrun_cnt), TP_ARGS(enc_id, underrun_cnt), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(u32, enc_id) __field(u32, underrun_cnt) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->enc_id = enc_id; __entry->underrun_cnt = underrun_cnt; ), TP_printk("enc:%d underrun_cnt:%d", __entry->enc_id, __entry->underrun_cnt) ); TRACE_EVENT(tracing_mark_write, TP_PROTO(char trace_type, const struct task_struct *task, const char *name, int value), TP_ARGS(trace_type, task, name, value), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(char, trace_type) __field(int, pid) __string(trace_name, name) __field(int, value) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->trace_type = trace_type; __entry->pid = task ? task->tgid : 0; __assign_str(trace_name, name); __entry->value = value; ), TP_printk("%c|%d|%s|%d", __entry->trace_type, __entry->pid, __get_str(trace_name), __entry->value) ); #define SDE_TRACE_EVTLOG_SIZE 15 TRACE_EVENT(sde_evtlog, TP_PROTO(const char *tag, u32 tag_id, u32 cnt, u32 data[]), TP_ARGS(tag, tag_id, cnt, data), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(int, pid) __string(evtlog_tag, tag) __field(u32, tag_id) __array(u32, data, SDE_TRACE_EVTLOG_SIZE) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->pid = current->tgid; __assign_str(evtlog_tag, tag); __entry->tag_id = tag_id; if (cnt > SDE_TRACE_EVTLOG_SIZE) cnt = SDE_TRACE_EVTLOG_SIZE; memcpy(__entry->data, data, cnt * sizeof(u32)); memset(&__entry->data[cnt], 0, (SDE_TRACE_EVTLOG_SIZE - cnt) * sizeof(u32)); ), TP_printk("%d|%s:%d|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x|%x", __entry->pid, __get_str(evtlog_tag), __entry->tag_id, __entry->data[0], __entry->data[1], __entry->data[2], __entry->data[3], __entry->data[4], __entry->data[5], __entry->data[6], __entry->data[7], __entry->data[8], __entry->data[9], __entry->data[10], __entry->data[11], __entry->data[12], __entry->data[13], __entry->data[14]) ) TRACE_EVENT(sde_perf_crtc_update, TP_PROTO(u32 crtc, u64 bw_ctl_mnoc, u64 per_pipe_ib_mnoc, u64 bw_ctl_llcc, u64 per_pipe_ib_llcc, u64 bw_ctl_ebi, u64 per_pipe_ib_ebi, u32 core_clk_rate, bool stop_req, u32 update_bus, u32 update_clk, int params), TP_ARGS(crtc, bw_ctl_mnoc, per_pipe_ib_mnoc, bw_ctl_llcc, per_pipe_ib_llcc, bw_ctl_ebi, per_pipe_ib_ebi, core_clk_rate, stop_req, update_bus, update_clk, params), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(u32, crtc) __field(u64, bw_ctl_mnoc) __field(u64, per_pipe_ib_mnoc) __field(u64, bw_ctl_llcc) __field(u64, per_pipe_ib_llcc) __field(u64, bw_ctl_ebi) __field(u64, per_pipe_ib_ebi) __field(u32, core_clk_rate) __field(bool, stop_req) __field(u32, update_bus) __field(u32, update_clk) __field(int, params) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->crtc = crtc; __entry->bw_ctl_mnoc = bw_ctl_mnoc; __entry->per_pipe_ib_mnoc = per_pipe_ib_mnoc; __entry->bw_ctl_llcc = bw_ctl_llcc; __entry->per_pipe_ib_llcc = per_pipe_ib_llcc; __entry->bw_ctl_ebi = bw_ctl_ebi; __entry->per_pipe_ib_ebi = per_pipe_ib_ebi; __entry->core_clk_rate = core_clk_rate; __entry->stop_req = stop_req; __entry->update_bus = update_bus; __entry->update_clk = update_clk; __entry->params = params; ), TP_printk( "crtc=%d mnoc=[%llu %llu] llcc=[%llu %llu] ebi=[%llu %llu] clk=%u stop=%d ubus=%d uclk=%d %d", __entry->crtc, __entry->bw_ctl_mnoc, __entry->per_pipe_ib_mnoc, __entry->bw_ctl_llcc, __entry->per_pipe_ib_llcc, __entry->bw_ctl_ebi, __entry->per_pipe_ib_ebi, __entry->core_clk_rate, __entry->stop_req, __entry->update_bus, __entry->update_clk, __entry->params) ); TRACE_EVENT(sde_perf_calc_crtc, TP_PROTO(u32 crtc, u64 bw_ctl_mnoc, u64 bw_ctl_llcc, u64 bw_ctl_ebi, u64 ib_mnoc, u64 ib_llcc, u64 ib_ebi, u32 core_clk_rate ), TP_ARGS(crtc, bw_ctl_mnoc, bw_ctl_llcc, bw_ctl_ebi, ib_mnoc, ib_llcc, ib_ebi, core_clk_rate), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(u32, crtc) __field(u64, bw_ctl_mnoc) __field(u64, bw_ctl_llcc) __field(u64, bw_ctl_ebi) __field(u64, ib_mnoc) __field(u64, ib_llcc) __field(u64, ib_ebi) __field(u32, core_clk_rate) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->crtc = crtc; __entry->bw_ctl_mnoc = bw_ctl_mnoc; __entry->bw_ctl_llcc = bw_ctl_llcc; __entry->bw_ctl_ebi = bw_ctl_ebi; __entry->ib_mnoc = ib_mnoc; __entry->ib_llcc = ib_llcc; __entry->ib_ebi = ib_ebi; __entry->core_clk_rate = core_clk_rate; ), TP_printk( "crtc=%d mnoc=[%llu, %llu] llcc=[%llu %llu] ebi=[%llu, %llu] clk_rate=%u", __entry->crtc, __entry->bw_ctl_mnoc, __entry->ib_mnoc, __entry->bw_ctl_llcc, __entry->ib_llcc, __entry->bw_ctl_ebi, __entry->ib_ebi, __entry->core_clk_rate) ); #define sde_atrace trace_tracing_mark_write #define SDE_ATRACE_END(name) sde_atrace('E', current, name, 0) #define SDE_ATRACE_BEGIN(name) sde_atrace('B', current, name, 0) #define SDE_ATRACE_FUNC() SDE_ATRACE_BEGIN(__func__) #define SDE_ATRACE_INT(name, value) sde_atrace('C', current, name, value) #endif /* _SDE_TRACE_H_ */ /* This part must be outside protection */ #undef TRACE_INCLUDE_PATH #define TRACE_INCLUDE_PATH . #include