Michael Olbrich reported that his test program fails when built with -O2 -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon, and a kernel which supports v6 and v7 CPUs: volatile int x = 2; volatile int64_t y = 2; int main() { volatile int a = 0; volatile int64_t b = 0; while (1) { a = (a + x) % (1 << 30); b = (b + y) % (1 << 30); assert(a == b); } } and two instances are run. When built for just v7 CPUs, this program works fine. It uses the "vadd.i64 d19, d18, d16" VFP instruction. It appears that we do not save the high-16 double VFP registers across context switches when the kernel is built for v6 CPUs. Fix that. Cc: <stable@vger.kernel.org> Tested-By: Michael Olbrich <m.olbrich@pengutronix.de> Signed-off-by: Russell King <rmk+kernel@arm.linux.org.uk>tirimbino
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