* max3107.h - spi uart protocol driver header for Maxim 3107
* Copyright (C) Aavamobile 2009
* Based on serial_max3100.h by Christian Pellegrin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
#ifndef _MAX3107_H
#define _MAX3107_H
/* Serial error status definitions */
#define MAX3107_PARITY_ERROR 1
#define MAX3107_FRAME_ERROR 2
#define MAX3107_OVERRUN_ERROR 4
#define MAX3107_ALL_ERRORS (MAX3107_PARITY_ERROR | \
/* GPIO definitions */
#define MAX3107_GPIO_BASE 88
#define MAX3107_GPIO_COUNT 4
/* GPIO connected to chip's reset pin */
#define MAX3107_RESET_GPIO 87
/* Chip reset delay */
#define MAX3107_RESET_DELAY 10
/* Chip wakeup delay */
#define MAX3107_WAKEUP_DELAY 50
/* Sleep mode definitions */
/* Definitions for register access with SPI transfers
* SPI transfer format:
* Master to slave bits xzzzzzzzyyyyyyyy
* Slave to master bits aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb
* where:
* x = 0 for reads, 1 for writes
* z = register address
* y = new register value if write, 0 if read
* a = unspecified
* b = register value if read, unspecified if write
/* SPI speed */
#define MAX3107_SPI_SPEED (3125000 * 2)
/* Write bit */
#define MAX3107_WRITE_BIT (1 << 15)
/* SPI TX data mask */
#define MAX3107_SPI_RX_DATA_MASK (0x00ff)
/* SPI RX data mask */
#define MAX3107_SPI_TX_DATA_MASK (0x00ff)
/* Register access masks */
#define MAX3107_RHR_REG (0x0000) /* RX FIFO */
#define MAX3107_THR_REG (0x0000) /* TX FIFO */
#define MAX3107_IRQEN_REG (0x0100) /* IRQ enable */
#define MAX3107_IRQSTS_REG (0x0200) /* IRQ status */
#define MAX3107_LSR_IRQEN_REG (0x0300) /* LSR IRQ enable */
#define MAX3107_LSR_IRQSTS_REG (0x0400) /* LSR IRQ status */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_IRQEN_REG (0x0500) /* Special char IRQ enable */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_IRQSTS_REG (0x0600) /* Special char IRQ status */
#define MAX3107_STS_IRQEN_REG (0x0700) /* Status IRQ enable */
#define MAX3107_STS_IRQSTS_REG (0x0800) /* Status IRQ status */
#define MAX3107_MODE1_REG (0x0900) /* MODE1 */
#define MAX3107_MODE2_REG (0x0a00) /* MODE2 */
#define MAX3107_LCR_REG (0x0b00) /* LCR */
#define MAX3107_RXTO_REG (0x0c00) /* RX timeout */
#define MAX3107_HDPIXDELAY_REG (0x0d00) /* Auto transceiver delays */
#define MAX3107_IRDA_REG (0x0e00) /* IRDA settings */
#define MAX3107_FLOWLVL_REG (0x0f00) /* Flow control levels */
#define MAX3107_FIFOTRIGLVL_REG (0x1000) /* FIFO IRQ trigger levels */
#define MAX3107_TXFIFOLVL_REG (0x1100) /* TX FIFO level */
#define MAX3107_RXFIFOLVL_REG (0x1200) /* RX FIFO level */
#define MAX3107_FLOWCTRL_REG (0x1300) /* Flow control */
#define MAX3107_XON1_REG (0x1400) /* XON1 character */
#define MAX3107_XON2_REG (0x1500) /* XON2 character */
#define MAX3107_XOFF1_REG (0x1600) /* XOFF1 character */
#define MAX3107_XOFF2_REG (0x1700) /* XOFF2 character */
#define MAX3107_GPIOCFG_REG (0x1800) /* GPIO config */
#define MAX3107_GPIODATA_REG (0x1900) /* GPIO data */
#define MAX3107_PLLCFG_REG (0x1a00) /* PLL config */
#define MAX3107_BRGCFG_REG (0x1b00) /* Baud rate generator conf */
#define MAX3107_BRGDIVLSB_REG (0x1c00) /* Baud rate divisor LSB */
#define MAX3107_BRGDIVMSB_REG (0x1d00) /* Baud rate divisor MSB */
#define MAX3107_CLKSRC_REG (0x1e00) /* Clock source */
#define MAX3107_REVID_REG (0x1f00) /* Revision identification */
/* IRQ register bits */
#define MAX3107_IRQ_LSR_BIT (1 << 0) /* LSR interrupt */
#define MAX3107_IRQ_SPCHR_BIT (1 << 1) /* Special char interrupt */
#define MAX3107_IRQ_STS_BIT (1 << 2) /* Status interrupt */
#define MAX3107_IRQ_RXFIFO_BIT (1 << 3) /* RX FIFO interrupt */
#define MAX3107_IRQ_TXFIFO_BIT (1 << 4) /* TX FIFO interrupt */
#define MAX3107_IRQ_TXEMPTY_BIT (1 << 5) /* TX FIFO empty interrupt */
#define MAX3107_IRQ_RXEMPTY_BIT (1 << 6) /* RX FIFO empty interrupt */
#define MAX3107_IRQ_CTS_BIT (1 << 7) /* CTS interrupt */
/* LSR register bits */
#define MAX3107_LSR_RXTO_BIT (1 << 0) /* RX timeout */
#define MAX3107_LSR_RXOVR_BIT (1 << 1) /* RX overrun */
#define MAX3107_LSR_RXPAR_BIT (1 << 2) /* RX parity error */
#define MAX3107_LSR_FRERR_BIT (1 << 3) /* Frame error */
#define MAX3107_LSR_RXBRK_BIT (1 << 4) /* RX break */
#define MAX3107_LSR_RXNOISE_BIT (1 << 5) /* RX noise */
#define MAX3107_LSR_UNDEF6_BIT (1 << 6) /* Undefined/not used */
#define MAX3107_LSR_CTS_BIT (1 << 7) /* CTS pin state */
/* Special character register bits */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_XON1_BIT (1 << 0) /* XON1 character */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_XON2_BIT (1 << 1) /* XON2 character */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_XOFF1_BIT (1 << 2) /* XOFF1 character */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_XOFF2_BIT (1 << 3) /* XOFF2 character */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_BREAK_BIT (1 << 4) /* RX break */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_MULTIDROP_BIT (1 << 5) /* 9-bit multidrop addr char */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_UNDEF6_BIT (1 << 6) /* Undefined/not used */
#define MAX3107_SPCHR_UNDEF7_BIT (1 << 7) /* Undefined/not used */
/* Status register bits */
#define MAX3107_STS_GPIO0_BIT (1 << 0) /* GPIO 0 interrupt */
#define MAX3107_STS_GPIO1_BIT (1 << 1) /* GPIO 1 interrupt */
#define MAX3107_STS_GPIO2_BIT (1 << 2) /* GPIO 2 interrupt */
#define MAX3107_STS_GPIO3_BIT (1 << 3) /* GPIO 3 interrupt */
#define MAX3107_STS_UNDEF4_BIT (1 << 4) /* Undefined/not used */
#define MAX3107_STS_CLKREADY_BIT (1 << 5) /* Clock ready */
#define MAX3107_STS_SLEEP_BIT (1 << 6) /* Sleep interrupt */
#define MAX3107_STS_UNDEF7_BIT (1 << 7) /* Undefined/not used */
/* MODE1 register bits */
#define MAX3107_MODE1_RXDIS_BIT (1 << 0) /* RX disable */
#define MAX3107_MODE1_TXDIS_BIT (1 << 1) /* TX disable */
#define MAX3107_MODE1_TXHIZ_BIT (1 << 2) /* TX pin three-state */
#define MAX3107_MODE1_RTSHIZ_BIT (1 << 3) /* RTS pin three-state */
#define MAX3107_MODE1_TRNSCVCTRL_BIT (1 << 4) /* Transceiver ctrl enable */
#define MAX3107_MODE1_FORCESLEEP_BIT (1 << 5) /* Force sleep mode */
#define MAX3107_MODE1_AUTOSLEEP_BIT (1 << 6) /* Auto sleep enable */
#define MAX3107_MODE1_IRQSEL_BIT (1 << 7) /* IRQ pin enable */
/* MODE2 register bits */
#define MAX3107_MODE2_RST_BIT (1 << 0) /* Chip reset */
#define MAX3107_MODE2_FIFORST_BIT (1 << 1) /* FIFO reset */
#define MAX3107_MODE2_RXTRIGINV_BIT (1 << 2) /* RX FIFO INT invert */
#define MAX3107_MODE2_RXEMPTINV_BIT (1 << 3) /* RX FIFO empty INT invert */
#define MAX3107_MODE2_SPCHR_BIT (1 << 4) /* Special chr detect enable */
#define MAX3107_MODE2_LOOPBACK_BIT (1 << 5) /* Internal loopback enable */
#define MAX3107_MODE2_MULTIDROP_BIT (1 << 6) /* 9-bit multidrop enable */
#define MAX3107_MODE2_ECHOSUPR_BIT (1 << 7) /* ECHO suppression enable */
/* LCR register bits */
#define MAX3107_LCR_LENGTH0_BIT (1 << 0) /* Word length bit 0 */
#define MAX3107_LCR_LENGTH1_BIT (1 << 1) /* Word length bit 1
* Word length bits table:
* 00 -> 5 bit words
* 01 -> 6 bit words
* 10 -> 7 bit words
* 11 -> 8 bit words
#define MAX3107_LCR_STOPLEN_BIT (1 << 2) /* STOP length bit
* STOP length bit table:
* 0 -> 1 stop bit
* 1 -> 1-1.5 stop bits if
* word length is 5,
* 2 stop bits otherwise
#define MAX3107_LCR_PARITY_BIT (1 << 3) /* Parity bit enable */
#define MAX3107_LCR_EVENPARITY_BIT (1 << 4) /* Even parity bit enable */
#define MAX3107_LCR_FORCEPARITY_BIT (1 << 5) /* 9-bit multidrop parity */
#define MAX3107_LCR_TXBREAK_BIT (1 << 6) /* TX break enable */
#define MAX3107_LCR_RTS_BIT (1 << 7) /* RTS pin control */
#define MAX3107_LCR_WORD_LEN_5 (0x0000)
#define MAX3107_LCR_WORD_LEN_6 (0x0001)
#define MAX3107_LCR_WORD_LEN_7 (0x0002)
#define MAX3107_LCR_WORD_LEN_8 (0x0003)
/* IRDA register bits */
#define MAX3107_IRDA_IRDAEN_BIT (1 << 0) /* IRDA mode enable */
#define MAX3107_IRDA_SIR_BIT (1 << 1) /* SIR mode enable */
#define MAX3107_IRDA_SHORTIR_BIT (1 << 2) /* Short SIR mode enable */
#define MAX3107_IRDA_MIR_BIT (1 << 3) /* MIR mode enable */
#define MAX3107_IRDA_RXINV_BIT (1 << 4) /* RX logic inversion enable */
#define MAX3107_IRDA_TXINV_BIT (1 << 5) /* TX logic inversion enable */
#define MAX3107_IRDA_UNDEF6_BIT (1 << 6) /* Undefined/not used */
#define MAX3107_IRDA_UNDEF7_BIT (1 << 7) /* Undefined/not used */
/* Flow control trigger level register masks */
#define MAX3107_FLOWLVL_HALT_MASK (0x000f) /* Flow control halt level */
#define MAX3107_FLOWLVL_RES_MASK (0x00f0) /* Flow control resume level */
#define MAX3107_FLOWLVL_HALT(words) ((words/8) & 0x000f)
#define MAX3107_FLOWLVL_RES(words) (((words/8) & 0x000f) << 4)
/* FIFO interrupt trigger level register masks */
#define MAX3107_FIFOTRIGLVL_TX_MASK (0x000f) /* TX FIFO trigger level */
#define MAX3107_FIFOTRIGLVL_RX_MASK (0x00f0) /* RX FIFO trigger level */
#define MAX3107_FIFOTRIGLVL_TX(words) ((words/8) & 0x000f)
#define MAX3107_FIFOTRIGLVL_RX(words) (((words/8) & 0x000f) << 4)
/* Flow control register bits */
#define MAX3107_FLOWCTRL_AUTORTS_BIT (1 << 0) /* Auto RTS flow ctrl enable */
#define MAX3107_FLOWCTRL_AUTOCTS_BIT (1 << 1) /* Auto CTS flow ctrl enable */
#define MAX3107_FLOWCTRL_GPIADDR_BIT (1 << 2) /* Enables that GPIO inputs
* are used in conjunction with
* XOFF2 for definition of
* special character */
#define MAX3107_FLOWCTRL_SWFLOWEN_BIT (1 << 3) /* Auto SW flow ctrl enable */
#define MAX3107_FLOWCTRL_SWFLOW0_BIT (1 << 4) /* SWFLOW bit 0 */
#define MAX3107_FLOWCTRL_SWFLOW1_BIT (1 << 5) /* SWFLOW bit 1
* SWFLOW bits 1 & 0 table:
* 00 -> no transmitter flow
* control
* 01 -> receiver compares
* XON2 and XOFF2
* and controls
* transmitter
* 10 -> receiver compares
* XON1 and XOFF1
* and controls
* transmitter
* 11 -> receiver compares
* XON1, XON2, XOFF1 and
* XOFF2 and controls
* transmitter
#define MAX3107_FLOWCTRL_SWFLOW2_BIT (1 << 6) /* SWFLOW bit 2 */
#define MAX3107_FLOWCTRL_SWFLOW3_BIT (1 << 7) /* SWFLOW bit 3
* SWFLOW bits 3 & 2 table:
* 00 -> no received flow
* control
* 01 -> transmitter generates
* XON2 and XOFF2
* 10 -> transmitter generates
* XON1 and XOFF1
* 11 -> transmitter generates
* XON1, XON2, XOFF1 and
/* GPIO configuration register bits */
#define MAX3107_GPIOCFG_GP0OUT_BIT (1 << 0) /* GPIO 0 output enable */
#define MAX3107_GPIOCFG_GP1OUT_BIT (1 << 1) /* GPIO 1 output enable */
#define MAX3107_GPIOCFG_GP2OUT_BIT (1 << 2) /* GPIO 2 output enable */
#define MAX3107_GPIOCFG_GP3OUT_BIT (1 << 3) /* GPIO 3 output enable */
#define MAX3107_GPIOCFG_GP0OD_BIT (1 << 4) /* GPIO 0 open-drain enable */
#define MAX3107_GPIOCFG_GP1OD_BIT (1 << 5) /* GPIO 1 open-drain enable */
#define MAX3107_GPIOCFG_GP2OD_BIT (1 << 6) /* GPIO 2 open-drain enable */
#define MAX3107_GPIOCFG_GP3OD_BIT (1 << 7) /* GPIO 3 open-drain enable */
/* GPIO DATA register bits */
#define MAX3107_GPIODATA_GP0OUT_BIT (1 << 0) /* GPIO 0 output value */
#define MAX3107_GPIODATA_GP1OUT_BIT (1 << 1) /* GPIO 1 output value */
#define MAX3107_GPIODATA_GP2OUT_BIT (1 << 2) /* GPIO 2 output value */
#define MAX3107_GPIODATA_GP3OUT_BIT (1 << 3) /* GPIO 3 output value */
#define MAX3107_GPIODATA_GP0IN_BIT (1 << 4) /* GPIO 0 input value */
#define MAX3107_GPIODATA_GP1IN_BIT (1 << 5) /* GPIO 1 input value */
#define MAX3107_GPIODATA_GP2IN_BIT (1 << 6) /* GPIO 2 input value */
#define MAX3107_GPIODATA_GP3IN_BIT (1 << 7) /* GPIO 3 input value */
/* PLL configuration register masks */
#define MAX3107_PLLCFG_PREDIV_MASK (0x003f) /* PLL predivision value */
#define MAX3107_PLLCFG_PLLFACTOR_MASK (0x00c0) /* PLL multiplication factor */
/* Baud rate generator configuration register masks and bits */
#define MAX3107_BRGCFG_FRACT_MASK (0x000f) /* Fractional portion of
* Baud rate generator divisor
#define MAX3107_BRGCFG_2XMODE_BIT (1 << 4) /* Double baud rate */
#define MAX3107_BRGCFG_4XMODE_BIT (1 << 5) /* Quadruple baud rate */
#define MAX3107_BRGCFG_UNDEF6_BIT (1 << 6) /* Undefined/not used */
#define MAX3107_BRGCFG_UNDEF7_BIT (1 << 7) /* Undefined/not used */
/* Clock source register bits */
#define MAX3107_CLKSRC_INTOSC_BIT (1 << 0) /* Internal osc enable */
#define MAX3107_CLKSRC_CRYST_BIT (1 << 1) /* Crystal osc enable */
#define MAX3107_CLKSRC_PLL_BIT (1 << 2) /* PLL enable */
#define MAX3107_CLKSRC_PLLBYP_BIT (1 << 3) /* PLL bypass */
#define MAX3107_CLKSRC_EXTCLK_BIT (1 << 4) /* External clock enable */
#define MAX3107_CLKSRC_UNDEF5_BIT (1 << 5) /* Undefined/not used */
#define MAX3107_CLKSRC_UNDEF6_BIT (1 << 6) /* Undefined/not used */
#define MAX3107_CLKSRC_CLK2RTS_BIT (1 << 7) /* Baud clk to RTS pin */
/* HW definitions */
#define MAX3107_RX_FIFO_SIZE 128
#define MAX3107_TX_FIFO_SIZE 128
#define MAX3107_REVID1 0x00a0
#define MAX3107_REVID2 0x00a1
/* Baud rate generator configuration values for external clock 13MHz */
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B300 (0x0A9400 | 0x05)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B600 (0x054A00 | 0x03)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B1200 (0x02A500 | 0x01)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B2400 (0x015200 | 0x09)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B4800 (0x00A900 | 0x04)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B9600 (0x005400 | 0x0A)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B19200 (0x002A00 | 0x05)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B38400 (0x001500 | 0x03)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B57600 (0x000E00 | 0x02)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B115200 (0x000700 | 0x01)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B230400 (0x000300 | 0x08)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B460800 (0x000100 | 0x0c)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_B921600 (0x000100 | 0x1c)
/* Baud rate generator configuration values for external clock 26MHz */
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B300 (0x152800 | 0x0A)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B600 (0x0A9400 | 0x05)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B1200 (0x054A00 | 0x03)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B2400 (0x02A500 | 0x01)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B4800 (0x015200 | 0x09)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B9600 (0x00A900 | 0x04)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B19200 (0x005400 | 0x0A)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B38400 (0x002A00 | 0x05)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B57600 (0x001C00 | 0x03)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B115200 (0x000E00 | 0x02)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B230400 (0x000700 | 0x01)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B460800 (0x000300 | 0x08)
#define MAX3107_BRG26_B921600 (0x000100 | 0x0C)
/* Baud rate generator configuration values for internal clock */
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB300 (0x008000 | 0x00)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB600 (0x004000 | 0x00)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB1200 (0x002000 | 0x00)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB2400 (0x001000 | 0x00)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB4800 (0x000800 | 0x00)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB9600 (0x000400 | 0x00)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB19200 (0x000200 | 0x00)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB38400 (0x000100 | 0x00)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB57600 (0x000000 | 0x0B)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB115200 (0x000000 | 0x05)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB230400 (0x000000 | 0x03)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB460800 (0x000000 | 0x00)
#define MAX3107_BRG13_IB921600 (0x000000 | 0x00)
struct baud_table {
int baud;
u32 new_brg;
struct max3107_port {
/* UART port structure */
struct uart_port port;
/* SPI device structure */
struct spi_device *spi;
#if defined(CONFIG_GPIOLIB)
/* GPIO chip stucture */
struct gpio_chip chip;
/* Workqueue that does all the magic */
struct workqueue_struct *workqueue;
struct work_struct work;
/* Lock for shared data */
spinlock_t data_lock;
/* Device configuration */
int ext_clk; /* 1 if external clock used */
int loopback; /* Current loopback mode state */
int baud; /* Current baud rate */
/* State flags */
int suspended; /* Indicates suspend mode */
int tx_fifo_empty; /* Flag for TX FIFO state */
int rx_enabled; /* Flag for receiver state */
int tx_enabled; /* Flag for transmitter state */
u16 irqen_reg; /* Current IRQ enable register value */
/* Shared data */
u16 mode1_reg; /* Current mode1 register value*/
int mode1_commit; /* Flag for setting new mode1 register value */
u16 lcr_reg; /* Current LCR register value */
int lcr_commit; /* Flag for setting new LCR register value */
u32 brg_cfg; /* Current Baud rate generator config */
int brg_commit; /* Flag for setting new baud rate generator
* config
struct baud_table *baud_tbl;
int handle_irq; /* Indicates that IRQ should be handled */
/* Rx buffer and str*/
u16 *rxbuf;
u8 *rxstr;
/* Tx buffer*/
u16 *txbuf;
struct max3107_plat *pdata; /* Platform data */
/* Platform data structure */
struct max3107_plat {
/* Loopback mode enable */
int loopback;
/* External clock enable */
int ext_clk;
/* Called during the register initialisation */
void (*init)(struct max3107_port *s);
/* Called when the port is found and configured */
int (*configure)(struct max3107_port *s);
/* HW suspend function */
void (*hw_suspend) (struct max3107_port *s, int suspend);
/* Polling mode enable */
int polled_mode;
/* Polling period if polling mode enabled */
int poll_time;
extern int max3107_rw(struct max3107_port *s, u8 *tx, u8 *rx, int len);
extern void max3107_hw_susp(struct max3107_port *s, int suspend);
extern int max3107_probe(struct spi_device *spi, struct max3107_plat *pdata);
extern int max3107_remove(struct spi_device *spi);
extern int max3107_suspend(struct spi_device *spi, pm_message_t state);
extern int max3107_resume(struct spi_device *spi);
#endif /* _LINUX_SERIAL_MAX3107_H */