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* Copyright@ Samsung Electronics Co. LTD
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cutils/log.h>
#include "edid.h"
#include "libedid.h"
#include "../libddc/libddc.h"
//#define EDID_DEBUG 1
#define DPRINTF(args...) LOGI(args)
#define DPRINTF(args...)
#define NUM_OF_VIC_FOR_3D 16
* @var gEdidData
* Pointer to EDID data
static unsigned char* gEdidData;
* @var gExtensions
* Number of EDID extensions
static int gExtensions;
* @var aVIC
* This contains first 16 VIC in EDID
static unsigned char aVIC[NUM_OF_VIC_FOR_3D];
//! Structure for parsing video timing parameter in EDID
static const struct edid_params {
/** H Total */
unsigned int HTotal;
/** H Blank */
unsigned int HBlank;
/** V Total */
unsigned int VTotal;
/** V Blank */
unsigned int VBlank;
/** CEA VIC */
unsigned char VIC;
/** CEA VIC for 16:9 aspect ratio */
unsigned char VIC16_9;
/** 0 if progressive, 1 if interlaced */
unsigned char interlaced;
/** Pixel frequency */
enum PixelFreq PixelClock;
} aVideoParams[] =
{ 800 , 160 , 525 , 45, 1 , 1 , 0, PIXEL_FREQ_25_200 ,}, // v640x480p_60Hz
{ 858 , 138 , 525 , 45, 2 , 3 , 0, PIXEL_FREQ_27_027 ,}, // v720x480p_60Hz
{ 1650, 370 , 750 , 30, 4 , 4 , 0, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 ,}, // v1280x720p_60Hz
{ 2200, 280 , 1125, 22, 5 , 5 , 1, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 ,}, // v1920x1080i_60H
{ 1716, 276 , 525 , 22, 6 , 7 , 1, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 ,}, // v720x480i_60Hz
{ 1716, 276 , 262 , 22, 8 , 9 , 0, PIXEL_FREQ_27_027 ,}, // v720x240p_60Hz
//{ 1716, 276 , 263 , 23, 8 , 9 , 0, PIXEL_FREQ_27_027 , }, // v720x240p_60Hz(mode 2)
{ 3432, 552 , 525 , 22, 10, 11, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_54_054 , }, // v2880x480i_60Hz
{ 3432, 552 , 262 , 22, 12, 13, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_54_054 , }, // v2880x240p_60Hz
//{ 3432, 552 , 263 , 23, 12, 13, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_54_054 , }, // v2880x240p_60Hz(mode 2)
{ 1716, 276 , 525 , 45, 14, 15, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_54_054 , }, // v1440x480p_60Hz
{ 2200, 280 , 1125, 45, 16, 16, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_148_500, }, // v1920x1080p_60H
{ 864 , 144 , 625 , 49, 17, 18, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_27 , }, // v720x576p_50Hz
{ 1980, 700 , 750 , 30, 19, 19, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 , }, // v1280x720p_50Hz
{ 2640, 720 , 1125, 22, 20, 20, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 , }, // v1920x1080i_50H
{ 1728, 288 , 625 , 24, 21, 22, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_27 , }, // v720x576i_50Hz
{ 1728, 288 , 312 , 24, 23, 24, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_27 , }, // v720x288p_50Hz
//{ 1728, 288 , 313 , 25, 23, 24, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_27 , }, // v720x288p_50Hz(mode 2)
//{ 1728, 288 , 314 , 26, 23, 24, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_27 , }, // v720x288p_50Hz(mode 3)
{ 3456, 576 , 625 , 24, 25, 26, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_54 , }, // v2880x576i_50Hz
{ 3456, 576 , 312 , 24, 27, 28, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_54 , }, // v2880x288p_50Hz
//{ 3456, 576 , 313 , 25, 27, 28, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_54 , }, // v2880x288p_50Hz(mode 2)
//{ 3456, 576 , 314 , 26, 27, 28, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_54 , }, // v2880x288p_50Hz(mode 3)
{ 1728, 288 , 625 , 49, 29, 30, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_54 , }, // v1440x576p_50Hz
{ 2640, 720 , 1125, 45, 31, 31, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_148_500,}, // v1920x1080p_50Hz
{ 2750, 830 , 1125, 45, 32, 32, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 ,}, // v1920x1080p_24Hz
{ 2640, 720 , 1125, 45, 33, 33, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 ,}, // v1920x1080p_25Hz
{ 2200, 280 , 1125, 45, 34, 34, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 ,}, // v1920x1080p_30Hz
{ 3432, 552 , 525 , 45, 35, 36, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_108_108,}, // v2880x480p_60Hz
{ 3456, 576 , 625 , 49, 37, 38, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_108 ,}, // v2880x576p_50Hz
{ 2304, 384 , 1250, 85, 39, 39, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_72 ,}, // v1920x1080i_50Hz(1250)
{ 2640, 720 , 1125, 22, 40, 40, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_148_500, }, // v1920x1080i_100Hz
{ 1980, 700 , 750 , 30, 41, 41, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_148_500, }, // v1280x720p_100Hz
{ 864 , 144 , 625 , 49, 42, 43, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_54 , }, // v720x576p_100Hz
{ 1728, 288 , 625 , 24, 44, 45, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_54 , }, // v720x576i_100Hz
{ 2200, 280 , 1125, 22, 46, 46, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_148_500, }, // v1920x1080i_120Hz
{ 1650, 370 , 750 , 30, 47, 47, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_148_500, }, // v1280x720p_120Hz
{ 858 , 138 , 525 , 54, 48, 49, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_54_054 , }, // v720x480p_120Hz
{ 1716, 276 , 525 , 22, 50, 51, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_54_054 , }, // v720x480i_120Hz
{ 864 , 144 , 625 , 49, 52, 53, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_108 , }, // v720x576p_200Hz
{ 1728, 288 , 625 , 24, 54, 55, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_108 , }, // v720x576i_200Hz
{ 858 , 138 , 525 , 45, 56, 57, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_108_108, }, // v720x480p_240Hz
{ 1716, 276 , 525 , 22, 58, 59, 1, PIXEL_FREQ_108_108, }, // v720x480i_240Hz
// PHY Freq is not available yet
//{ 3300, 2020, 750 , 30, 60, 60, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_59_400 ,}, // v1280x720p24Hz
{ 3960, 2680, 750 , 30, 61, 61, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 , }, // v1280x720p25Hz
{ 3300, 2020, 750 , 30, 62, 62, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_74_250 ,}, // v1280x720p30Hz
// PHY Freq is not available yet
//{ 2200, 280 , 1125, 45, 63, 63, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_297, }, // v1920x1080p120Hz
//{ 2640, 720 , 1125, 45, 64, 64, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_297, }, // v1920x1080p100Hz
//{ 4400, 560 , 2250, 90, 1, 1, 0, 0, PIXEL_FREQ_297, }, // v4Kx2K30Hz
//! Structure for Checking 3D Mandatory Format in EDID
static const struct edid_3d_mandatory {
/** video Format */
enum VideoFormat resolution;
/** 3D Structure */
enum HDMI3DVideoStructure hdmi_3d_format;
} edid_3d [] =
{ v1920x1080p_24Hz, HDMI_3D_FP_FORMAT }, // 1920x1080p @ 23.98/24Hz
{ v1280x720p_60Hz, HDMI_3D_FP_FORMAT }, // 1280x720p @ 59.94/60Hz
{ v1920x1080i_60Hz, HDMI_3D_SSH_FORMAT }, // 1920x1080i @ 59.94/60Hz
{ v1920x1080p_24Hz, HDMI_3D_TB_FORMAT }, // 1920x1080p @ 23.98/24Hz
{ v1280x720p_60Hz, HDMI_3D_TB_FORMAT }, // 1280x720p @ 59.94/60Hz
{ v1280x720p_50Hz, HDMI_3D_FP_FORMAT }, // 1280x720p @ 50Hz
{ v1920x1080i_50Hz, HDMI_3D_SSH_FORMAT }, // 1920x1080i @ 50Hz
{ v1280x720p_50Hz, HDMI_3D_TB_FORMAT }, // 1280x720p @ 50Hz
* Calculate a checksum.
* @param buffer [in] Pointer to data to calculate a checksum
* @param size [in] Sizes of data
* @return If checksum result is 0, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int CalcChecksum(const unsigned char* const buffer, const int size)
unsigned char i,sum;
int ret = 1;
// check parameter
if (buffer == NULL ) {
DPRINTF("invalid parameter : buffer\n");
return 0;
for (sum = 0, i = 0 ; i < size; i++)
sum += buffer[i];
// check checksum
if (sum != 0)
ret = 0;
return ret;
* Read EDID Block(128 bytes)
* @param blockNum [in] Number of block to read @n
* For example, EDID block = 0, EDID first Extension = 1, and so on.
* @param outBuffer [out] Pointer to buffer to store EDID data
* @return If fail to read, return 0; Otherwise, return 1.
static int ReadEDIDBlock(const unsigned int blockNum, unsigned char* const outBuffer)
int segNum, offset, dataPtr;
// check parameter
if (outBuffer == NULL) {
DPRINTF("invalid parameter : outBuffer\n");
return 0;
// calculate
segNum = blockNum / 2;
offset = (blockNum % 2) * SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK;
dataPtr = (blockNum) * SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK;
// read block
DPRINTF("Fail to Read %dth EDID Block\n", blockNum);
return 0;
if (!CalcChecksum(outBuffer, SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK)) {
DPRINTF("CheckSum fail : %dth EDID Block\n", blockNum);
return 0;
// print data
offset = 0;
do {
LOGI("0x%02X", outBuffer[offset++]);
if (offset % 16)
LOGI(" ");
} while (SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK > offset);
#endif // EDID_DEBUG
return 1;
* Check if EDID data is valid or not.
* @return if EDID data is valid, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static inline int EDIDValid(void)
return (gEdidData == NULL) ? 0 : 1;
* Search HDMI Vender Specific Data Block(VSDB) in EDID extension block.
* @param extension [in] the number of EDID extension block to check
* @return if there is a HDMI VSDB, return the offset from start of @n
* EDID extension block. if there is no VSDB, return 0.
static int GetVSDBOffset(const int extension)
unsigned int BlockOffset = extension*SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK;
unsigned int offset = BlockOffset + EDID_DATA_BLOCK_START_POS;
unsigned int tag,blockLen,DTDOffset;
if (!EDIDValid() || (extension > gExtensions)) {
DPRINTF("EDID Data is not available\n");
return 0;
// check if there is HDMI VSDB
while (offset < BlockOffset + DTDOffset) {
// find the block tag and length
// tag
tag = gEdidData[offset] & EDID_TAG_CODE_MASK;
// block len
blockLen = (gEdidData[offset] & EDID_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE_MASK) + 1;
// check if it is HDMI VSDB
// if so, check identifier value, if it's hdmi vsbd - return offset
if (tag == EDID_VSDB_TAG_VAL &&
gEdidData[offset+1] == 0x03 &&
gEdidData[offset+2] == 0x0C &&
gEdidData[offset+3] == 0x0 &&
return offset;
// else find next block
offset += blockLen;
// return error
return 0;
* Check if Sink supports the HDMI mode.
* @return If Sink supports HDMI mode, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int CheckHDMIMode(void)
int i;
// read EDID
if (!EDIDRead())
return 0;
// find VSDB
for (i = 1; i <= gExtensions; i++)
if (GetVSDBOffset(i) > 0) // if there is a VSDB, it means RX support HDMI mode
return 1;
return 0;
* Check if EDID extension block is timing extension block or not.
* @param extension [in] The number of EDID extension block to check
* @return If the block is timing extension, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int IsTimingExtension(const int extension)
int ret = 0;
if (!EDIDValid() || (extension > gExtensions)) {
DPRINTF("EDID Data is not available\n");
return ret;
// check extension revsion number
// revision num == 3
ret = 1;
// revison num != 3 && DVI mode
else if (!CheckHDMIMode() &&
ret = 1;
return ret;
* Check if the video format is contained in - @n
* Detailed Timing Descriptor(DTD) of EDID extension block.
* @param extension [in] Number of EDID extension block to check
* @param videoFormat [in] Video format to check
* @return If the video format is contained in DTD of EDID extension block, -@n
* return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int IsContainVideoDTD(const int extension,const enum VideoFormat videoFormat)
int i, StartOffset, EndOffset;
if (!EDIDValid() || (extension > gExtensions)) {
DPRINTF("EDID Data is not available\n");
return 0;
// if edid block( 0th block )
if (extension == 0) {
EndOffset = StartOffset + EDID_DTD_TOTAL_LENGTH;
} else { // if edid extension block
EndOffset = (extension+1)*SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK;
// check DTD(Detailed Timing Description)
for (i = StartOffset; i < EndOffset; i+= EDID_DTD_BYTE_LENGTH) {
unsigned int hblank = 0, hactive = 0, vblank = 0, vactive = 0, interlaced = 0, pixelclock = 0;
unsigned int vHActive = 0, vVActive = 0, vVBlank = 0;
// get pixel clock
pixelclock = (gEdidData[i+EDID_DTD_PIXELCLOCK_POS2] << SIZEOFBYTE);
pixelclock |= gEdidData[i+EDID_DTD_PIXELCLOCK_POS1];
if (!pixelclock)
// get HBLANK value in pixels
hblank <<= SIZEOFBYTE; // lower 4 bits
hblank |= gEdidData[i+EDID_DTD_HBLANK_POS1];
// get HACTIVE value in pixels
hactive <<= (SIZEOFBYTE/2); // upper 4 bits
hactive |= gEdidData[i+EDID_DTD_HACTIVE_POS1];
// get VBLANK value in pixels
vblank <<= SIZEOFBYTE; // lower 4 bits
vblank |= gEdidData[i+EDID_DTD_VBLANK_POS1];
// get VACTIVE value in pixels
vactive <<= (SIZEOFBYTE/2); // upper 4 bits
vactive |= gEdidData[i+EDID_DTD_VACTIVE_POS1];
vHActive = aVideoParams[videoFormat].HTotal - aVideoParams[videoFormat].HBlank;
if (aVideoParams[videoFormat].interlaced == 1) {
if (aVideoParams[videoFormat].VIC == v1920x1080i_50Hz_1250) { // VTOP and VBOT are same
vVActive = (aVideoParams[videoFormat].VTotal - aVideoParams[videoFormat].VBlank*2)/2;
vVBlank = aVideoParams[videoFormat].VBlank;
} else {
vVActive = (aVideoParams[videoFormat].VTotal - aVideoParams[videoFormat].VBlank*2 - 1)/2;
vVBlank = aVideoParams[videoFormat].VBlank;
} else {
vVActive = aVideoParams[videoFormat].VTotal - aVideoParams[videoFormat].VBlank;
vVBlank = aVideoParams[videoFormat].VBlank;
// get Interlaced Mode Value
interlaced = (int)(gEdidData[i+EDID_DTD_INTERLACE_POS] & EDID_DTD_INTERLACE_MASK);
if (interlaced)
interlaced = 1;
DPRINTF("EDID: hblank = %d,vblank = %d, hactive = %d, vactive = %d\n"
DPRINTF("REQ: hblank = %d,vblank = %d, hactive = %d, vactive = %d\n"
if (hblank == aVideoParams[videoFormat].HBlank && vblank == vVBlank // blank
&& hactive == vHActive && vactive == vVActive) { //line
unsigned int EDIDpixelclock = aVideoParams[videoFormat].PixelClock;
EDIDpixelclock /= 100; pixelclock /= 100;
if (pixelclock == EDIDpixelclock) {
DPRINTF("Sink Support the Video mode\n");
return 1;
return 0;
* Check if a VIC(Video Identification Code) is contained in -@n
* EDID extension block.
* @param extension [in] Number of EDID extension block to check
* @param VIC [in] VIC to check
* @return If the VIC is contained in contained in EDID extension block, -@n
* return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int IsContainVIC(const int extension, const int VIC)
unsigned int StartAddr = extension*SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK;
unsigned int ExtAddr = StartAddr + EDID_DATA_BLOCK_START_POS;
unsigned int tag,blockLen;
unsigned int DTDStartAddr = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_DETAILED_TIMING_OFFSET_POS];
if (!EDIDValid() || (extension > gExtensions)) {
DPRINTF("EDID Data is not available\n");
return 0;
// while
while (ExtAddr < StartAddr + DTDStartAddr) {
// find the block tag and length
// tag
tag = gEdidData[ExtAddr] & EDID_TAG_CODE_MASK;
// block len
blockLen = (gEdidData[ExtAddr] & EDID_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE_MASK) + 1;
DPRINTF("tag = %d\n",tag);
DPRINTF("blockLen = %d\n",blockLen-1);
// check if it is short video description
// if so, check SVD
unsigned int i;
for (i = 1; i < blockLen; i++) {
DPRINTF("EDIDVIC = %d\n",gEdidData[ExtAddr+i] & EDID_SVD_VIC_MASK);
DPRINTF("VIC = %d\n",VIC);
// check VIC with SVDB
if (VIC == (gEdidData[ExtAddr+i] & EDID_SVD_VIC_MASK)) {
DPRINTF("Sink Device supports requested video mode\n");
return 1;
// else find next block
ExtAddr += blockLen;
return 0;
* Check if EDID contains the video format.
* @param videoFormat [in] Video format to check
* @param pixelRatio [in] Pixel aspect ratio of video format to check
* @return if EDID contains the video format, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int CheckResolution(const enum VideoFormat videoFormat,
const enum PixelAspectRatio pixelRatio)
int i, vic;
// read EDID
if (!EDIDRead())
return 0;
// check ET(Established Timings) for 640x480p@60Hz
if (videoFormat == v640x480p_60Hz // if it's 640x480p@60Hz
&& (gEdidData[EDID_ET_POS] & EDID_ET_640x480p_VAL)) // it support
return 1;
// check STI(Standard Timing Identification)
// do not need
// check DTD(Detailed Timing Description) of EDID block(0th)
if (IsContainVideoDTD(0,videoFormat))
return 1;
// check EDID Extension
vic = (pixelRatio == HDMI_PIXEL_RATIO_16_9) ?
aVideoParams[videoFormat].VIC16_9 : aVideoParams[videoFormat].VIC;
// find VSDB
for (i = 1; i <= gExtensions; i++) {
if (IsTimingExtension(i)) // if it's timing block
if (IsContainVIC(i, vic) || IsContainVideoDTD(i, videoFormat))
return 1;
return 0;
* Check if EDID supports the color depth.
* @param depth [in] Color depth
* @param space [in] Color space
* @return If EDID supports the color depth, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int CheckColorDepth(const enum ColorDepth depth,const enum ColorSpace space)
int i;
unsigned int StartAddr;
// if color depth == 24 bit, no need to check
if (depth == HDMI_CD_24)
return 1;
// check EDID data is valid or not
// read EDID
if (!EDIDRead())
return 0;
// find VSDB
for (i = 1; i <= gExtensions; i++) {
if (IsTimingExtension(i) // if it's timing block
&& ((StartAddr = GetVSDBOffset(i)) > 0)) { // check block
int blockLength = gEdidData[StartAddr] & EDID_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
if (blockLength >= EDID_DC_POS) {
// get supported DC value
int deepColor = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_DC_POS] & EDID_DC_MASK;
DPRINTF("EDID deepColor = %x\n",deepColor);
// check supported DeepColor
// if YCBCR444
if (space == HDMI_CS_YCBCR444) {
if ( !(deepColor & EDID_DC_YCBCR_VAL))
return 0;
// check colorDepth
switch (depth) {
case HDMI_CD_36:
deepColor &= EDID_DC_36_VAL;
case HDMI_CD_30:
deepColor &= EDID_DC_30_VAL;
default :
deepColor = 0;
if (deepColor)
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
* Check if EDID supports the color space.
* @param space [in] Color space
* @return If EDID supports the color space, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int CheckColorSpace(const enum ColorSpace space)
int i;
// RGB is default
if (space == HDMI_CS_RGB)
return 1;
// check EDID data is valid or not
// read EDID
if (!EDIDRead())
return 0;
// find VSDB
for (i = 1; i <= gExtensions; i++) {
if (IsTimingExtension(i)) { // if it's timing block
// read Color Space
if ((space == HDMI_CS_YCBCR444 && (CS & EDID_YCBCR444_CS_MASK)) || // YCBCR444
(space == HDMI_CS_YCBCR422 && (CS & EDID_YCBCR422_CS_MASK))) // YCBCR422
return 1;
return 0;
* Check if EDID supports the colorimetry.
* @param color [in] Colorimetry
* @return If EDID supports the colorimetry, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int CheckColorimetry(const enum HDMIColorimetry color)
int i;
// do not need to parse if not extended colorimetry
return 1;
// read EDID
if (!EDIDRead())
return 0;
// find VSDB
for (i = 1; i <= gExtensions; i++) {
if (IsTimingExtension(i)) { // if it's timing block
// check address
unsigned int tag,blockLen;
while (ExtAddr < EndAddr) {
// find the block tag and length
// tag
tag = gEdidData[ExtAddr] & EDID_TAG_CODE_MASK;
// block len
blockLen = (gEdidData[ExtAddr] & EDID_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE_MASK) + 1;
// check if it is colorimetry block
if (tag == EDID_EXTENDED_TAG_VAL && // extended tag
gEdidData[ExtAddr+1] == EDID_EXTENDED_COLORIMETRY_VAL && // colorimetry block
(blockLen-1) == EDID_EXTENDED_COLORIMETRY_BLOCK_LEN) { // check length
// get supported DC value
int colorimetry = (gEdidData[ExtAddr + 2]);
int metadata = (gEdidData[ExtAddr + 3]);
DPRINTF("EDID extened colorimetry = %x\n",colorimetry);
DPRINTF("EDID gamut metadata profile = %x\n",metadata);
// check colorDepth
switch (color) {
if (colorimetry & EDID_XVYCC601_MASK && metadata)
return 1;
if (colorimetry & EDID_XVYCC709_MASK && metadata)
return 1;
return 0;
// else find next block
ExtAddr += blockLen;
return 0;
* Get Max TMDS clock that HDMI Rx can receive.
* @return If available, return MaxTMDS clock; Otherwise, return 0.
static unsigned int GetMaxTMDS(void)
int i;
unsigned int StartAddr;
// find VSDB
for (i = 1; i <= gExtensions; i++) {
if (IsTimingExtension(i) // if it's timing block
&& ((StartAddr = GetVSDBOffset(i)) > 0)) { // check block
int blockLength = gEdidData[StartAddr] & EDID_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
if (blockLength >= EDID_MAX_TMDS_POS) {
// get supported DC value
return gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_MAX_TMDS_POS];
return 0;
* Save first 16 VIC of EDID
static void SaveVIC(void)
int extension;
int vic_count = 0;
for (extension = 1; extension <= gExtensions && vic_count < NUM_OF_VIC_FOR_3D; extension++) {
unsigned int StartAddr = extension*SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK;
unsigned int ExtAddr = StartAddr + EDID_DATA_BLOCK_START_POS;
unsigned int tag,blockLen;
unsigned int DTDStartAddr = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_DETAILED_TIMING_OFFSET_POS];
while (ExtAddr < StartAddr + DTDStartAddr) {
// find the block tag and length
// tag
tag = gEdidData[ExtAddr] & EDID_TAG_CODE_MASK;
// block len
blockLen = (gEdidData[ExtAddr] & EDID_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE_MASK) + 1;
// check if it is short video description
// if so, check SVD
unsigned int edid_index;
for (edid_index = 1; edid_index < blockLen && vic_count < NUM_OF_VIC_FOR_3D; edid_index++) {
DPRINTF("EDIDVIC = %d\r\n", gEdidData[ExtAddr+edid_index] & EDID_SVD_VIC_MASK);
// check VIC with SVDB
aVIC[vic_count++] = (gEdidData[ExtAddr+edid_index] & EDID_SVD_VIC_MASK);
// else find next block
ExtAddr += blockLen;
* Check if Rx supports requested 3D format.
* @param pVideo [in] HDMI Video Parameter
* @return If Rx supports requested 3D format, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
static int EDID3DFormatSupport(const struct HDMIVideoParameter * const pVideo)
int edid_index;
unsigned int StartAddr;
unsigned int vic;
vic = (pVideo->pixelAspectRatio == HDMI_PIXEL_RATIO_16_9) ?
aVideoParams[pVideo->resolution].VIC16_9 : aVideoParams[pVideo->resolution].VIC;
// if format == 2D, no need to check
if (pVideo->hdmi_3d_format == HDMI_2D_VIDEO_FORMAT)
return 1;
// check EDID data is valid or not
if (!EDIDRead())
return 0;
// save first 16 VIC to check
// find VSDB
for (edid_index = 1; edid_index <= gExtensions; edid_index++) {
if (IsTimingExtension(edid_index) // if it's timing block
&& ((StartAddr = GetVSDBOffset(edid_index)) > 0)) { // check block
unsigned int blockLength = gEdidData[StartAddr] & EDID_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
unsigned int VSDBHdmiVideoPre = 0;
unsigned int VSDB3DPresent = 0;
unsigned int VSDB3DMultiPresent = 0;
unsigned int HDMIVICLen;
unsigned int HDMI3DLen;
int Hdmi3DStructure = 0;
unsigned int Hdmi3DMask = 0xFFFF;
unsigned int latency_offset = 0;
DPRINTF("VSDB Block length[0x%x] = 0x%x\r\n",StartAddr,blockLength);
// get HDMI Video Present value
if (blockLength >= EDID_HDMI_EXT_POS) {
VSDBHdmiVideoPre = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_POS]
DPRINTF("EDID HDMI Video Present = 0x%x\n",VSDBHdmiVideoPre);
} else { // data related to 3D format is not available
return 0;
// check if latency field is available
latency_offset = (gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_POS]
if (latency_offset == 0)
latency_offset = 4;
else if (latency_offset == 3)
latency_offset = 0;
latency_offset = 2;
StartAddr -= latency_offset;
if (pVideo->hdmi_3d_format == HDMI_VIC_FORMAT) {
if (HDMIVICLen) {
for (edid_index = 0; edid_index < (int)HDMIVICLen; edid_index++) {
if (vic == gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS + edid_index])
return 1;
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
DPRINTF("HDMI 3D LENGTH[%x] = %x\r\n",
// check 3D_Present bit
if (blockLength >= (EDID_HDMI_3D_PRESENT_POS - latency_offset)) {
VSDB3DPresent = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_3D_PRESENT_POS]
VSDB3DMultiPresent = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_3D_PRESENT_POS]
if (VSDB3DPresent) {
DPRINTF("VSDB 3D Present!!!\r\n");
// check with 3D madatory format
if (CheckResolution(pVideo->resolution, pVideo->pixelAspectRatio)) {
int size = sizeof(edid_3d)/sizeof(struct edid_3d_mandatory);
for (edid_index = 0; edid_index < size; edid_index++) {
if (edid_3d[edid_index].resolution == pVideo->resolution &&
edid_3d[edid_index].hdmi_3d_format == pVideo->hdmi_3d_format )
return 1;
// check 3D_Multi_Present bit
if (VSDB3DMultiPresent) {
DPRINTF("VSDB 3D Multi Present!!! = 0x%02x\r\n",VSDB3DMultiPresent);
// 3D Structure only
// 3D Structure All
Hdmi3DStructure = (gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS + HDMIVICLen + 1] << 8);
Hdmi3DStructure |= gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS + HDMIVICLen + 2];
DPRINTF("VSDB 3D Structure!!! = [0x%02x]\r\n",Hdmi3DStructure);
// 3D Structure and Mask
// 3D Structure All
Hdmi3DStructure = (gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS + HDMIVICLen + 1] << 8);
Hdmi3DStructure |= gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS + HDMIVICLen + 2];
// 3D Structure Mask
Hdmi3DMask |= (gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS + HDMIVICLen + 3] << 8);
Hdmi3DMask |= gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS + HDMIVICLen + 4];
DPRINTF("VSDB 3D Structure!!! = [0x%02x]\r\n",Hdmi3DStructure);
DPRINTF("VSDB 3D Mask!!! = [0x%02x]\r\n",Hdmi3DMask);
DPRINTF("Current 3D Video format!!! = [%d]\r\n",pVideo->hdmi_3d_format);
DPRINTF("Current 3D Video format!!! = [0x%02x]\r\n",1<<pVideo->hdmi_3d_format);
// check 3D Structure and Mask
if (Hdmi3DStructure & (1<<pVideo->hdmi_3d_format)) {
DPRINTF("VSDB 3D Structure Contains Current Video Structure!!!\r\n");
// check first 16 EDID
for (edid_index = 0; edid_index < NUM_OF_VIC_FOR_3D; edid_index++) {
DPRINTF("VIC = %d, EDID Vic = %d!!!\r\n",vic,aVIC[edid_index]);
if (Hdmi3DMask & (1<<edid_index)) {
if (vic == aVIC[edid_index]) {
DPRINTF("VSDB 3D Mask Contains Current Video format!!!\r\n");
return 1;
// check block length if HDMI_VIC or HDMI Multi available
if (blockLength >= (EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS - latency_offset)) {
unsigned int HDMI3DExtLen = HDMI3DLen - (VSDB3DMultiPresent>>EDID_HDMI_3D_MULTI_PRESENT_BIT)*2;
unsigned int VICOrder;
// check if there is 3D extra data ?
//TODO: check 3D_Detail in case of SSH
if (HDMI3DExtLen) {
// check HDMI 3D Extra Data
for (edid_index = 0; edid_index < (int)(HDMI3DExtLen / 2); edid_index++) {
VICOrder = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS + HDMIVICLen +
(VSDB3DMultiPresent>>EDID_HDMI_3D_MULTI_PRESENT_BIT) * 2 + edid_index * 2]
VICOrder = (1<<VICOrder);
Hdmi3DStructure = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_HDMI_EXT_LENGTH_POS + HDMIVICLen +
(VSDB3DMultiPresent>>EDID_HDMI_3D_MULTI_PRESENT_BIT) * 2 + edid_index * 2]
Hdmi3DStructure = (1<<Hdmi3DStructure);
if (Hdmi3DStructure == pVideo->hdmi_3d_format && vic == aVIC[VICOrder])
return 1;
return 0;
* Initialize EDID library. This will intialize DDC library.
* @return If success, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
int EDIDOpen(void)
// init DDC
return DDCOpen();
* Finalize EDID library. This will finalize DDC library.
* @return If success, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
int EDIDClose(void)
// reset EDID
// close EDDC
return DDCClose();
* Read EDID data of Rx.
* @return If success, return 1; Otherwise, return 0;
int EDIDRead(void)
int block,dataPtr;
unsigned char temp[SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK];
// if already read??
if (EDIDValid())
return 1;
// read EDID Extension Number
// read EDID
if (!ReadEDIDBlock(0,temp))
return 0;
// get extension
gExtensions = temp[EDID_EXTENSION_NUMBER_POS];
// prepare buffer
gEdidData = (unsigned char*)malloc((gExtensions+1)*SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK);
if (!gEdidData)
return 0;
// copy EDID Block 0
// read EDID Extension
for (block = 1,dataPtr = SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK; block <= gExtensions; block++,dataPtr+=SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK) {
// read extension 1~gExtensions
if (!ReadEDIDBlock(block, gEdidData+dataPtr)) {
// reset buffer
return 0;
// check if extension is more than 1, and first extension block is not block map.
if (gExtensions > 1 && gEdidData[SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK] != EDID_BLOCK_MAP_EXT_TAG_VAL) {
// reset buffer
DPRINTF("EDID has more than 1 extension but, first extension block is not block map\n");
return 0;
return 1;
* Reset stored EDID data.
void EDIDReset(void)
if (gEdidData) {
gEdidData = NULL;
DPRINTF("\t\t\t\tEDID is reset!!!\n");
* Get CEC physical address.
* @param outAddr [out] CEC physical address. LSB 2 bytes is available. [0:0:AB:CD]
* @return If success, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
int EDIDGetCECPhysicalAddress(int* const outAddr)
int i;
unsigned int StartAddr;
// check EDID data is valid or not
// read EDID
if (!EDIDRead())
return 0;
// find VSDB
for (i = 1; i <= gExtensions; i++) {
if (IsTimingExtension(i) // if it's timing block
&& (StartAddr = GetVSDBOffset(i)) > 0) { // check block
// get supported DC value
// int tempDC1 = (int)(gEdidData[tempAddr+EDID_DC_POS]);
int phyAddr = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_CEC_PHYICAL_ADDR] << 8;
phyAddr |= gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_CEC_PHYICAL_ADDR+1];
DPRINTF("phyAddr = %x\n",phyAddr);
*outAddr = phyAddr;
return 1;
return 0;
* Check if Rx supports HDMI/DVI mode or not.
* @param video [in] HDMI or DVI mode to check
* @return If Rx supports requested mode, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
int EDIDHDMIModeSupport(struct HDMIVideoParameter * const video)
// check if read edid?
if (!EDIDRead()) {
DPRINTF("EDID Read Fail!!!\n");
return 0;
// check hdmi mode
if (video->mode == HDMI) {
if (!CheckHDMIMode()) {
DPRINTF("HDMI mode Not Supported\n");
return 0;
return 1;
* Check if Rx supports requested video resoultion or not.
* @param video [in] Video parameters to check
* @return If Rx supports video parameters, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
int EDIDVideoResolutionSupport(struct HDMIVideoParameter * const video)
unsigned int TMDSClock;
unsigned int MaxTMDS = 0;
// check if read edid?
if (!EDIDRead()) {
DPRINTF("EDID Read Fail!!!\n");
return 0;
// get max tmds
MaxTMDS = GetMaxTMDS()*5;
// Check MAX TMDS
TMDSClock = aVideoParams[video->resolution].PixelClock/100;
if (video->colorDepth == HDMI_CD_36)
TMDSClock *= 1.5;
else if (video->colorDepth == HDMI_CD_30)
TMDSClock *=1.25;
DPRINTF("MAX TMDS = %d, Current TMDS = %d\n",MaxTMDS, TMDSClock);
if (MaxTMDS != 0 && MaxTMDS < TMDSClock) {
DPRINTF("Pixel clock is beyond Maximun TMDS in EDID\n");
return 0;
// check resolution
if (!CheckResolution(video->resolution,video->pixelAspectRatio)) {
DPRINTF("Video Resolution Not Supported\n");
return 0;
// check 3D format
if (!EDID3DFormatSupport(video)) {
DPRINTF("3D Format Not Supported\n");
return 0;
return 1;
* Check if Rx supports requested color depth or not.
* @param video [in] Video parameters to check
* @return If Rx supports video parameters, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
int EDIDColorDepthSupport(struct HDMIVideoParameter * const video)
// check if read edid?
if (!EDIDRead()) {
DPRINTF("EDID Read Fail!!!\n");
return 0;
// check resolution
if (!CheckColorDepth(video->colorDepth,video->colorSpace)) {
DPRINTF("Color Depth Not Supported\n");
return 0;
return 1;
* Check if Rx supports requested color space or not.
* @param video [in] Video parameters to check
* @return If Rx supports video parameters, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
int EDIDColorSpaceSupport(struct HDMIVideoParameter * const video)
// check if read edid?
if (!EDIDRead()) {
DPRINTF("EDID Read Fail!!!\n");
return 0;
// check color space
if (!CheckColorSpace(video->colorSpace)) {
DPRINTF("Color Space Not Supported\n");
return 0;
return 1;
* Check if Rx supports requested colorimetry or not.
* @param video [in] Video parameters to check
* @return If Rx supports video parameters, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
int EDIDColorimetrySupport(struct HDMIVideoParameter * const video)
// check if read edid?
if (!EDIDRead()) {
DPRINTF("EDID Read Fail!!!\n");
return 0;
// check colorimetry
if (!CheckColorimetry(video->colorimetry)) {
DPRINTF("Colorimetry Not Supported\n");
return 0;
return 1;
* Check if Rx supports requested audio parameters or not.
* @param audio [in] Audio parameters to check
* @return If Rx supports audio parameters, return 1; Otherwise, return 0.
int EDIDAudioModeSupport(struct HDMIAudioParameter * const audio)
int i;
// read EDID
if (!EDIDRead()) {
DPRINTF("EDID Read Fail!!!\n");
return 0;
// check EDID Extension
// find timing block
for (i = 1; i <= gExtensions; i++) {
if (IsTimingExtension(i)) { // if it's timing block
// find Short Audio Description
unsigned int StartAddr = i*SIZEOFEDIDBLOCK;
unsigned int ExtAddr = StartAddr + EDID_DATA_BLOCK_START_POS;
unsigned int tag,blockLen;
unsigned int DTDStartAddr = gEdidData[StartAddr + EDID_DETAILED_TIMING_OFFSET_POS];
while (ExtAddr < StartAddr + DTDStartAddr) {
// find the block tag and length
// tag
tag = gEdidData[ExtAddr] & EDID_TAG_CODE_MASK;
// block len
blockLen = (gEdidData[ExtAddr] & EDID_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE_MASK) + 1;
DPRINTF("tag = %d\n",tag);
DPRINTF("blockLen = %d\n",blockLen-1);
// check if it is short video description
// if so, check SAD
unsigned int j, channelNum;
int audioFormat,sampleFreq,wordLen;
for (j = 1; j < blockLen; j += 3) {
audioFormat = gEdidData[ExtAddr+j] & EDID_SAD_CODE_MASK;
channelNum = gEdidData[ExtAddr+j] & EDID_SAD_CHANNEL_MASK;
sampleFreq = gEdidData[ExtAddr+j+1];
wordLen = gEdidData[ExtAddr+j+2];
DPRINTF("request = %d, EDIDAudioFormatCode = %d\n",(audio->formatCode)<<3, audioFormat);
DPRINTF("request = %d, EDIDChannelNumber= %d\n",(audio->channelNum)-1, channelNum);
DPRINTF("request = %d, EDIDSampleFreq= %d\n",1<<(audio->sampleFreq), sampleFreq);
DPRINTF("request = %d, EDIDWordLeng= %d\n",1<<(audio->wordLength), wordLen);
// check parameter
// check audioFormat
if (audioFormat & ( (audio->formatCode) << 3) && // format code
channelNum >= ( (audio->channelNum) -1) && // channel number
(sampleFreq & (1<<(audio->sampleFreq)))) { // sample frequency
if (audioFormat == LPCM_FORMAT) { // check wordLen
int ret = 0;
switch (audio->wordLength) {
case WORD_16:
case WORD_17:
case WORD_18:
case WORD_19:
case WORD_20:
ret = wordLen & (1<<1);
case WORD_21:
case WORD_22:
case WORD_23:
case WORD_24:
ret = wordLen & (1<<2);
return ret;
return 1; // if not LPCM
// else find next block
ExtAddr += blockLen;
return 0;