/* ** ** Copyright 2009 Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd. ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. ** ** */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "SKIA" #include <utils/Log.h> #include "FimgApi.h" struct blit_op_table optbl[] = { { (int)BLIT_OP_SOLID_FILL, "FILL" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CLR, "CLR" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_SRC, "SRC" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DST, "DST" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_SRC_OVER, "SRC_OVER" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DST_OVER, "DST_OVER" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_SRC_IN, "SRC_IN" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DST_IN, "DST_IN" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_SRC_OUT, "SRC_OUT" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DST_OUT, "DST_OUT" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_SRC_ATOP, "SRC_ATOP" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DST_ATOP, "DST_ATOP" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_XOR, "XOR" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_ADD, "ADD" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_MULTIPLY, "MULTIPLY" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_SCREEN, "SCREEN" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DARKEN, "DARKEN" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_LIGHTEN, "LIGHTEN" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DISJ_SRC_OVER, "DISJ_SRC_OVER" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DISJ_DST_OVER, "DISJ_DST_OVER" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DISJ_SRC_IN, "DISJ_SRC_IN" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DISJ_DST_IN, "DISJ_DST_IN" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DISJ_SRC_OUT, "DISJ_SRC_OUT" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DISJ_DST_OUT, "DISJ_DST_OUT" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DISJ_SRC_ATOP, "DISJ_SRC_ATOP" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DISJ_DST_ATOP, "DISJ_DST_ATOP" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_DISJ_XOR, "DISJ_XOR" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CONJ_SRC_OVER, "CONJ_SRC_OVER" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CONJ_DST_OVER, "CONJ_DST_OVER" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CONJ_SRC_IN, "CONJ_SRC_IN" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CONJ_DST_IN, "CONJ_DST_IN" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CONJ_SRC_OUT, "CONJ_SRC_OUT" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CONJ_DST_OUT, "CONJ_DST_OUT" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CONJ_SRC_ATOP, "CONJ_SRC_ATOP" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CONJ_DST_ATOP, "CONJ_DST_ATOP" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_CONJ_XOR, "CONJ_XOR" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_USER_COEFF, "USER_COEFF" }, { (int)BLIT_OP_END, "" }, }; #ifndef REAL_DEBUG void VOID_FUNC(const char *format, ...) {} #endif FimgApi::FimgApi() { m_flagCreate = false; } FimgApi::~FimgApi() { if (m_flagCreate == true) PRINT("%s::this is not Destroyed fail\n", __func__); } bool FimgApi::Create(void) { bool ret = false; if (t_Lock() == false) { PRINT("%s::t_Lock() fail\n", __func__); goto CREATE_DONE; } if (m_flagCreate == true) { PRINT("%s::Already Created fail\n", __func__); goto CREATE_DONE; } if (t_Create() == false) { PRINT("%s::t_Create() fail\n", __func__); goto CREATE_DONE; } m_flagCreate = true; ret = true; CREATE_DONE : t_UnLock(); return ret; } bool FimgApi::Destroy(void) { bool ret = false; if (t_Lock() == false) { PRINT("%s::t_Lock() fail\n", __func__); goto DESTROY_DONE; } if (m_flagCreate == false) { PRINT("%s::Already Destroyed fail\n", __func__); goto DESTROY_DONE; } if (t_Destroy() == false) { PRINT("%s::t_Destroy() fail\n", __func__); goto DESTROY_DONE; } m_flagCreate = false; ret = true; DESTROY_DONE : t_UnLock(); return ret; } bool FimgApi::Stretch(struct fimg2d_blit *cmd) { bool ret = false; if (t_Lock() == false) { PRINT("%s::t_Lock() fail\n", __func__); goto STRETCH_DONE; } if (m_flagCreate == false) { PRINT("%s::This is not Created fail\n", __func__); goto STRETCH_DONE; } if (t_Stretch(cmd) == false) { goto STRETCH_DONE; } ret = true; STRETCH_DONE : t_UnLock(); return ret; } bool FimgApi::Sync(void) { bool ret = false; if (m_flagCreate == false) { PRINT("%s::This is not Created fail\n", __func__); goto SYNC_DONE; } if (t_Sync() == false) goto SYNC_DONE; ret = true; SYNC_DONE : return ret; } bool FimgApi::t_Create(void) { PRINT("%s::This is empty virtual function fail\n", __func__); return false; } bool FimgApi::t_Destroy(void) { PRINT("%s::This is empty virtual function fail\n", __func__); return false; } bool FimgApi::t_Stretch(struct fimg2d_blit *cmd) { PRINT("%s::This is empty virtual function fail\n", __func__); return false; } bool FimgApi::t_Sync(void) { PRINT("%s::This is empty virtual function fail\n", __func__); return false; } bool FimgApi::t_Lock(void) { PRINT("%s::This is empty virtual function fail\n", __func__); return false; } bool FimgApi::t_UnLock(void) { PRINT("%s::This is empty virtual function fail\n", __func__); return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // extern function //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// extern "C" int stretchFimgApi(struct fimg2d_blit *cmd) { FimgApi * fimgApi = createFimgApi(); if (fimgApi == NULL) { PRINT("%s::createFimgApi() fail\n", __func__); return -1; } if (fimgApi->Stretch(cmd) == false) { if (fimgApi != NULL) destroyFimgApi(fimgApi); return -1; } if (fimgApi != NULL) destroyFimgApi(fimgApi); return 0; } extern "C" int SyncFimgApi(void) { FimgApi * fimgApi = createFimgApi(); if (fimgApi == NULL) { PRINT("%s::createFimgApi() fail\n", __func__); return -1; } if (fimgApi->Sync() == false) { if (fimgApi != NULL) destroyFimgApi(fimgApi); return -1; } if (fimgApi != NULL) destroyFimgApi(fimgApi); return 0; } void printDataBlit(char *title, struct fimg2d_blit *cmd) { ALOGI("%s\n", title); ALOGI(" sequence_no. = %u\n", cmd->seq_no); ALOGI(" blit_op = %d(%s)\n", cmd->op, optbl[cmd->op].str); ALOGI(" fill_color = %X\n", cmd->solid_color); ALOGI(" global_alpha = %u\n", (unsigned int)cmd->g_alpha); ALOGI(" PREMULT = %s\n", cmd->premult == PREMULTIPLIED ? "PREMULTIPLIED" : "NON-PREMULTIPLIED"); ALOGI(" do_dither = %s\n", cmd->dither == true ? "dither" : "no-dither"); printDataBlitRotate(cmd->rotate); printDataBlitScale(cmd->scaling); printDataBlitImage("SRC", cmd->src); printDataBlitImage("DST", cmd->dst); printDataBlitImage("MSK", cmd->msk); printDataBlitRect("SRC", cmd->src_rect); printDataBlitRect("DST", cmd->dst_rect); printDataBlitRect("MSK", cmd->msk_rect); printDataBlitClip(cmd->clipping); } void printDataBlitImage(char *title, struct fimg2d_image *image) { if (NULL != image) { ALOGI(" Image_%s\n", title); ALOGI(" addr = %X\n", image->addr.start); ALOGI(" size = %u\n", image->addr.size); ALOGI(" (width, height) = (%d, %d)\n", image->width, image->height); ALOGI(" format = %d\n", image->fmt); } else ALOGI(" Image_%s : NULL\n", title); } void printDataBlitRect(char *title, struct fimg2d_rect *rect) { if (NULL != rect) { ALOGI(" RECT_%s\n", title); ALOGI(" (x1, y1) = (%d, %d)\n", rect->x1, rect->y1); ALOGI(" (x2, y2) = (%d, %d)\n", rect->x2, rect->y2); ALOGI(" (width, height) = (%d, %d)\n", rect->x2 - rect->x1, rect->y2 - rect->y1); } else ALOGI(" RECT_%s : NULL\n", title); } void printDataBlitRotate(enum rotation rotate) { ALOGI(" ROTATE : %d\n", rotate); } void printDataBlitClip(struct fimg2d_clip *clip) { if (NULL != clip) { ALOGI(" CLIP\n"); ALOGI(" clip %s\n", clip->enable == true ? "enabled" : "disabled"); ALOGI(" (x1, y1) = (%d, %d)\n", clip->x1, clip->y1); ALOGI(" (x2, y2) = (%d, %d)\n", clip->x2, clip->y2); ALOGI(" (width, hight) = (%d, %d)\n", clip->x2 - clip->x1, clip->y2 - clip->y1); } else ALOGI(" CLIP : NULL\n"); } void printDataBlitScale(struct fimg2d_scale *scaling) { if (NULL != scaling) { ALOGI(" SCALING\n"); ALOGI(" scale_mode : %s\n", scaling->mode == 0 ? "NO_SCALING" : (scaling->mode == 1 ? "SCALING_NEAREST" : "SCALING_BILINEAR")); ALOGI(" scaling_factor_unit : %s\n", scaling->factor == 0 ? "PERCENT" : "PIXEL"); if (scaling->factor == 0) ALOGI(" scaling_factor : (scale_w, scale_y) = (%d, %d)\n", scaling->scale_w, scaling->scale_h); else { ALOGI(" src : (src_w, src_h) = (%d, %d)\n", scaling->src_w, scaling->src_h); ALOGI(" dst : (dst_w, dst_h) = (%d, %d)\n", scaling->dst_w, scaling->dst_h); ALOGI(" scaling_factor : (scale_w, scale_y) = (%3.2f, %3.2f)\n", (double)scaling->dst_w / scaling->src_w, (double)scaling->dst_h / scaling->src_h); } } else ALOGI(" SCALING : NULL(NO SCALE MODE)\n"); } void printDataMatrix(int matrixType) { ALOGI(" MATRIX\n"); if (matrixType & SkMatrix::kIdentity_Mask) ALOGI(" Matrix_type : Identity_Mask\n"); if (matrixType & SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask) ALOGI(" Matrix_type : Translate_Mask(the matrix has translation)\n"); if (matrixType & SkMatrix::kScale_Mask) ALOGI(" Matrix_type : Scale_Mask(the matrix has X or Y scale)\n"); if (matrixType & SkMatrix::kAffine_Mask) ALOGI(" Matrix_type : Affine_Mask(the matrix skews or rotates)\n"); if (matrixType & SkMatrix::kPerspective_Mask) ALOGI(" Matrix_type : Perspective_Mask(the matrix is in perspective)\n"); }