/* * * Copyright 2010 Samsung Electronics S.LSI Co. LTD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * @file SEC_OMX_Basecomponent.c * @brief * @author SeungBeom Kim (sbcrux.kim@samsung.com) * Yunji Kim (yunji.kim@samsung.com) * @version 1.1.0 * @history * 2010.7.15 : Create */ #include #include #include #include #include "SEC_OSAL_Event.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_Thread.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_ETC.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_Semaphore.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_Mutex.h" #include "SEC_OMX_Baseport.h" #include "SEC_OMX_Basecomponent.h" #include "SEC_OMX_Resourcemanager.h" #include "SEC_OMX_Macros.h" #undef SEC_LOG_TAG #define SEC_LOG_TAG "SEC_BASE_COMP" #define SEC_LOG_OFF #include "SEC_OSAL_Log.h" /* Change CHECK_SIZE_VERSION Macro */ OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(OMX_PTR header, OMX_U32 size) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_VERSIONTYPE* version = NULL; if (header == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } version = (OMX_VERSIONTYPE*)((char*)header + sizeof(OMX_U32)); if (*((OMX_U32*)header) != size) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } if (version->s.nVersionMajor != VERSIONMAJOR_NUMBER || version->s.nVersionMinor != VERSIONMINOR_NUMBER) { ret = OMX_ErrorVersionMismatch; goto EXIT; } ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_GetComponentVersion( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_OUT OMX_STRING pComponentName, OMX_OUT OMX_VERSIONTYPE *pComponentVersion, OMX_OUT OMX_VERSIONTYPE *pSpecVersion, OMX_OUT OMX_UUIDTYPE *pComponentUUID) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; OMX_U32 compUUID[3]; FunctionIn(); /* check parameters */ if (hComponent == NULL || pComponentName == NULL || pComponentVersion == NULL || pSpecVersion == NULL || pComponentUUID == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; if (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; goto EXIT; } SEC_OSAL_Strcpy(pComponentName, pSECComponent->componentName); SEC_OSAL_Memcpy(pComponentVersion, &(pSECComponent->componentVersion), sizeof(OMX_VERSIONTYPE)); SEC_OSAL_Memcpy(pSpecVersion, &(pSECComponent->specVersion), sizeof(OMX_VERSIONTYPE)); /* Fill UUID with handle address, PID and UID. * This should guarantee uiniqness */ compUUID[0] = (OMX_U32)pOMXComponent; compUUID[1] = getpid(); compUUID[2] = getuid(); SEC_OSAL_Memcpy(*pComponentUUID, compUUID, 3 * sizeof(*compUUID)); ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_GetState ( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_OUT OMX_STATETYPE *pState) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL || pState == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; *pState = pSECComponent->currentState; ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } static OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_BufferProcessThread(OMX_PTR threadData) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_MESSAGE *message = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (threadData == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)threadData; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; pSECComponent->sec_BufferProcess(pOMXComponent); SEC_OSAL_ThreadExit(NULL); EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_ComponentStateSet(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent, OMX_U32 messageParam) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; SEC_OMX_MESSAGE *message; OMX_STATETYPE destState = messageParam; OMX_STATETYPE currentState = pSECComponent->currentState; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; OMX_S32 countValue = 0; unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; int k = 0; FunctionIn(); /* check parameters */ if (currentState == destState) { ret = OMX_ErrorSameState; goto EXIT; } if (currentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; goto EXIT; } if ((currentState == OMX_StateLoaded) && (destState == OMX_StateIdle)) { ret = SEC_OMX_Get_Resource(pOMXComponent); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } } if (((currentState == OMX_StateIdle) && (destState == OMX_StateLoaded)) || ((currentState == OMX_StateIdle) && (destState == OMX_StateInvalid)) || ((currentState == OMX_StateExecuting) && (destState == OMX_StateInvalid)) || ((currentState == OMX_StatePause) && (destState == OMX_StateInvalid))) { SEC_OMX_Release_Resource(pOMXComponent); } SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "destState: %d", destState); switch (destState) { case OMX_StateInvalid: switch (currentState) { case OMX_StateWaitForResources: SEC_OMX_Out_WaitForResource(pOMXComponent); case OMX_StateIdle: case OMX_StateExecuting: case OMX_StatePause: case OMX_StateLoaded: pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StateInvalid; if (pSECComponent->hBufferProcess) { pSECComponent->bExitBufferProcessThread = OMX_TRUE; for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { SEC_OSAL_Get_SemaphoreCount(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID, &countValue); if (countValue == 0) SEC_OSAL_SemaphorePost(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID); } SEC_OSAL_SignalSet(pSECComponent->pauseEvent); SEC_OSAL_ThreadTerminate(pSECComponent->hBufferProcess); pSECComponent->hBufferProcess = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { SEC_OSAL_MutexTerminate(pSECComponent->secDataBuffer[i].bufferMutex); pSECComponent->secDataBuffer[i].bufferMutex = NULL; } SEC_OSAL_SignalTerminate(pSECComponent->pauseEvent); for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { SEC_OSAL_SemaphoreTerminate(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID); pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID = NULL; } } if (pSECComponent->sec_mfc_componentTerminate != NULL) pSECComponent->sec_mfc_componentTerminate(pOMXComponent); ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; break; default: ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; break; } break; case OMX_StateLoaded: switch (currentState) { case OMX_StateIdle: pSECComponent->bExitBufferProcessThread = OMX_TRUE; for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { SEC_OSAL_Get_SemaphoreCount(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID, &countValue); if (countValue == 0) SEC_OSAL_SemaphorePost(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID); } SEC_OSAL_SignalSet(pSECComponent->pauseEvent); SEC_OSAL_ThreadTerminate(pSECComponent->hBufferProcess); pSECComponent->hBufferProcess = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { SEC_OSAL_MutexTerminate(pSECComponent->secDataBuffer[i].bufferMutex); pSECComponent->secDataBuffer[i].bufferMutex = NULL; } SEC_OSAL_SignalTerminate(pSECComponent->pauseEvent); for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { SEC_OSAL_SemaphoreTerminate(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID); pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID = NULL; } pSECComponent->sec_mfc_componentTerminate(pOMXComponent); for (i = 0; i < (pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts); i++) { pSECPort = (pSECComponent->pSECPort + i); if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED(pSECPort) && CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort)) { while (SEC_OSAL_GetElemNum(&pSECPort->bufferQ) > 0) { message = (SEC_OMX_MESSAGE*)SEC_OSAL_Dequeue(&pSECPort->bufferQ); if (message != NULL) SEC_OSAL_Free(message); } ret = pSECComponent->sec_FreeTunnelBuffer(pSECPort, i); if (OMX_ErrorNone != ret) { goto EXIT; } } else { if (CHECK_PORT_ENABLED(pSECPort)) { SEC_OSAL_SemaphoreWait(pSECPort->unloadedResource); pSECPort->portDefinition.bPopulated = OMX_FALSE; } } } pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StateLoaded; break; case OMX_StateWaitForResources: ret = SEC_OMX_Out_WaitForResource(pOMXComponent); pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StateLoaded; break; case OMX_StateExecuting: case OMX_StatePause: default: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; } break; case OMX_StateIdle: switch (currentState) { case OMX_StateLoaded: for (i = 0; i < pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts; i++) { pSECPort = (pSECComponent->pSECPort + i); if (pSECPort == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED(pSECPort) && CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort)) { if (CHECK_PORT_ENABLED(pSECPort)) { ret = pSECComponent->sec_AllocateTunnelBuffer(pSECPort, i); if (ret!=OMX_ErrorNone) goto EXIT; } } else { if (CHECK_PORT_ENABLED(pSECPort)) { SEC_OSAL_SemaphoreWait(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].loadedResource); pSECPort->portDefinition.bPopulated = OMX_TRUE; } } } ret = pSECComponent->sec_mfc_componentInit(pOMXComponent); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { /* * if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED == OMX_TRUE) thenTunnel Buffer Free */ goto EXIT; } pSECComponent->bExitBufferProcessThread = OMX_FALSE; SEC_OSAL_SignalCreate(&pSECComponent->pauseEvent); for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { ret = SEC_OSAL_SemaphoreCreate(&pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } } for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { ret = SEC_OSAL_MutexCreate(&pSECComponent->secDataBuffer[i].bufferMutex); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } } ret = SEC_OSAL_ThreadCreate(&pSECComponent->hBufferProcess, SEC_OMX_BufferProcessThread, pOMXComponent); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { /* * if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED == OMX_TRUE) thenTunnel Buffer Free */ SEC_OSAL_SignalTerminate(pSECComponent->pauseEvent); for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { SEC_OSAL_MutexTerminate(pSECComponent->secDataBuffer[i].bufferMutex); pSECComponent->secDataBuffer[i].bufferMutex = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < ALL_PORT_NUM; i++) { SEC_OSAL_SemaphoreTerminate(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID); pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID = NULL; } ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StateIdle; break; case OMX_StateExecuting: case OMX_StatePause: SEC_OMX_BufferFlushProcessNoEvent(pOMXComponent, ALL_PORT_INDEX); pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StateIdle; break; case OMX_StateWaitForResources: pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StateIdle; break; default: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; } break; case OMX_StateExecuting: switch (currentState) { case OMX_StateLoaded: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; case OMX_StateIdle: for (i = 0; i < pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts; i++) { pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[i]; if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED(pSECPort) && CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort) && CHECK_PORT_ENABLED(pSECPort)) { for (j = 0; j < pSECPort->tunnelBufferNum; j++) { SEC_OSAL_SemaphorePost(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID); } } } pSECComponent->transientState = SEC_OMX_TransStateMax; pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StateExecuting; SEC_OSAL_SignalSet(pSECComponent->pauseEvent); break; case OMX_StatePause: for (i = 0; i < pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts; i++) { pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[i]; if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED(pSECPort) && CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort) && CHECK_PORT_ENABLED(pSECPort)) { OMX_S32 semaValue = 0, cnt = 0; SEC_OSAL_Get_SemaphoreCount(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID, &semaValue); if (SEC_OSAL_GetElemNum(&pSECPort->bufferQ) > semaValue) { cnt = SEC_OSAL_GetElemNum(&pSECPort->bufferQ) - semaValue; for (k = 0; k < cnt; k++) { SEC_OSAL_SemaphorePost(pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].bufferSemID); } } } } pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StateExecuting; SEC_OSAL_SignalSet(pSECComponent->pauseEvent); break; case OMX_StateWaitForResources: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; default: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; } break; case OMX_StatePause: switch (currentState) { case OMX_StateLoaded: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; case OMX_StateIdle: pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StatePause; break; case OMX_StateExecuting: pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StatePause; break; case OMX_StateWaitForResources: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; default: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; } break; case OMX_StateWaitForResources: switch (currentState) { case OMX_StateLoaded: ret = SEC_OMX_In_WaitForResource(pOMXComponent); pSECComponent->currentState = OMX_StateWaitForResources; break; case OMX_StateIdle: case OMX_StateExecuting: case OMX_StatePause: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; default: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; } break; default: ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition; break; } EXIT: if (ret == OMX_ErrorNone) { if (pSECComponent->pCallbacks != NULL) { pSECComponent->pCallbacks->EventHandler((OMX_HANDLETYPE)pOMXComponent, pSECComponent->callbackData, OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandStateSet, destState, NULL); } } else { if (pSECComponent->pCallbacks != NULL) { pSECComponent->pCallbacks->EventHandler((OMX_HANDLETYPE)pOMXComponent, pSECComponent->callbackData, OMX_EventError, ret, 0, NULL); } } FunctionOut(); return ret; } static OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_MessageHandlerThread(OMX_PTR threadData) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_MESSAGE *message = NULL; OMX_U32 messageType = 0, portIndex = 0; FunctionIn(); if (threadData == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)threadData; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; while (pSECComponent->bExitMessageHandlerThread == OMX_FALSE) { SEC_OSAL_SemaphoreWait(pSECComponent->msgSemaphoreHandle); message = (SEC_OMX_MESSAGE *)SEC_OSAL_Dequeue(&pSECComponent->messageQ); if (message != NULL) { messageType = message->messageType; switch (messageType) { case OMX_CommandStateSet: ret = SEC_OMX_ComponentStateSet(pOMXComponent, message->messageParam); break; case OMX_CommandFlush: ret = SEC_OMX_BufferFlushProcess(pOMXComponent, message->messageParam); break; case OMX_CommandPortDisable: ret = SEC_OMX_PortDisableProcess(pOMXComponent, message->messageParam); break; case OMX_CommandPortEnable: ret = SEC_OMX_PortEnableProcess(pOMXComponent, message->messageParam); break; case OMX_CommandMarkBuffer: portIndex = message->messageParam; pSECComponent->pSECPort[portIndex].markType.hMarkTargetComponent = ((OMX_MARKTYPE *)message->pCmdData)->hMarkTargetComponent; pSECComponent->pSECPort[portIndex].markType.pMarkData = ((OMX_MARKTYPE *)message->pCmdData)->pMarkData; break; case (OMX_COMMANDTYPE)SEC_OMX_CommandComponentDeInit: pSECComponent->bExitMessageHandlerThread = OMX_TRUE; break; default: break; } SEC_OSAL_Free(message); message = NULL; } } SEC_OSAL_ThreadExit(NULL); EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } static OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_StateSet(SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent, OMX_U32 nParam) { OMX_U32 destState = nParam; OMX_U32 i = 0; if ((destState == OMX_StateIdle) && (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateLoaded)) { pSECComponent->transientState = SEC_OMX_TransStateLoadedToIdle; for(i = 0; i < pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts; i++) { pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].portState = OMX_StateIdle; } SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "to OMX_StateIdle"); } else if ((destState == OMX_StateLoaded) && (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateIdle)) { pSECComponent->transientState = SEC_OMX_TransStateIdleToLoaded; for (i = 0; i < pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts; i++) { pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].portState = OMX_StateLoaded; } SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "to OMX_StateLoaded"); } else if ((destState == OMX_StateIdle) && (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateExecuting)) { pSECComponent->transientState = SEC_OMX_TransStateExecutingToIdle; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "to OMX_StateIdle"); } else if ((destState == OMX_StateExecuting) && (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateIdle)) { pSECComponent->transientState = SEC_OMX_TransStateIdleToExecuting; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "to OMX_StateExecuting"); } else if (destState == OMX_StateInvalid) { for (i = 0; i < pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts; i++) { pSECComponent->pSECPort[i].portState = OMX_StateInvalid; } } return OMX_ErrorNone; } static OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_SetPortFlush(SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent, OMX_U32 nParam) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; OMX_S32 portIndex = nParam; OMX_U16 i = 0, cnt = 0, index = 0; if ((pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateExecuting) || (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StatePause)) { if ((portIndex != ALL_PORT_INDEX) && ((OMX_S32)portIndex >= (OMX_S32)pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts)) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } /********************* * need flush event set ????? **********************/ cnt = (portIndex == ALL_PORT_INDEX ) ? ALL_PORT_NUM : 1; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (portIndex == ALL_PORT_INDEX) index = i; else index = portIndex; pSECComponent->pSECPort[index].bIsPortFlushed = OMX_TRUE; } } else { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: return ret; } static OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_SetPortEnable(SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent, OMX_U32 nParam) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; OMX_S32 portIndex = nParam; OMX_U16 i = 0, cnt = 0; FunctionIn(); if ((portIndex != ALL_PORT_INDEX) && ((OMX_S32)portIndex >= (OMX_S32)pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts)) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } if (portIndex == ALL_PORT_INDEX) { for (i = 0; i < pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts; i++) { pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[i]; if (CHECK_PORT_ENABLED(pSECPort)) { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } else { pSECPort->portState = OMX_StateIdle; } } } else { pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[portIndex]; if (CHECK_PORT_ENABLED(pSECPort)) { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } else { pSECPort->portState = OMX_StateIdle; } } ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } static OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_SetPortDisable(SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent, OMX_U32 nParam) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; OMX_S32 portIndex = nParam; OMX_U16 i = 0, cnt = 0; FunctionIn(); if ((portIndex != ALL_PORT_INDEX) && ((OMX_S32)portIndex >= (OMX_S32)pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts)) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } if (portIndex == ALL_PORT_INDEX) { for (i = 0; i < pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts; i++) { pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[i]; if (!CHECK_PORT_ENABLED(pSECPort)) { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } pSECPort->portState = OMX_StateLoaded; pSECPort->bIsPortDisabled = OMX_TRUE; } } else { pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[portIndex]; pSECPort->portState = OMX_StateLoaded; pSECPort->bIsPortDisabled = OMX_TRUE; } ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } static OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_SetMarkBuffer(SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent, OMX_U32 nParam) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; OMX_U32 portIndex = nParam; OMX_U16 i = 0, cnt = 0; if (nParam >= pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } if ((pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateExecuting) || (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StatePause)) { ret = OMX_ErrorNone; } else { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; } EXIT: return ret; } static OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_CommandQueue( SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent, OMX_COMMANDTYPE Cmd, OMX_U32 nParam, OMX_PTR pCmdData) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; SEC_OMX_MESSAGE *command = (SEC_OMX_MESSAGE *)SEC_OSAL_Malloc(sizeof(SEC_OMX_MESSAGE)); if (command == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; goto EXIT; } command->messageType = (OMX_U32)Cmd; command->messageParam = nParam; command->pCmdData = pCmdData; ret = SEC_OSAL_Queue(&pSECComponent->messageQ, (void *)command); if (ret != 0) { ret = OMX_ErrorUndefined; goto EXIT; } ret = SEC_OSAL_SemaphorePost(pSECComponent->msgSemaphoreHandle); EXIT: return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_SendCommand( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_IN OMX_COMMANDTYPE Cmd, OMX_IN OMX_U32 nParam, OMX_IN OMX_PTR pCmdData) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_MESSAGE *message = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; if (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; goto EXIT; } switch (Cmd) { case OMX_CommandStateSet : SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "Command: OMX_CommandStateSet"); SEC_StateSet(pSECComponent, nParam); break; case OMX_CommandFlush : SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "Command: OMX_CommandFlush"); ret = SEC_SetPortFlush(pSECComponent, nParam); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) goto EXIT; break; case OMX_CommandPortDisable : SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "Command: OMX_CommandPortDisable"); ret = SEC_SetPortDisable(pSECComponent, nParam); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) goto EXIT; break; case OMX_CommandPortEnable : SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "Command: OMX_CommandPortEnable"); ret = SEC_SetPortEnable(pSECComponent, nParam); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) goto EXIT; break; case OMX_CommandMarkBuffer : SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "Command: OMX_CommandMarkBuffer"); ret = SEC_SetMarkBuffer(pSECComponent, nParam); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) goto EXIT; break; /* case SEC_CommandFillBuffer : case SEC_CommandEmptyBuffer : case SEC_CommandDeInit : */ default: break; } ret = SEC_OMX_CommandQueue(pSECComponent, Cmd, nParam, pCmdData); EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_GetParameter( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE nParamIndex, OMX_INOUT OMX_PTR ComponentParameterStructure) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; if (ComponentParameterStructure == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } if (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; goto EXIT; } switch (nParamIndex) { case (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_COMPONENT_CAPABILITY_TYPE_INDEX: { /* For Android PV OpenCORE */ OMXComponentCapabilityFlagsType *capabilityFlags = (OMXComponentCapabilityFlagsType *)ComponentParameterStructure; SEC_OSAL_Memcpy(capabilityFlags, &pSECComponent->capabilityFlags, sizeof(OMXComponentCapabilityFlagsType)); } break; case OMX_IndexParamAudioInit: case OMX_IndexParamVideoInit: case OMX_IndexParamImageInit: case OMX_IndexParamOtherInit: { OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *portParam = (OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *)ComponentParameterStructure; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(portParam, sizeof(OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } portParam->nPorts = 0; portParam->nStartPortNumber = 0; } break; case OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: { OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *portDefinition = (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *)ComponentParameterStructure; OMX_U32 portIndex = portDefinition->nPortIndex; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort; if (portIndex >= pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(portDefinition, sizeof(OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[portIndex]; SEC_OSAL_Memcpy(portDefinition, &pSECPort->portDefinition, portDefinition->nSize); } break; case OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt: { OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *compPriority = (OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *)ComponentParameterStructure; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(compPriority, sizeof(OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } compPriority->nGroupID = pSECComponent->compPriority.nGroupID; compPriority->nGroupPriority = pSECComponent->compPriority.nGroupPriority; } break; case OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier: { OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE *bufferSupplier = (OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE *)ComponentParameterStructure; OMX_U32 portIndex = bufferSupplier->nPortIndex; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort; if ((pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateLoaded) || (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateWaitForResources)) { if (portIndex >= pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(bufferSupplier, sizeof(OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[portIndex]; if (pSECPort->portDefinition.eDir == OMX_DirInput) { if (CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort)) { bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier = OMX_BufferSupplyInput; } else if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED(pSECPort)) { bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier = OMX_BufferSupplyOutput; } else { bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier = OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified; } } else { if (CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort)) { bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier = OMX_BufferSupplyOutput; } else if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED(pSECPort)) { bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier = OMX_BufferSupplyInput; } else { bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier = OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified; } } } else { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } } break; default: { ret = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex; goto EXIT; } break; } ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_SetParameter( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE nIndex, OMX_IN OMX_PTR ComponentParameterStructure) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; if (ComponentParameterStructure == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } if (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; goto EXIT; } switch (nIndex) { case OMX_IndexParamAudioInit: case OMX_IndexParamVideoInit: case OMX_IndexParamImageInit: case OMX_IndexParamOtherInit: { OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *portParam = (OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *)ComponentParameterStructure; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(portParam, sizeof(OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if ((pSECComponent->currentState != OMX_StateLoaded) && (pSECComponent->currentState != OMX_StateWaitForResources)) { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } ret = OMX_ErrorUndefined; /* SEC_OSAL_Memcpy(&pSECComponent->portParam, portParam, sizeof(OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE)); */ } break; case OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: { OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *portDefinition = (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *)ComponentParameterStructure; OMX_U32 portIndex = portDefinition->nPortIndex; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort; if (portIndex >= pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(portDefinition, sizeof(OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[portIndex]; if ((pSECComponent->currentState != OMX_StateLoaded) && (pSECComponent->currentState != OMX_StateWaitForResources)) { if (pSECPort->portDefinition.bEnabled == OMX_TRUE) { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } } if (portDefinition->nBufferCountActual < pSECPort->portDefinition.nBufferCountMin) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } SEC_OSAL_Memcpy(&pSECPort->portDefinition, portDefinition, portDefinition->nSize); } break; case OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt: { OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *compPriority = (OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *)ComponentParameterStructure; if ((pSECComponent->currentState != OMX_StateLoaded) && (pSECComponent->currentState != OMX_StateWaitForResources)) { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(compPriority, sizeof(OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } pSECComponent->compPriority.nGroupID = compPriority->nGroupID; pSECComponent->compPriority.nGroupPriority = compPriority->nGroupPriority; } break; case OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier: { OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE *bufferSupplier = (OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE *)ComponentParameterStructure; OMX_U32 portIndex = bufferSupplier->nPortIndex; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; if (portIndex >= pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(bufferSupplier, sizeof(OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[portIndex]; if ((pSECComponent->currentState != OMX_StateLoaded) && (pSECComponent->currentState != OMX_StateWaitForResources)) { if (pSECPort->portDefinition.bEnabled == OMX_TRUE) { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } } if (bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier == OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified) { ret = OMX_ErrorNone; goto EXIT; } if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED(pSECPort) == 0) { ret = OMX_ErrorNone; /*OMX_ErrorNone ?????*/ goto EXIT; } if (pSECPort->portDefinition.eDir == OMX_DirInput) { if (bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier == OMX_BufferSupplyInput) { /* if (CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort)) { ret = OMX_ErrorNone; } */ pSECPort->tunnelFlags |= SEC_TUNNEL_IS_SUPPLIER; bufferSupplier->nPortIndex = pSECPort->tunneledPort; ret = OMX_SetParameter(pSECPort->tunneledComponent, OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier, bufferSupplier); goto EXIT; } else if (bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier == OMX_BufferSupplyOutput) { ret = OMX_ErrorNone; if (CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort)) { pSECPort->tunnelFlags &= ~SEC_TUNNEL_IS_SUPPLIER; bufferSupplier->nPortIndex = pSECPort->tunneledPort; ret = OMX_SetParameter(pSECPort->tunneledComponent, OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier, bufferSupplier); } goto EXIT; } } else if (pSECPort->portDefinition.eDir == OMX_DirOutput) { if (bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier == OMX_BufferSupplyInput) { ret = OMX_ErrorNone; if (CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort)) { pSECPort->tunnelFlags &= ~SEC_TUNNEL_IS_SUPPLIER; ret = OMX_ErrorNone; } goto EXIT; } else if (bufferSupplier->eBufferSupplier == OMX_BufferSupplyOutput) { /* if (CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort)) { ret = OMX_ErrorNone; } */ pSECPort->tunnelFlags |= SEC_TUNNEL_IS_SUPPLIER; ret = OMX_ErrorNone; goto EXIT; } } } break; default: { ret = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex; goto EXIT; } break; } ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_GetConfig( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE nIndex, OMX_INOUT OMX_PTR pComponentConfigStructure) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; if (pComponentConfigStructure == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } if (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; goto EXIT; } switch (nIndex) { default: ret = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex; break; } EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_SetConfig( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE nIndex, OMX_IN OMX_PTR pComponentConfigStructure) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; if (pComponentConfigStructure == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } if (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; goto EXIT; } switch (nIndex) { default: ret = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex; break; } EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_GetExtensionIndex( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_IN OMX_STRING cParameterName, OMX_OUT OMX_INDEXTYPE *pIndexType) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; if ((cParameterName == NULL) || (pIndexType == NULL)) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } if (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; goto EXIT; } ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_SetCallbacks ( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_IN OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* pCallbacks, OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppData) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; if (pCallbacks == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } if (pSECComponent->currentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { ret = OMX_ErrorInvalidState; goto EXIT; } if (pSECComponent->currentState != OMX_StateLoaded) { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent->pCallbacks = pCallbacks; pSECComponent->callbackData = pAppData; ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_UseEGLImage( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **ppBufferHdr, OMX_IN OMX_U32 nPortIndex, OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppPrivate, OMX_IN void *eglImage) { return OMX_ErrorNotImplemented; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_BaseComponent_Constructor( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorBadParameter, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; pSECComponent = SEC_OSAL_Malloc(sizeof(SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT)); if (pSECComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } SEC_OSAL_Memset(pSECComponent, 0, sizeof(SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT)); pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate = (OMX_PTR)pSECComponent; ret = SEC_OSAL_SemaphoreCreate(&pSECComponent->msgSemaphoreHandle); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } ret = SEC_OSAL_MutexCreate(&pSECComponent->compMutex); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } pSECComponent->bExitMessageHandlerThread = OMX_FALSE; SEC_OSAL_QueueCreate(&pSECComponent->messageQ); ret = SEC_OSAL_ThreadCreate(&pSECComponent->hMessageHandler, SEC_OMX_MessageHandlerThread, pOMXComponent); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources, Line:%d", __LINE__); goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent->GetComponentVersion = &SEC_OMX_GetComponentVersion; pOMXComponent->SendCommand = &SEC_OMX_SendCommand; pOMXComponent->GetState = &SEC_OMX_GetState; pOMXComponent->SetCallbacks = &SEC_OMX_SetCallbacks; pOMXComponent->UseEGLImage = &SEC_OMX_UseEGLImage; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE SEC_OMX_BaseComponent_Destructor( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; OMX_S32 semaValue = 0; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; ret = SEC_OMX_Check_SizeVersion(pOMXComponent, sizeof(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE)); if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) { goto EXIT; } if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; SEC_OMX_CommandQueue(pSECComponent, SEC_OMX_CommandComponentDeInit, 0, NULL); SEC_OSAL_SleepMillisec(0); SEC_OSAL_Get_SemaphoreCount(pSECComponent->msgSemaphoreHandle, &semaValue); if (semaValue == 0) SEC_OSAL_SemaphorePost(pSECComponent->msgSemaphoreHandle); SEC_OSAL_SemaphorePost(pSECComponent->msgSemaphoreHandle); SEC_OSAL_ThreadTerminate(pSECComponent->hMessageHandler); pSECComponent->hMessageHandler = NULL; SEC_OSAL_MutexTerminate(pSECComponent->compMutex); pSECComponent->compMutex = NULL; SEC_OSAL_SemaphoreTerminate(pSECComponent->msgSemaphoreHandle); pSECComponent->msgSemaphoreHandle = NULL; SEC_OSAL_QueueTerminate(&pSECComponent->messageQ); SEC_OSAL_Free(pSECComponent); pSECComponent = NULL; ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; }