You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <set>
#include <json/reader.h>
#include <json/value.h>
#include "config_parser.h"
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace thermal {
namespace V2_0 {
namespace implementation {
using ::android::hardware::hidl_enum_range;
using ::android::hardware::thermal::V2_0::toString;
using TemperatureType_2_0 = ::android::hardware::thermal::V2_0::TemperatureType;
namespace {
template <typename T>
// Return false when failed parsing
bool getTypeFromString(std::string_view str, T *out) {
auto types = hidl_enum_range<T>();
for (const auto &type : types) {
if (toString(type) == str) {
*out = type;
return true;
return false;
float getFloatFromValue(const Json::Value &value) {
if (value.isString()) {
return std::stof(value.asString());
} else {
return value.asFloat();
} // namespace
std::map<std::string, SensorInfo> ParseSensorInfo(std::string_view config_path) {
std::string json_doc;
std::map<std::string, SensorInfo> sensors_parsed;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(, &json_doc)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read JSON config from " << config_path;
return sensors_parsed;
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader reader;
if (!reader.parse(json_doc, root)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse JSON config";
return sensors_parsed;
Json::Value sensors = root["Sensors"];
std::size_t total_parsed = 0;
std::set<std::string> sensors_name_parsed;
for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < sensors.size(); ++i) {
const std::string &name = sensors[i]["Name"].asString();
LOG(INFO) << "Sensor[" << i << "]'s Name: " << name;
if (name.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read "
<< "Sensor[" << i << "]'s Name";
return sensors_parsed;
auto result = sensors_name_parsed.insert(name);
if (!result.second) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Duplicate Sensor[" << i << "]'s Name";
return sensors_parsed;
std::string sensor_type_str = sensors[i]["Type"].asString();
LOG(INFO) << "Sensor[" << name << "]'s Type: " << sensor_type_str;
TemperatureType_2_0 sensor_type;
if (!getTypeFromString(sensor_type_str, &sensor_type)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid "
<< "Sensor[" << name << "]'s Type: " << sensor_type_str;
return sensors_parsed;
std::array<float, kThrottlingSeverityCount> hot_thresholds;
std::array<float, kThrottlingSeverityCount> cold_thresholds;
std::array<float, kThrottlingSeverityCount> hot_hysteresis;
std::array<float, kThrottlingSeverityCount> cold_hysteresis;
Json::Value values = sensors[i]["HotThreshold"];
if (values.size() != kThrottlingSeverityCount) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid "
<< "Sensor[" << name << "]'s HotThreshold count" << values.size();
return sensors_parsed;
} else {
float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex j = 0; j < kThrottlingSeverityCount; ++j) {
hot_thresholds[j] = getFloatFromValue(values[j]);
if (!std::isnan(hot_thresholds[j])) {
if (hot_thresholds[j] < min) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid "
<< "Sensor[" << name << "]'s HotThreshold[j" << j
<< "]: " << hot_thresholds[j] << " < " << min;
return sensors_parsed;
min = hot_thresholds[j];
LOG(INFO) << "Sensor[" << name << "]'s HotThreshold[" << j
<< "]: " << hot_thresholds[j];
values = sensors[i]["HotHysteresis"];
if (values.size() != kThrottlingSeverityCount) {
LOG(INFO) << "Cannot find valid "
<< "Sensor[" << name << "]'s HotHysteresis, default all to 0.0";
} else {
for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex j = 0; j < kThrottlingSeverityCount; ++j) {
hot_hysteresis[j] = getFloatFromValue(values[j]);
if (std::isnan(hot_hysteresis[j])) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid "
<< "Sensor[" << name << "]'s HotHysteresis: " << hot_hysteresis[j];
return sensors_parsed;
LOG(INFO) << "Sensor[" << name << "]'s HotHysteresis[" << j
<< "]: " << hot_hysteresis[j];
values = sensors[i]["ColdThreshold"];
if (values.size() != kThrottlingSeverityCount) {
LOG(INFO) << "Cannot find valid "
<< "Sensor[" << name << "]'s ColdThreshold, default all to NAN";
} else {
float max = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex j = 0; j < kThrottlingSeverityCount; ++j) {
cold_thresholds[j] = getFloatFromValue(values[j]);
if (!std::isnan(cold_thresholds[j])) {
if (cold_thresholds[j] > max) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid "
<< "Sensor[" << name << "]'s ColdThreshold[j" << j
<< "]: " << cold_thresholds[j] << " > " << max;
return sensors_parsed;
max = cold_thresholds[j];
LOG(INFO) << "Sensor[" << name << "]'s ColdThreshold[" << j
<< "]: " << cold_thresholds[j];
values = sensors[i]["ColdHysteresis"];
if (values.size() != kThrottlingSeverityCount) {
LOG(INFO) << "Cannot find valid "
<< "Sensor[" << name << "]'s ColdHysteresis, default all to 0.0";
} else {
for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex j = 0; j < kThrottlingSeverityCount; ++j) {
cold_hysteresis[j] = getFloatFromValue(values[j]);
if (std::isnan(cold_hysteresis[j])) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid "
<< "Sensor[" << name
<< "]'s ColdHysteresis: " << cold_hysteresis[j];
return sensors_parsed;
LOG(INFO) << "Sensor[" << name << "]'s ColdHysteresis[" << j
<< "]: " << cold_hysteresis[j];
float vr_threshold = NAN;
vr_threshold = getFloatFromValue(sensors[i]["VrThreshold"]);
LOG(INFO) << "Sensor[" << name << "]'s VrThreshold: " << vr_threshold;
float multiplier = sensors[i]["Multiplier"].asFloat();
LOG(INFO) << "Sensor[" << name << "]'s Multiplier: " << multiplier;
bool is_monitor = false;
if (sensors[i]["Monitor"].empty() || !sensors[i]["Monitor"].isBool()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to read Sensor[" << name << "]'s Monitor, set to 'false'";
} else {
is_monitor = sensors[i]["Monitor"].asBool();
LOG(INFO) << "Sensor[" << name << "]'s Monitor: " << std::boolalpha << is_monitor
<< std::noboolalpha;
sensors_parsed[name] = {
.type = sensor_type,
.hot_thresholds = hot_thresholds,
.cold_thresholds = cold_thresholds,
.hot_hysteresis = hot_hysteresis,
.cold_hysteresis = cold_hysteresis,
.vr_threshold = vr_threshold,
.multiplier = multiplier,
.is_monitor = is_monitor,
LOG(INFO) << total_parsed << " Sensors parsed successfully";
return sensors_parsed;
std::map<std::string, CoolingType> ParseCoolingDevice(std::string_view config_path) {
std::string json_doc;
std::map<std::string, CoolingType> cooling_devices_parsed;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(, &json_doc)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read JSON config from " << config_path;
return cooling_devices_parsed;
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader reader;
if (!reader.parse(json_doc, root)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse JSON config";
return cooling_devices_parsed;
Json::Value cooling_devices = root["CoolingDevices"];
std::size_t total_parsed = 0;
std::set<std::string> cooling_devices_name_parsed;
for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < cooling_devices.size(); ++i) {
const std::string &name = cooling_devices[i]["Name"].asString();
LOG(INFO) << "CoolingDevice[" << i << "]'s Name: " << name;
if (name.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read "
<< "CoolingDevice[" << i << "]'s Name";
return cooling_devices_parsed;
auto result = cooling_devices_name_parsed.insert(;
if (!result.second) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Duplicate CoolingDevice[" << i << "]'s Name";
return cooling_devices_parsed;
std::string cooling_device_type_str = cooling_devices[i]["Type"].asString();
LOG(INFO) << "CoolingDevice[" << name << "]'s Type: " << cooling_device_type_str;
CoolingType cooling_device_type;
if (!getTypeFromString(cooling_device_type_str, &cooling_device_type)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid "
<< "CoolingDevice[" << name << "]'s Type: " << cooling_device_type_str;
return cooling_devices_parsed;
cooling_devices_parsed[name] = cooling_device_type;
LOG(INFO) << total_parsed << " CoolingDevices parsed successfully";
return cooling_devices_parsed;
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V2_0
} // namespace thermal
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android