'openweathermap' Weather Provider 'openstreetmaps' Geolocation Provider 'fahrenheit' Temperature Unit 'inHg' Pressure Unit 'mph' Wind Speed Units Choose the units used for wind speed. Allowed values are 'kph', 'mph', 'm/s', 'knots', 'ft/s' or 'Beaufort'. true Wind Direction by Arrows Choose whether to display wind direction through arrows or letters. '-8.5211767,179.1976747>Vaiaku, Tuvalu>-1' City to be displayed 0 Actual City true Translate Conditions true Symbolic Icons false Use text on buttons in menu true Temperature in Panel false Conditions in Panel true Conditions in Forecast 'center' Position in Panel 75.0 Horizontal position of menu-box. 600 Refresh interval (actual weather) 0 Maximal length of the location text 3600 Refresh interval (forecast) false Center forecastbox. 2 Number of days in forecast 1 Maximal number of digits after the decimal point '' Your personal API key from openweathermap.org true Use the extensions default API key from openweathermap.org '' Your personal API key from Dark Sky '' Your personal AppKey from developer.mapquest.com