/* jshint esnext:true */ /* * * Weather extension for GNOME Shell * - Displays a small weather information on the top panel. * - On click, gives a popup with details about the weather. * * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 * ecyrbe , * Timur Kristof , * Elad Alfassa , * Simon Legner , * Christian METZLER , * Mark Benjamin weather.gnome.Markie1@dfgh.net, * Mattia Meneguzzo odysseus@fedoraproject.org, * Meng Zhuo , * Jens Lody * * * This file is part of gnome-shell-extension-openweather. * * gnome-shell-extension-openweather is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * gnome-shell-extension-openweather is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with gnome-shell-extension-openweather. If not, see . * */ const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const Config = imports.misc.config; const Convenience = Me.imports.convenience; const ForecastIo = Me.imports.forecast_io; const OpenweathermapOrg = Me.imports.openweathermap_org; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell-extension-openweather'); const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Soup = imports.gi.Soup; const St = imports.gi.St; const Util = imports.misc.util; const _ = Gettext.gettext; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; // Settings const WEATHER_SETTINGS_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.shell.extensions.openweather'; const WEATHER_PROVIDER_KEY = 'weather-provider'; const WEATHER_UNIT_KEY = 'unit'; const WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT_KEY = 'wind-speed-unit'; const WEATHER_WIND_DIRECTION_KEY = 'wind-direction'; const WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT_KEY = 'pressure-unit'; const WEATHER_CITY_KEY = 'city'; const WEATHER_ACTUAL_CITY_KEY = 'actual-city'; const WEATHER_TRANSLATE_CONDITION_KEY = 'translate-condition'; const WEATHER_USE_SYMBOLIC_ICONS_KEY = 'use-symbolic-icons'; const WEATHER_USE_TEXT_ON_BUTTONS_KEY = 'use-text-on-buttons'; const WEATHER_SHOW_TEXT_IN_PANEL_KEY = 'show-text-in-panel'; const WEATHER_POSITION_IN_PANEL_KEY = 'position-in-panel'; const WEATHER_SHOW_COMMENT_IN_PANEL_KEY = 'show-comment-in-panel'; const WEATHER_SHOW_COMMENT_IN_FORECAST_KEY = 'show-comment-in-forecast'; const WEATHER_REFRESH_INTERVAL_CURRENT = 'refresh-interval-current'; const WEATHER_REFRESH_INTERVAL_FORECAST = 'refresh-interval-forecast'; const WEATHER_CENTER_FORECAST_KEY = 'center-forecast'; const WEATHER_DAYS_FORECAST = 'days-forecast'; const WEATHER_DECIMAL_PLACES = 'decimal-places'; const WEATHER_OWM_API_KEY = 'appid'; const WEATHER_FC_API_KEY = 'appid-fc'; // Keep enums in sync with GSettings schemas const WeatherProvider = { OPENWEATHERMAP: 0, FORECAST_IO: 1 }; const WeatherUnits = { CELSIUS: 0, FAHRENHEIT: 1, KELVIN: 2, RANKINE: 3, REAUMUR: 4, ROEMER: 5, DELISLE: 6, NEWTON: 7 }; const WeatherWindSpeedUnits = { KPH: 0, MPH: 1, MPS: 2, KNOTS: 3, FPS: 4, BEAUFORT: 5 }; const WeatherPressureUnits = { hPa: 0, inHg: 1, bar: 2, Pa: 3, kPa: 4, atm: 5, at: 6, Torr: 7, psi: 8 }; const WeatherPosition = { CENTER: 0, RIGHT: 1, LEFT: 2 }; const WEATHER_CONV_MPS_IN_MPH = 2.23693629; const WEATHER_CONV_MPS_IN_KPH = 3.6; const WEATHER_CONV_MPS_IN_KNOTS = 1.94384449; const WEATHER_CONV_MPS_IN_FPS = 3.2808399; let _httpSession; const OpenweatherMenuButton = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'OpenweatherMenuButton', Extends: PanelMenu.Button, _init: function() { this.owmCityId = 0; this.oldProvider = this._weather_provider; this.oldTranslateCondition = this._translate_condition; this.switchProvider(); this.currentWeatherCache = undefined; this.forecastWeatherCache = undefined; // Load settings this.loadConfig(); // Label this._weatherInfo = new St.Label({ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, text: _('...') }); this._weatherIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: 'view-refresh' + this.getIconType(), style_class: 'system-status-icon openweather-icon' }); // Panel menu item - the current class let menuAlignment = 0.25; if (Clutter.get_default_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) menuAlignment = 1.0 - menuAlignment; this.parent(menuAlignment); // Putting the panel item together let topBox = new St.BoxLayout(); topBox.add_actor(this._weatherIcon); topBox.add_actor(this._weatherInfo); this.actor.add_actor(topBox); let dummyBox = new St.BoxLayout(); this.actor.reparent(dummyBox); dummyBox.remove_actor(this.actor); dummyBox.destroy(); let children = null; switch (this._position_in_panel) { case WeatherPosition.LEFT: children = Main.panel._leftBox.get_children(); Main.panel._leftBox.insert_child_at_index(this.actor, children.length); break; case WeatherPosition.CENTER: children = Main.panel._centerBox.get_children(); Main.panel._centerBox.insert_child_at_index(this.actor, children.length); break; case WeatherPosition.RIGHT: children = Main.panel._rightBox.get_children(); Main.panel._rightBox.insert_child_at_index(this.actor, 0); break; } if (Main.panel._menus === undefined) Main.panel.menuManager.addMenu(this.menu); else Main.panel._menus.addMenu(this.menu); this._old_position_in_panel = this._position_in_panel; // Current weather this._currentWeather = new St.Bin(); // Future weather this._futureWeather = new St.Bin(); // Putting the popup item together let _itemCurrent = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem({ reactive: false }); let _itemFuture = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem({ reactive: false }); _itemCurrent.actor.add_actor(this._currentWeather); _itemFuture.actor.add_actor(this._futureWeather); this.menu.addMenuItem(_itemCurrent); this._separatorItem = new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem(); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._separatorItem); this.menu.addMenuItem(_itemFuture); let item = new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem(); this.menu.addMenuItem(item); this._selectCity = new PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem(""); this._selectCity.actor.set_height(0); this._selectCity._triangle.set_height(0); this._buttonMenu = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem({ reactive: false, style_class: 'openweather-menu-button-container' }); this.rebuildButtonMenu(); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._buttonMenu); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._selectCity); this.rebuildSelectCityItem(); this._selectCity.menu.connect('open-state-changed', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._selectCity.actor.remove_style_pseudo_class('open'); })); this.rebuildCurrentWeatherUi(); this.rebuildFutureWeatherUi(); this._network_monitor = Gio.network_monitor_get_default(); this._connected = false; this._network_monitor_connection = this._network_monitor.connect('network-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onNetworkStateChanged)); this._checkConnectionState(); this.menu.connect('open-state-changed', Lang.bind(this, this.recalcLayout)); }, stop: function() { if (_httpSession !== undefined) _httpSession.abort(); _httpSession = undefined; if (this._timeoutCurrent) Mainloop.source_remove(this._timeoutCurrent); this._timeoutCurrent = undefined; if (this._timeoutForecast) Mainloop.source_remove(this._timeoutForecast); this._timeoutForecast = undefined; if (this._network_monitor_connection) { this._network_monitor.disconnect(this._network_monitor_connection); this._network_monitor_connection = undefined; } if (this._settingsC) { this._settings.disconnect(this._settingsC); this._settingsC = undefined; } if (this._settingsInterfaceC) { this._settingsInterface.disconnect(this._settingsInterfaceC); this._settingsInterfaceC = undefined; } if (this._globalThemeChangedId) { let context = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); context.disconnect(this._globalThemeChangedId); this._globalThemeChangedId = undefined; } }, switchProvider: function() { if (this._weather_provider == WeatherProvider.FORECAST_IO) this.useForecastIo(); else this.useOpenweathermapOrg(); }, useOpenweathermapOrg: function() { this.parseWeatherForecast = OpenweathermapOrg.parseWeatherForecast; this.parseWeatherCurrent = OpenweathermapOrg.parseWeatherCurrent; this.getWeatherIcon = OpenweathermapOrg.getWeatherIcon; this.refreshWeatherCurrent = OpenweathermapOrg.refreshWeatherCurrent; this.refreshWeatherForecast = OpenweathermapOrg.refreshWeatherForecast; this.weatherProvider = "https://openweathermap.org/"; }, useForecastIo: function() { this.parseWeatherCurrent = ForecastIo.parseWeatherCurrent; this.parseWeatherForecast = ForecastIo.parseWeatherForecast; this.getWeatherIcon = ForecastIo.getWeatherIcon; this.refreshWeatherCurrent = ForecastIo.refreshWeatherCurrent; this.refreshWeatherForecast = function() {}; this.weatherProvider = "https://forecast.io/"; this.fc_locale = 'en'; if (this._translate_condition) { let fc_locales = ['bs', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'tet', 'x-pig-latin']; let locale = GLib.get_language_names()[0]; if (locale.indexOf('_') != -1) locale = locale.split("_")[0]; if (fc_locales.indexOf(locale) != -1) this.fc_locale = locale; } }, getWeatherProviderURL: function() { let url = ""; if (this._weather_provider == WeatherProvider.FORECAST_IO) { url = "https://forecast.io/#/f/"; url += this.extractCoord(this._city); } else { url = "https://openweathermap.org"; url += "/city/" + this.owmCityId; if (this._appid) url += "?APPID=" + this._appid; } return url; }, loadConfig: function() { this._settings = Convenience.getSettings(WEATHER_SETTINGS_SCHEMA); if (this._cities.length === 0) this._cities = "-8.5211767,179.1976747>Vaiaku, Tuvalu"; this._settingsC = this._settings.connect("changed", Lang.bind(this, function() { if (this._cities.length === 0) this._cities = "-8.5211767,179.1976747>Vaiaku, Tuvalu"; this.rebuildCurrentWeatherUi(); this.rebuildFutureWeatherUi(); if (this.providerChanged()) { this.switchProvider(); this.currentWeatherCache = undefined; this.forecastWeatherCache = undefined; } if (this.locationChanged()) { this.currentWeatherCache = undefined; this.forecastWeatherCache = undefined; } this.rebuildButtonMenu(); this.parseWeatherCurrent(); })); }, loadConfigInterface: function() { let schemaInterface = "org.gnome.desktop.interface"; if (Gio.Settings.list_schemas().indexOf(schemaInterface) == -1) throw _("Schema \"%s\" not found.").format(schemaInterface); this._settingsInterface = new Gio.Settings({ schema: schemaInterface }); this._settingsInterfaceC = this._settingsInterface.connect("changed", Lang.bind(this, function() { this.rebuildCurrentWeatherUi(); this.rebuildFutureWeatherUi(); if (this.providerChanged()) { this.switchProvider(); this.currentWeatherCache = undefined; this.forecastWeatherCache = undefined; } if (this.locationChanged()) { this.currentWeatherCache = undefined; this.forecastWeatherCache = undefined; } this.parseWeatherCurrent(); })); }, _onNetworkStateChanged: function() { this._checkConnectionState(); }, _checkConnectionState: function() { this._connected = this._network_monitor.network_available; if (this._connected) this.parseWeatherCurrent(); }, locationChanged: function() { let location = this.extractCoord(this._city); if (this.oldLocation != location) { return true; } return false; }, providerChanged: function() { let provider = this._weather_provider; if (this.oldProvider != provider) { this.oldProvider = provider; return true; } if (provider == WeatherProvider.FORECAST_IO) { let translateCondition = this._translate_condition; if (this.oldTranslateCondition != translateCondition) { this.oldTranslateCondition = translateCondition; return true; } } return false; }, get _clockFormat() { if (!this._settingsInterface) this.loadConfigInterface(); return this._settingsInterface.get_string("clock-format"); }, get _weather_provider() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_enum(WEATHER_PROVIDER_KEY); }, set _weather_provider(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_enum(WEATHER_PROVIDER_KEY, v); }, get _units() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_enum(WEATHER_UNIT_KEY); }, set _units(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_enum(WEATHER_UNIT_KEY, v); }, get _wind_speed_units() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_enum(WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT_KEY); }, set _wind_speed_units(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_enum(WEATHER_WIND_SPEED_UNIT_KEY, v); }, get _wind_direction() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_WIND_DIRECTION_KEY); }, set _wind_direction(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.set_boolean(WEATHER_WIND_DIRECTION_KEY, v); }, get _pressure_units() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_enum(WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT_KEY); }, set _pressure_units(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_enum(WEATHER_PRESSURE_UNIT_KEY, v); }, get _cities() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_string(WEATHER_CITY_KEY); }, set _cities(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_string(WEATHER_CITY_KEY, v); }, get _actual_city() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); var a = this._settings.get_int(WEATHER_ACTUAL_CITY_KEY); var b = a; var cities = this._cities.split(" && "); if (typeof cities != "object") cities = [cities]; var l = cities.length - 1; if (a < 0) a = 0; if (l < 0) l = 0; if (a > l) a = l; return a; }, set _actual_city(a) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); var cities = this._cities.split(" && "); if (typeof cities != "object") cities = [cities]; var l = cities.length - 1; if (a < 0) a = 0; if (l < 0) l = 0; if (a > l) a = l; this._settings.set_int(WEATHER_ACTUAL_CITY_KEY, a); }, get _city() { let cities = this._cities; let cities = cities.split(" && "); if (cities && typeof cities == "string") cities = [cities]; if (!cities[0]) return ""; cities = cities[this._actual_city]; return cities; }, set _city(v) { let cities = this._cities; cities = cities.split(" && "); if (cities && typeof cities == "string") cities = [cities]; if (!cities[0]) cities = []; cities.splice(this.actual_city, 1, v); cities = cities.join(" && "); if (typeof cities != "string") cities = cities[0]; this._cities = cities; }, get _translate_condition() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_TRANSLATE_CONDITION_KEY); }, set _translate_condition(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_boolean(WEATHER_TRANSLATE_CONDITION_KEY, v); }, get _getIconType() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_USE_SYMBOLIC_ICONS_KEY) ? 1 : 0; }, set _getIconType(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_boolean(WEATHER_USE_SYMBOLIC_ICONS_KEY, v); }, get _use_text_on_buttons() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_USE_TEXT_ON_BUTTONS_KEY) ? 1 : 0; }, set _use_text_on_buttons(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_boolean(WEATHER_USE_TEXT_ON_BUTTONS_KEY, v); }, get _text_in_panel() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_SHOW_TEXT_IN_PANEL_KEY); }, set _text_in_panel(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_boolean(WEATHER_SHOW_TEXT_IN_PANEL_KEY, v); }, get _position_in_panel() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_enum(WEATHER_POSITION_IN_PANEL_KEY); }, set _position_in_panel(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_enum(WEATHER_POSITION_IN_PANEL_KEY, v); }, get _comment_in_panel() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_SHOW_COMMENT_IN_PANEL_KEY); }, set _comment_in_panel(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_boolean(WEATHER_SHOW_COMMENT_IN_PANEL_KEY, v); }, get _comment_in_forecast() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_SHOW_COMMENT_IN_FORECAST_KEY); }, set _comment_in_forecast(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_boolean(WEATHER_SHOW_COMMENT_IN_FORECAST_KEY, v); }, get _refresh_interval_current() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); let v = this._settings.get_int(WEATHER_REFRESH_INTERVAL_CURRENT); return ((v >= 600) ? v : 600); }, set _refresh_interval_current(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_int(WEATHER_REFRESH_INTERVAL_CURRENT, ((v >= 600) ? v : 600)); }, get _refresh_interval_forecast() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); let v = this._settings.get_int(WEATHER_REFRESH_INTERVAL_FORECAST); return ((v >= 600) ? v : 600); }, set _refresh_interval_forecast(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_int(WEATHER_REFRESH_INTERVAL_FORECAST, ((v >= 600) ? v : 600)); }, get _center_forecast() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_CENTER_FORECAST_KEY); }, set _center_forecast(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_boolean(WEATHER_CENTER_FORECAST_KEY, v); }, get _days_forecast() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_int(WEATHER_DAYS_FORECAST); }, set _days_forecast(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_int(WEATHER_DAYS_FORECAST, v); }, get _decimal_places() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); return this._settings.get_int(WEATHER_DECIMAL_PLACES); }, set _decimal_places(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_int(WEATHER_DECIMAL_PLACES, v); }, get _appid() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); let key = this._settings.get_string(WEATHER_OWM_API_KEY); return (key.length == 32) ? key : ''; }, set _appid(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_string(WEATHER_OWM_API_KEY, v); }, get _appid_fc() { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); let key = this._settings.get_string(WEATHER_FC_API_KEY); return (key.length == 32) ? key : ''; }, set _appid_fc(v) { if (!this._settings) this.loadConfig(); this._settings.set_string(WEATHER_FC_API_KEY, v); }, _onButtonHoverChanged: function(actor, event) { if (actor.hover) { actor.add_style_pseudo_class('hover'); actor.set_style(this._button_background_style); } else { actor.remove_style_pseudo_class('hover'); actor.set_style('background-color:;'); if (actor != this._urlButton) actor.set_style(this._button_border_style); } }, _updateButtonColors: function() { if (!this._needsColorUpdate) return; this._needsColorUpdate = false; let color; if (ExtensionUtils.versionCheck(['3.6'], Config.PACKAGE_VERSION)) color = this._separatorItem._drawingArea.get_theme_node().get_color('-gradient-end'); else color = this._separatorItem._separator.actor.get_theme_node().get_color('-gradient-end'); let alpha = (Math.round(color.alpha / 2.55) / 100); if (color.red > 0 && color.green > 0 && color.blue > 0) this._button_border_style = 'border:1px solid rgb(' + Math.round(alpha * color.red) + ',' + Math.round(alpha * color.green) + ',' + Math.round(alpha * color.blue) + ');'; else this._button_border_style = 'border:1px solid rgba(' + color.red + ',' + color.green + ',' + color.blue + ',' + alpha + ');'; this._locationButton.set_style(this._button_border_style); this._reloadButton.set_style(this._button_border_style); this._prefsButton.set_style(this._button_border_style); this._buttonMenu.actor.add_style_pseudo_class('active'); color = this._buttonMenu.actor.get_theme_node().get_background_color(); this._button_background_style = 'background-color:rgba(' + color.red + ',' + color.green + ',' + color.blue + ',' + (Math.round(color.alpha / 2.55) / 100) + ');'; this._buttonMenu.actor.remove_style_pseudo_class('active'); }, rebuildButtonMenu: function() { if (this._buttonBox) { if (this._buttonBox1) { this._buttonBox1.destroy(); this._buttonBox1 = undefined; } if (this._buttonBox2) { this._buttonBox2.destroy(); this._buttonBox2 = undefined; } this._buttonMenu.removeActor(this._buttonBox); this._buttonBox.destroy(); this._buttonBox = undefined; } if (this._buttonBox1) { this._buttonBox1.destroy(); this._buttonBox1 = undefined; } if (this._buttonBox2) { this._buttonBox2.destroy(); this._buttonBox2 = undefined; } this._locationButton = Main.panel.statusArea.aggregateMenu._system._createActionButton('find-location-symbolic', _("Locations")); if (this._use_text_on_buttons) this._locationButton.set_label(this._locationButton.get_accessible_name()); this._locationButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._selectCity._setOpenState(!this._selectCity._getOpenState()); })); this._buttonBox1 = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'openweather-button-box' }); this._buttonBox1.add_actor(this._locationButton); this._reloadButton = Main.panel.statusArea.aggregateMenu._system._createActionButton('view-refresh-symbolic', _("Reload Weather Information")); if (this._use_text_on_buttons) this._reloadButton.set_label(this._reloadButton.get_accessible_name()); this._reloadButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.currentWeatherCache = undefined; this.forecastWeatherCache = undefined; this.parseWeatherCurrent(); this.recalcLayout(); })); this._buttonBox1.add_actor(this._reloadButton); this._buttonBox2 = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'openweather-button-box' }); this._urlButton = new St.Button({ label: _("Weather data provided by:") + (this._use_text_on_buttons ? "\n" : " ") + this.weatherProvider, style_class: 'system-menu-action openweather-provider' }); this._urlButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.menu.actor.hide(); let url = this.getWeatherProviderURL(); try { Gtk.show_uri(null, url, global.get_current_time()); } catch (err) { let title = _("Can not open %s").format(url); Main.notifyError(title, err.message); } })); this._buttonBox2.add_actor(this._urlButton); this._prefsButton = Main.panel.statusArea.aggregateMenu._system._createActionButton('preferences-system-symbolic', _("Weather Settings")); if (this._use_text_on_buttons) this._prefsButton.set_label(this._prefsButton.get_accessible_name()); this._prefsButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onPreferencesActivate)); this._buttonBox2.add_actor(this._prefsButton); this._buttonMenu.actor.add_actor(this._buttonBox1); this._buttonMenu.actor.add_actor(this._buttonBox2); this._buttonBox1MinWidth = undefined; }, rebuildSelectCityItem: function() { this._selectCity.menu.removeAll(); let item = null; let cities = this._cities; cities = cities.split(" && "); if (cities && typeof cities == "string") cities = [cities]; if (!cities[0]) return; for (let i = 0; cities.length > i; i++) { item = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(this.extractLocation(cities[i])); item.location = i; if (i == this._actual_city) { item.setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.DOT); } this._selectCity.menu.addMenuItem(item); // override the items default onActivate-handler, to keep the ui open while chosing the location item.activate = this._onActivate; } if (cities.length == 1) this._selectCity.actor.hide(); else this._selectCity.actor.show(); }, _onActivate: function() { openweatherMenu._actual_city = this.location; }, extractLocation: function() { if (!arguments[0]) return ""; if (arguments[0].search(">") == -1) return _("Invalid city"); return arguments[0].split(">")[1]; }, extractCity: function() { if (!arguments[0]) return ""; let city = this.extractLocation(arguments[0]); if (city.indexOf("(") == -1) return _("Invalid city"); return city.split("(")[0].trim(); }, extractCoord: function() { if (!arguments[0]) return 0; if (arguments[0].search(">") == -1) return 0; return arguments[0].split(">")[0]; }, _onPreferencesActivate: function() { this.menu.actor.hide(); Util.spawn(["gnome-shell-extension-prefs", "openweather-extension@jenslody.de"]); return 0; }, recalcLayout: function() { if (!this.menu.isOpen) return; this._updateButtonColors(); if (this._buttonBox1MinWidth === undefined) this._buttonBox1MinWidth = this._buttonBox1.get_width(); this._buttonBox1.set_width(Math.max(this._buttonBox1MinWidth, this._currentWeather.get_width() - this._buttonBox2.get_width())); if (this._forecastScrollBox !== undefined && this._forecastBox !== undefined && this._currentWeather !== undefined) { this._forecastScrollBox.set_width(Math.max(this._currentWeather.get_width(), (this._buttonBox1.get_width() + this._buttonBox2.get_width()))); this._forecastScrollBox.show(); if (this._forecastBox.get_preferred_width(this._forecastBox.get_height())[0] > this._currentWeather.get_width()) { this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.margin_top = 10; this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.show(); } else { this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.margin_top = 0; this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.hide(); } } }, unit_to_unicode: function() { if (this._units == WeatherUnits.FAHRENHEIT) return '\u00B0F'; else if (this._units == WeatherUnits.KELVIN) return 'K'; else if (this._units == WeatherUnits.RANKINE) return '\u00B0Ra'; else if (this._units == WeatherUnits.REAUMUR) return '\u00B0R\u00E9'; else if (this._units == WeatherUnits.ROEMER) return '\u00B0R\u00F8'; else if (this._units == WeatherUnits.DELISLE) return '\u00B0De'; else if (this._units == WeatherUnits.NEWTON) return '\u00B0N'; else return '\u00B0C'; }, hasIcon: function(icon) { return Gtk.IconTheme.get_default().has_icon(icon + this.getIconType()); }, toFahrenheit: function(t) { return ((Number(t) * 1.8) + 32).toFixed(this._decimal_places); }, toKelvin: function(t) { return (Number(t) + 273.15).toFixed(this._decimal_places); }, toRankine: function(t) { return ((Number(t) * 1.8) + 491.67).toFixed(this._decimal_places); }, toReaumur: function(t) { return (Number(t) * 0.8).toFixed(this._decimal_places); }, toRoemer: function(t) { return ((Number(t) * 21 / 40) + 7.5).toFixed(this._decimal_places); }, toDelisle: function(t) { return ((100 - Number(t)) * 1.5).toFixed(this._decimal_places); }, toNewton: function(t) { return (Number(t) - 0.33).toFixed(this._decimal_places); }, toInHg: function(p /*, t*/ ) { return (p / 33.86530749).toFixed(this._decimal_places); }, toBeaufort: function(w, t) { if (w < 0.3) return (!t) ? "0" : "(" + _("Calm") + ")"; else if (w >= 0.3 && w <= 1.5) return (!t) ? "1" : "(" + _("Light air") + ")"; else if (w > 1.5 && w <= 3.4) return (!t) ? "2" : "(" + _("Light breeze") + ")"; else if (w > 3.4 && w <= 5.4) return (!t) ? "3" : "(" + _("Gentle breeze") + ")"; else if (w > 5, 4 && w <= 7.9) return (!t) ? "4" : "(" + _("Moderate breeze") + ")"; else if (w > 7.9 && w <= 10.7) return (!t) ? "5" : "(" + _("Fresh breeze") + ")"; else if (w > 10.7 && w <= 13.8) return (!t) ? "6" : "(" + _("Strong breeze") + ")"; else if (w > 13.8 && w <= 17.1) return (!t) ? "7" : "(" + _("Moderate gale") + ")"; else if (w > 17.1 && w <= 20.7) return (!t) ? "8" : "(" + _("Fresh gale") + ")"; else if (w > 20.7 && w <= 24.4) return (!t) ? "9" : "(" + _("Strong gale") + ")"; else if (w > 24.4 && w <= 28.4) return (!t) ? "10" : "(" + _("Storm") + ")"; else if (w > 28.4 && w <= 32.6) return (!t) ? "11" : "(" + _("Violent storm") + ")"; else return (!t) ? "12" : "(" + _("Hurricane") + ")"; }, getLocaleDay: function(abr) { let days = [_('Sunday'), _('Monday'), _('Tuesday'), _('Wednesday'), _('Thursday'), _('Friday'), _('Saturday')]; return days[abr]; }, getWindDirection: function(deg) { let arrows = ["\u2193", "\u2199", "\u2190", "\u2196", "\u2191", "\u2197", "\u2192", "\u2198"]; let letters = [_('N'), _('NE'), _('E'), _('SE'), _('S'), _('SW'), _('W'), _('NW')]; let idx = Math.round(deg / 45) % arrows.length; return (this._wind_direction) ? arrows[idx] : letters[idx]; }, getIconType: function(icon_name) { if (!icon_name) if (this._getIconType) return "-symbolic"; else return ""; if (this._getIconType) if (String(icon_name).search("-symbolic") != -1) return icon_name; else return icon_name + "-symbolic"; else if (String(icon_name).search("-symbolic") != -1) return String(icon_name).replace("-symbolic", ""); else return icon_name; }, load_json_async: function(url, params, fun) { if (_httpSession === undefined) { if (ExtensionUtils.versionCheck(['3.6'], Config.PACKAGE_VERSION)) { // Soup session (see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=661323#c64) (Simon Legner) _httpSession = new Soup.SessionAsync(); Soup.Session.prototype.add_feature.call(_httpSession, new Soup.ProxyResolverDefault()); } else _httpSession = new Soup.Session(); } let message = Soup.form_request_new_from_hash('GET', url, params); _httpSession.queue_message(message, Lang.bind(this, function(_httpSession, message) { try { if (!message.response_body.data) { fun.call(this, 0); return; } let jp = JSON.parse(message.response_body.data); fun.call(this, jp); } catch (e) { fun.call(this, 0); return; } })); return; }, checkPositionInPanel: function() { if (this._old_position_in_panel != this._position_in_panel) { switch (this._old_position_in_panel) { case WeatherPosition.LEFT: Main.panel._leftBox.remove_actor(this.actor); break; case WeatherPosition.CENTER: Main.panel._centerBox.remove_actor(this.actor); break; case WeatherPosition.RIGHT: Main.panel._rightBox.remove_actor(this.actor); break; } let children = null; switch (this._position_in_panel) { case WeatherPosition.LEFT: children = Main.panel._leftBox.get_children(); Main.panel._leftBox.insert_child_at_index(this.actor, children.length); break; case WeatherPosition.CENTER: children = Main.panel._centerBox.get_children(); Main.panel._centerBox.insert_child_at_index(this.actor, children.length); break; case WeatherPosition.RIGHT: children = Main.panel._rightBox.get_children(); Main.panel._rightBox.insert_child_at_index(this.actor, 0); break; } this._old_position_in_panel = this._position_in_panel; } }, formatPressure: function(pressure) { let pressure_unit = 'hPa'; switch (this._pressure_units) { case WeatherPressureUnits.inHg: pressure = this.toInHg(pressure); pressure_unit = "inHg"; break; case WeatherPressureUnits.hPa: pressure = pressure.toFixed(this._decimal_places); pressure_unit = "hPa"; break; case WeatherPressureUnits.bar: pressure = (pressure / 1000).toFixed(this._decimal_places); pressure_unit = "bar"; break; case WeatherPressureUnits.Pa: pressure = (pressure * 100).toFixed(this._decimal_places); pressure_unit = "Pa"; break; case WeatherPressureUnits.kPa: pressure = (pressure / 10).toFixed(this._decimal_places); pressure_unit = "kPa"; break; case WeatherPressureUnits.atm: pressure = (pressure * 0.000986923267).toFixed(this._decimal_places); pressure_unit = "atm"; break; case WeatherPressureUnits.at: pressure = (pressure * 0.00101971621298).toFixed(this._decimal_places); pressure_unit = "at"; break; case WeatherPressureUnits.Torr: pressure = (pressure * 0.750061683).toFixed(this._decimal_places); pressure_unit = "Torr"; break; case WeatherPressureUnits.psi: pressure = (pressure * 0.0145037738).toFixed(this._decimal_places); pressure_unit = "psi"; break; } return parseFloat(pressure).toLocaleString() + ' ' + pressure_unit; }, formatTemperature: function(temperature) { switch (this._units) { case WeatherUnits.FAHRENHEIT: temperature = this.toFahrenheit(temperature); break; case WeatherUnits.CELSIUS: temperature = temperature.toFixed(this._decimal_places); break; case WeatherUnits.KELVIN: temperature = this.toKelvin(temperature); break; case WeatherUnits.RANKINE: temperature = this.toRankine(temperature); break; case WeatherUnits.REAUMUR: temperature = this.toReaumur(temperature); break; case WeatherUnits.ROEMER: temperature = this.toRoemer(temperature); break; case WeatherUnits.DELISLE: temperature = this.toDelisle(temperature); break; case WeatherUnits.NEWTON: temperature = this.toNewton(temperature); break; } return parseFloat(temperature).toLocaleString() + ' ' + this.unit_to_unicode(); }, formatWind: function(speed, direction) { let unit = 'm/s'; switch (this._wind_speed_units) { case WeatherWindSpeedUnits.MPH: speed = (speed * WEATHER_CONV_MPS_IN_MPH).toFixed(this._decimal_places); unit = 'mph'; break; case WeatherWindSpeedUnits.KPH: speed = (speed * WEATHER_CONV_MPS_IN_KPH).toFixed(this._decimal_places); unit = 'km/h'; break; case WeatherWindSpeedUnits.MPS: speed = speed.toFixed(this._decimal_places); break; case WeatherWindSpeedUnits.KNOTS: speed = (speed * WEATHER_CONV_MPS_IN_KNOTS).toFixed(this._decimal_places); unit = 'kn'; break; case WeatherWindSpeedUnits.FPS: speed = (speed * WEATHER_CONV_MPS_IN_FPS).toFixed(this._decimal_places); unit = 'ft/s'; break; case WeatherWindSpeedUnits.BEAUFORT: speed = this.toBeaufort(speed); unit = this.toBeaufort(speed, true); break; } if (!speed) return '\u2013'; else if (speed === 0 || !direction) return parseFloat(speed).toLocaleString() + ' ' + unit; else // i.e. speed > 0 && direction return direction + ' ' + parseFloat(speed).toLocaleString() + ' ' + unit; }, reloadWeatherCurrent: function(interval) { if (this._timeoutCurrent) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._timeoutCurrent); } this._timeoutCurrent = Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds(interval, Lang.bind(this, function() { this.currentWeatherCache = undefined; if (this._connected) this.parseWeatherCurrent(); else this.rebuildCurrentWeatherUi(); return true; })); }, reloadWeatherForecast: function(interval) { if (this._timeoutForecast) { Mainloop.source_remove(this._timeoutForecast); } this._timeoutForecast = Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds(interval, Lang.bind(this, function() { this.forecastWeatherCache = undefined; if (this._connected) this.parseWeatherForecast(); else this.rebuildFutureWeatherUi(); return true; })); }, destroyCurrentWeather: function() { if (this._currentWeather.get_child() !== null) this._currentWeather.get_child().destroy(); }, destroyFutureWeather: function() { if (this._futureWeather.get_child() !== null) this._futureWeather.get_child().destroy(); }, rebuildCurrentWeatherUi: function() { this._weatherInfo.text = _('Loading current weather ...'); this._weatherIcon.icon_name = 'view-refresh' + this.getIconType(); this.destroyCurrentWeather(); // This will hold the icon for the current weather this._currentWeatherIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_size: 72, icon_name: 'view-refresh' + this.getIconType(), style_class: 'openweather-current-icon' }); this._sunriseIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_size: 15, icon_name: 'weather-clear' + this.getIconType(), style_class: 'openweather-sunrise-icon' }); this._sunsetIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_size: 15, icon_name: 'weather-clear-night' + this.getIconType(), style_class: 'openweather-sunset-icon' }); this._buildIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_size: 15, icon_name: 'view-refresh' + this.getIconType(), style_class: 'openweather-build-icon' }); // The summary of the current weather this._currentWeatherSummary = new St.Label({ text: _('Loading ...'), style_class: 'openweather-current-summary' }); this._currentWeatherLocation = new St.Label({ text: _('Please wait') }); let bb = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'openweather-current-summarybox' }); bb.add_actor(this._currentWeatherLocation); bb.add_actor(this._currentWeatherSummary); this._currentWeatherSunrise = new St.Label({ text: '-' }); this._currentWeatherSunset = new St.Label({ text: '-' }); this._currentWeatherBuild = new St.Label({ text: '-' }); let ab = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'openweather-current-infobox' }); ab.add_actor(this._sunriseIcon); ab.add_actor(this._currentWeatherSunrise); ab.add_actor(this._sunsetIcon); ab.add_actor(this._currentWeatherSunset); ab.add_actor(this._buildIcon); ab.add_actor(this._currentWeatherBuild); bb.add_actor(ab); // Other labels this._currentWeatherCloudiness = new St.Label({ text: '...' }); this._currentWeatherHumidity = new St.Label({ text: '...' }); this._currentWeatherPressure = new St.Label({ text: '...' }); this._currentWeatherWind = new St.Label({ text: '...' }); let rb = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'openweather-current-databox' }); let rb_captions = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'openweather-current-databox-captions' }); let rb_values = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'openweather-current-databox-values' }); rb.add_actor(rb_captions); rb.add_actor(rb_values); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({ text: _('Cloudiness:') })); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherCloudiness); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({ text: _('Humidity:') })); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherHumidity); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({ text: _('Pressure:') })); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherPressure); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({ text: _('Wind:') })); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherWind); let xb = new St.BoxLayout(); xb.add_actor(bb); xb.add_actor(rb); let box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'openweather-current-iconbox' }); box.add_actor(this._currentWeatherIcon); box.add_actor(xb); this._currentWeather.set_child(box); }, scrollForecastBy: function(delta) { if (this._forecastScrollBox === undefined) return; this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.adjustment.value += delta; }, rebuildFutureWeatherUi: function(cnt) { this.destroyFutureWeather(); this._forecast = []; this._forecastBox = new St.BoxLayout({ x_align: this._center_forecast ? St.Align.END : St.Align.START, style_class: 'openweather-forecast-box' }); this._forecastScrollBox = new St.ScrollView({ style_class: 'openweather-forecasts' }); let pan = new Clutter.PanAction({ interpolate: true }); pan.connect('pan', Lang.bind(this, function(action) { let[dist, dx, dy] = action.get_motion_delta(0); this.scrollForecastBy(-1 * (dx / this._forecastScrollBox.width) * this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.adjustment.page_size); return false; })); this._forecastScrollBox.add_action(pan); this._forecastScrollBox.connect('scroll-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onScroll)); this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.connect('scroll-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onScroll)); this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.margin_right = 25; this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.margin_left = 25; this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.hide(); this._forecastScrollBox.vscrollbar_policy = Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER; this._forecastScrollBox.hscrollbar_policy = Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC; this._forecastScrollBox.enable_mouse_scrolling = true; this._forecastScrollBox.hide(); this._futureWeather.set_child(this._forecastScrollBox); if (cnt === undefined) cnt = this._days_forecast; for (let i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { let forecastWeather = {}; forecastWeather.Icon = new St.Icon({ icon_size: 48, icon_name: 'view-refresh' + this.getIconType(), style_class: 'openweather-forecast-icon' }); forecastWeather.Day = new St.Label({ style_class: 'openweather-forecast-day' }); forecastWeather.Summary = new St.Label({ style_class: 'openweather-forecast-summary' }); forecastWeather.Summary.clutter_text.line_wrap = true; forecastWeather.Temperature = new St.Label({ style_class: 'openweather-forecast-temperature' }); let by = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'openweather-forecast-databox' }); by.add_actor(forecastWeather.Day); if (this._comment_in_forecast) by.add_actor(forecastWeather.Summary); by.add_actor(forecastWeather.Temperature); let bb = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'openweather-forecast-iconbox' }); bb.add_actor(forecastWeather.Icon); bb.add_actor(by); this._forecast[i] = forecastWeather; this._forecastBox.add_actor(bb); } this._forecastScrollBox.add_actor(this._forecastBox); }, _onScroll: function(actor, event) { let dx = 0; let dy = 0; switch (event.get_scroll_direction()) { case Clutter.ScrollDirection.UP: dy = -1; break; case Clutter.ScrollDirection.DOWN: dy = 1; break; // horizontal scrolling will be handled by the control itself default: return true; } this.scrollForecastBy(dy * this._forecastScrollBox.hscroll.adjustment.stepIncrement); return false; } }); let openweatherMenu; function init() { Convenience.initTranslations('gnome-shell-extension-openweather'); } function enable() { openweatherMenu = new OpenweatherMenuButton(); Main.panel.addToStatusArea('openweatherMenu', openweatherMenu); } function disable() { openweatherMenu.stop(); openweatherMenu.destroy(); }