/* * * Weather extension for GNOME Shell * - Displays a small weather information on the top panel. * - On click, gives a popup with details about the weather. * * Copyright (C) 2011 * ecyrbe , * Timur Kristof , * Elad Alfassa , * Simon Legner * * * This file is part of gnome-shell-extension-weather. * * gnome-shell-extension-weather is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * gnome-shell-extension-weather is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with gnome-shell-extension-weather. If not, see . * */ const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Cairo = imports.cairo; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const St = imports.gi.St; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell-extension-weather'); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const Json = imports.gi.Json; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const Soup = imports.gi.Soup; const Util = imports.misc.util; // Settings const WEATHER_SETTINGS_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.shell.extensions.weather'; const WEATHER_UNIT_KEY = 'unit'; const WEATHER_CITY_KEY = 'city'; const WEATHER_WOEID_KEY = 'woeid'; const WEATHER_TRANSLATE_CONDITION_KEY = 'translate-condition'; const WEATHER_USE_SYMBOLIC_ICONS_KEY = 'use-symbolic-icons'; const WEATHER_SHOW_TEXT_IN_PANEL_KEY = 'show-text-in-panel'; // Keep enums in sync with GSettings schemas const WeatherUnits = { CELSIUS: 0, FAHRENHEIT: 1 }; function WeatherMenuButton() { this._init(); } function getSettings(schema) { if (Gio.Settings.list_schemas().indexOf(schema) == -1) throw _("Schema \"%s\" not found.").format(schema); return new Gio.Settings({ schema: schema }); } WeatherMenuButton.prototype = { __proto__: PanelMenu.Button.prototype, _init: function() { // Load settings this._settings = getSettings(WEATHER_SETTINGS_SCHEMA); this._units = this._settings.get_enum(WEATHER_UNIT_KEY); this._city = this._settings.get_string(WEATHER_CITY_KEY); this._woeid = this._settings.get_string(WEATHER_WOEID_KEY); this._translate_condition = this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_TRANSLATE_CONDITION_KEY); this._icon_type = this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_USE_SYMBOLIC_ICONS_KEY) ? St.IconType.SYMBOLIC : St.IconType.FULLCOLOR; this._text_in_panel = this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_SHOW_TEXT_IN_PANEL_KEY); // Watch settings for changes let load_settings_and_refresh_weather = Lang.bind(this, function() { this._units = this._settings.get_enum(WEATHER_UNIT_KEY); this._city = this._settings.get_string(WEATHER_CITY_KEY); this._woeid = this._settings.get_string(WEATHER_WOEID_KEY); this._translate_condition = this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_TRANSLATE_CONDITION_KEY); this._icon_type = this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_USE_SYMBOLIC_ICONS_KEY) ? St.IconType.SYMBOLIC : St.IconType.FULLCOLOR; this.refreshWeather(false); }); this._settings.connect('changed::' + WEATHER_UNIT_KEY, load_settings_and_refresh_weather); this._settings.connect('changed::' + WEATHER_CITY_KEY, load_settings_and_refresh_weather); this._settings.connect('changed::' + WEATHER_WOEID_KEY, load_settings_and_refresh_weather); this._settings.connect('changed::' + WEATHER_TRANSLATE_CONDITION_KEY, load_settings_and_refresh_weather); this._settings.connect('changed::' + WEATHER_USE_SYMBOLIC_ICONS_KEY, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._icon_type = this._settings.get_boolean(WEATHER_USE_SYMBOLIC_ICONS_KEY) ? St.IconType.SYMBOLIC : St.IconType.FULLCOLOR; this._weatherIcon.icon_type = this._icon_type; this._currentWeatherIcon.icon_type = this._icon_type; this._forecast[0].Icon.icon_type = this._icon_type; this._forecast[1].Icon.icon_type = this._icon_type; this.refreshWeather(false); })); // Panel icon this._weatherIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_type: this._icon_type, icon_size: Main.panel.button.get_child().height, icon_name: 'view-refresh-symbolic', style_class: 'weather-icon' + (Main.panel.actor.get_direction() == St.TextDirection.RTL ? '-rtl' : '') }); // Label this._weatherInfo = new St.Label({ text: _('...') }); // Panel menu item - the current class let menuAlignment = 0.25; if (St.Widget.get_default_direction() == St.TextDirection.RTL) menuAlignment = 1.0 - menuAlignment; PanelMenu.Button.prototype._init.call(this, menuAlignment); // Putting the panel item together let topBox = new St.BoxLayout(); topBox.add_actor(this._weatherIcon); if (this._text_in_panel) topBox.add_actor(this._weatherInfo); this.actor.set_child(topBox); Main.panel._centerBox.add(this.actor, { y_fill: true }); Main.panel._menus.addMenu(this.menu); // Current weather this._currentWeather = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'current' }); // Future weather this._futureWeather = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'forecast' /*, x_align: St.Align.START*/}); // Separator (copied from Gnome shell's popupMenu.js) this._separatorArea = new St.DrawingArea({ style_class: 'popup-separator-menu-item' }); this._separatorArea.width = 200; this._separatorArea.connect('repaint', Lang.bind(this, this._onSeparatorAreaRepaint)); // Putting the popup item together let mainBox = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true }); mainBox.add_actor(this._currentWeather); mainBox.add_actor(this._separatorArea); mainBox.add_actor(this._futureWeather); this.menu.addActor(mainBox); // Items this.showLoadingUi(); this.rebuildCurrentWeatherUi(); this.rebuildFutureWeatherUi(); // Show weather Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds(3, Lang.bind(this, function() { this.refreshWeather(true); })); }, unit_to_url: function() { return this._units == WeatherUnits.FAHRENHEIT ? 'f' : 'c'; }, unit_to_unicode: function() { return this._units == WeatherUnits.FAHRENHEIT ? '\u2109' : '\u2103'; }, get_weather_url: function() { return 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastjson?u=' + this.unit_to_url() + '&p=' + this._woeid; }, get_forecast_url: function() { return 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?format=json&q=select%20item.forecast%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20location%3D%22' + this._woeid + '%22%20%20and%20u="' + this.unit_to_url() + '"'; }, get_weather_icon: function(code) { /* see http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/#codetable */ /* fallback icons are: weather-clear-night weather-clear weather-few-clouds-night weather-few-clouds weather-fog weather-overcast weather-severe-alert weather-showers weather-showers-scattered weather-snow weather-storm */ switch (parseInt(code, 10)) { case 0:/* tornado */ return ['weather-severe-alert']; case 1:/* tropical storm */ return ['weather-severe-alert']; case 2:/* hurricane */ return ['weather-severe-alert']; case 3:/* severe thunderstorms */ return ['weather-severe-alert']; case 4:/* thunderstorms */ return ['weather-storm']; case 5:/* mixed rain and snow */ return ['weather-snow-rain', 'weather-snow']; case 6:/* mixed rain and sleet */ return ['weather-snow-rain', 'weather-snow']; case 7:/* mixed snow and sleet */ return ['weather-snow']; case 8:/* freezing drizzle */ return ['weather-freezing-rain', 'weather-showers']; case 9:/* drizzle */ return ['weather-fog']; case 10:/* freezing rain */ return ['weather-freezing-rain', 'weather-showers']; case 11:/* showers */ return ['weather-showers']; case 12:/* showers */ return ['weather-showers']; case 13:/* snow flurries */ return ['weather-snow']; case 14:/* light snow showers */ return ['weather-snow']; case 15:/* blowing snow */ return ['weather-snow']; case 16:/* snow */ return ['weather-snow']; case 17:/* hail */ return ['weather-snow']; case 18:/* sleet */ return ['weather-snow']; case 19:/* dust */ return ['weather-fog']; case 20:/* foggy */ return ['weather-fog']; case 21:/* haze */ return ['weather-fog']; case 22:/* smoky */ return ['weather-fog']; case 23:/* blustery */ return ['weather-few-clouds']; case 24:/* windy */ return ['weather-few-clouds']; case 25:/* cold */ return ['weather-few-clouds']; case 26:/* cloudy */ return ['weather-overcast']; case 27:/* mostly cloudy (night) */ return ['weather-clouds-night', 'weather-few-clouds-night']; case 28:/* mostly cloudy (day) */ return ['weather-clouds', 'weather-overcast']; case 29:/* partly cloudy (night) */ return ['weather-few-clouds-night']; case 30:/* partly cloudy (day) */ return ['weather-few-clouds']; case 31:/* clear (night) */ return ['weather-clear-night']; case 32:/* sunny */ return ['weather-clear']; case 33:/* fair (night) */ return ['weather-clear-night']; case 34:/* fair (day) */ return ['weather-clear']; case 35:/* mixed rain and hail */ return ['weather-snow-rain', 'weather-showers']; case 36:/* hot */ return ['weather-clear']; case 37:/* isolated thunderstorms */ return ['weather-storm']; case 38:/* scattered thunderstorms */ case 39:/* scattered thunderstorms */ return ['weather-storm']; case 40:/* scattered showers */ return ['weather-showers-scattered', 'weather-showers']; case 41:/* heavy snow */ return ['weather-snow']; case 42:/* scattered snow showers */ return ['weather-snow']; case 43:/* heavy snow */ return ['weather-snow']; case 44:/* partly cloudy */ return ['weather-few-clouds']; case 45:/* thundershowers */ return ['weather-storm']; case 46:/* snow showers */ return ['weather-snow']; case 47:/* isolated thundershowers */ return ['weather-storm']; case 3200:/* not available */ default: return ['weather-severe-alert']; } }, get_weather_icon_safely: function(code) { let iconname = this.get_weather_icon(code); for (let i = 0; i < iconname.length; i++) { if (this.has_icon(iconname[i])) return iconname[i]; } return 'weather-severe-alert'; }, has_icon: function(icon) { //TODO correct symbolic name? (cf. symbolic_names_for_icon) return Gtk.IconTheme.get_default().has_icon(icon + (this._icon_type == St.IconType.SYMBOLIC ? '-symbolic' : '')); }, get_weather_condition: function(code) { switch (parseInt(code, 10)){ case 0:/* tornado */ return _('Tornado'); case 1:/* tropical storm */ return _('Tropical storm'); case 2:/* hurricane */ return _('Hurricane'); case 3:/* severe thunderstorms */ return _('Severe thunderstorms'); case 4:/* thunderstorms */ return _('Thunderstorms'); case 5:/* mixed rain and snow */ return _('Mixed rain and snow'); case 6:/* mixed rain and sleet */ return _('Mixed rain and sleet'); case 7:/* mixed snow and sleet */ return _('Mixed snow and sleet'); case 8:/* freezing drizzle */ return _('Freezing drizzle'); case 9:/* drizzle */ return _('Drizzle'); case 10:/* freezing rain */ return _('Freezing rain'); case 11:/* showers */ return _('Showers'); case 12:/* showers */ return _('Showers'); case 13:/* snow flurries */ return _('Snow flurries'); case 14:/* light snow showers */ return _('Light snow showers'); case 15:/* blowing snow */ return _('Blowing snow'); case 16:/* snow */ return _('Snow'); case 17:/* hail */ return _('Hail'); case 18:/* sleet */ return _('Sleet'); case 19:/* dust */ return _('Dust'); case 20:/* foggy */ return _('Foggy'); case 21:/* haze */ return _('Haze'); case 22:/* smoky */ return _('Smoky'); case 23:/* blustery */ return _('Blustery'); case 24:/* windy */ return _('Windy'); case 25:/* cold */ return _('Cold'); case 26:/* cloudy */ return _('Cloudy'); case 27:/* mostly cloudy (night) */ case 28:/* mostly cloudy (day) */ return _('Mostly cloudy'); case 29:/* partly cloudy (night) */ case 30:/* partly cloudy (day) */ return _('Partly cloudy'); case 31:/* clear (night) */ return _('Clear'); case 32:/* sunny */ return _('Sunny'); case 33:/* fair (night) */ case 34:/* fair (day) */ return _('Fair'); case 35:/* mixed rain and hail */ return _('Mixed rain and hail'); case 36:/* hot */ return _('Hot'); case 37:/* isolated thunderstorms */ return _('Isolated thunderstorms'); case 38:/* scattered thunderstorms */ case 39:/* scattered thunderstorms */ return _('Scattered thunderstorms'); case 40:/* scattered showers */ return _('Scattered showers'); case 41:/* heavy snow */ return _('Heavy snow'); case 42:/* scattered snow showers */ return _('Scattered snow showers'); case 43:/* heavy snow */ return _('Heavy snow'); case 44:/* partly cloudy */ return _('Partly cloudy'); case 45:/* thundershowers */ return _('Thundershowers'); case 46:/* snow showers */ return _('Snow showers'); case 47:/* isolated thundershowers */ return _('Isolated thundershowers'); case 3200:/* not available */ default: return _('Not available'); } }, parse_day: function(abr) { let yahoo_days = ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday']; for (var i = 0; i < yahoo_days.length; i++) { if (yahoo_days[i].substr(0, abr.length) == abr.toLowerCase()) { return i; } } return 0; }, get_locale_day: function(abr) { let days = [_('Monday'), _('Tuesday'), _('Wednesday'), _('Thursday'), _('Friday'), _('Saturday'), _('Sunday')]; return days[this.parse_day(abr)]; }, load_json_async: function(url, fun) { here = this; let session = new Soup.SessionAsync(); let message = Soup.Message.new('GET', url); session.queue_message(message, function(session, message) { jp = new Json.Parser(); jp.load_from_data(message.response_body.data, -1); fun.call(here, jp.get_root().get_object()); }); }, refreshWeather: function(recurse) { // Refresh current weather this.load_json_async(this.get_weather_url(), function(weather) { // Fixes wrong woeid if necessary try { // Wrong woeid specified if (weather.get_int_member('code') == 500) { // Fetch correct woeid this.load_json_async(this.get_weather_url().replace('p=', 'w='), function(weather) { try { // Take correct woeid, update gsettings this._woeid = weather.get_object_member('location').get_string_member('location_id'); this._settings.set_string(WEATHER_WOEID_KEY, this._woeid); // Load weather with correct woeid this.refreshWeather(false); } catch(e) { } }); return; } } catch(e) { global.log('A ' + e.name + ' has occured: ' + e.message); } let location = weather.get_object_member('location').get_string_member('city'); if (this._city != null && this._city.length > 0) location = this._city; let comment = weather.get_object_member('condition').get_string_member('text'); if (this._translate_condition) comment = this.get_weather_condition(weather.get_object_member('condition').get_string_member('code')); let temperature = weather.get_object_member('condition').get_double_member('temperature'); let humidity = weather.get_object_member('atmosphere').get_string_member('humidity') + ' %'; let pressure = weather.get_object_member('atmosphere').get_double_member('pressure'); pressure_unit = weather.get_object_member('units').get_string_member('pressure'); let wind_direction = weather.get_object_member('wind').get_string_member('direction'); let wind = weather.get_object_member('wind').get_double_member('speed'); wind_unit = weather.get_object_member('units').get_string_member('speed'); let iconname = this.get_weather_icon_safely(weather.get_object_member('condition').get_string_member('code')); this._currentWeatherIcon.icon_name = this._weatherIcon.icon_name = iconname; this._weatherInfo.text = (comment + ', ' + temperature + ' ' + this.unit_to_unicode()); this._currentWeatherSummary.text = comment; this._currentWeatherLocation.text = location; this._currentWeatherTemperature.text = temperature + ' ' + this.unit_to_unicode(); this._currentWeatherHumidity.text = humidity; this._currentWeatherPressure.text = pressure + ' ' + pressure_unit; this._currentWeatherWind.text = (wind_direction ? wind_direction + ' ' : '') + wind + ' ' + wind_unit; }); // Refresh forecast this.load_json_async(this.get_forecast_url(), function(forecast) { date_string = [_('Today'), _('Tomorrow')]; forecast2 = forecast.get_object_member('query').get_object_member('results').get_array_member('channel').get_elements(); for (let i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { let forecastUi = this._forecast[i]; let forecastData = forecast2[i].get_object().get_object_member('item').get_object_member('forecast'); let code = forecastData.get_string_member('code'); let t_low = forecastData.get_string_member('low'); let t_high = forecastData.get_string_member('high'); let comment = forecastData.get_string_member('text'); if (this._translate_condition) comment = this.get_weather_condition(code); forecastUi.Day.text = date_string[i] + ' (' + this.get_locale_day(forecastData.get_string_member('day')) + ')'; forecastUi.Temperature.text = t_low + '\u2013' + t_high + ' ' + this.unit_to_unicode(); forecastUi.Summary.text = comment; forecastUi.Icon.icon_name = this.get_weather_icon_safely(code); } }); // Repeatedly refresh weather if recurse is set if (recurse) { Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds(60 * 4, Lang.bind(this, function() { this.refreshWeather(true); })); } }, destroyCurrentWeather: function() { if (this._currentWeather.get_child() != null) this._currentWeather.get_child().destroy(); }, destroyFutureWeather: function() { if (this._futureWeather.get_child() != null) this._futureWeather.get_child().destroy(); }, showLoadingUi: function() { this.destroyCurrentWeather(); this.destroyFutureWeather(); this._currentWeather.set_child(new St.Label({ text: _('Loading current weather ...') })); this._futureWeather.set_child(new St.Label({ text: _('Loading future weather ...') })); }, rebuildCurrentWeatherUi: function() { this.destroyCurrentWeather(); // This will hold the icon for the current weather this._currentWeatherIcon = new St.Icon({ icon_type: this._icon_type, icon_size: 64, icon_name: 'view-refresh-symbolic', style_class: 'weather-current-icon' }); // The summary of the current weather this._currentWeatherSummary = new St.Label({ text: _('Loading ...'), style_class: 'weather-current-summary' }); this._currentWeatherLocation = new St.Label({ text: _('Please wait') }); let bb = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'weather-current-summarybox' }); bb.add_actor(this._currentWeatherLocation); bb.add_actor(this._currentWeatherSummary); // Other labels this._currentWeatherTemperature = new St.Label({ text: '...' }); this._currentWeatherHumidity = new St.Label({ text: '...' }); this._currentWeatherPressure = new St.Label({ text: '...' }); this._currentWeatherWind = new St.Label({ text: '...' }); let rb = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'weather-current-databox' }); rb_captions = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'weather-current-databox-captions' }); rb_values = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'weather-current-databox-values' }); rb.add_actor(rb_captions); rb.add_actor(rb_values); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({text: _('Temperature:')})); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherTemperature); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({text: _('Humidity:')})); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherHumidity); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({text: _('Pressure:')})); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherPressure); rb_captions.add_actor(new St.Label({text: _('Wind:')})); rb_values.add_actor(this._currentWeatherWind); let xb = new St.BoxLayout(); xb.add_actor(bb); xb.add_actor(rb); let box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'weather-current-iconbox' }); box.add_actor(this._currentWeatherIcon); box.add_actor(xb); this._currentWeather.set_child(box); }, rebuildFutureWeatherUi: function() { this.destroyFutureWeather(); this._forecast = []; this._forecastBox = new St.BoxLayout(); this._futureWeather.set_child(this._forecastBox); for (let i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { let forecastWeather = {}; forecastWeather.Icon = new St.Icon({ icon_type: this._icon_type, icon_size: 48, icon_name: 'view-refresh-symbolic', style_class: 'weather-forecast-icon' }); forecastWeather.Day = new St.Label({ style_class: 'weather-forecast-day' }); forecastWeather.Summary = new St.Label({ style_class: 'weather-forecast-summary' }); forecastWeather.Temperature = new St.Label({ style_class: 'weather-forecast-temperature' }); let by = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true, style_class: 'weather-forecast-databox' }); by.add_actor(forecastWeather.Day); by.add_actor(forecastWeather.Summary); by.add_actor(forecastWeather.Temperature); let bb = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'weather-forecast-box' }); bb.add_actor(forecastWeather.Icon); bb.add_actor(by); this._forecast[i] = forecastWeather; this._forecastBox.add_actor(bb); } }, // Copied from Gnome shell's popupMenu.js _onSeparatorAreaRepaint: function(area) { let cr = area.get_context(); let themeNode = area.get_theme_node(); let [width, height] = area.get_surface_size(); let margin = themeNode.get_length('-margin-horizontal'); let gradientHeight = themeNode.get_length('-gradient-height'); let startColor = themeNode.get_color('-gradient-start'); let endColor = themeNode.get_color('-gradient-end'); let gradientWidth = (width - margin * 2); let gradientOffset = (height - gradientHeight) / 2; let pattern = new Cairo.LinearGradient(margin, gradientOffset, width - margin, gradientOffset + gradientHeight); pattern.addColorStopRGBA(0, startColor.red / 255, startColor.green / 255, startColor.blue / 255, startColor.alpha / 255); pattern.addColorStopRGBA(0.5, endColor.red / 255, endColor.green / 255, endColor.blue / 255, endColor.alpha / 255); pattern.addColorStopRGBA(1, startColor.red / 255, startColor.green / 255, startColor.blue / 255, startColor.alpha / 255); cr.setSource(pattern); cr.rectangle(margin, gradientOffset, gradientWidth, gradientHeight); cr.fill(); } }; function main() { this._weatherMenu = new WeatherMenuButton(); }