False True center-on-parent True True dialog True False 10 10 10 10 vertical True False start True Edit name False False 0 350 True True True edit-clear-symbolic False False Click here to search the coordinates for the entered location on https://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/ Click here to search the locatopn for the entered coordinates on https://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/ Clear the entry False True 1 True False start True Edit coordinates False True 2 True True True edit-clear-symbolic False False Clear entry False True 3 True False 10 10 False False 4 True False baseline False gtk-cancel True True True start True 0.46000000834465027 False False 0 gtk-save True True True True False True end 2 False True end 6 True False False True center-on-parent True True dialog True False 10 10 10 10 vertical True False start True Search by location or coordinates False False 0 True False 5 350 True True True edit-clear-symbolic False False Click here to search the coordinates for the entered location on https://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/ Click here to search the locatopn for the entered coordinates on https://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/ Click here to search the coordinates for the entered location on https://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/ Click here to search the locatopn for the entered coordinates on https://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/ e.g. Vaiaku, Tuvalu or -8.5211767,179.1976747 False True 0 gtk-find True True True True False True 1 False True 1 True False 10 10 False False 5 True False baseline False gtk-cancel True True True start True 0.46000000834465027 False False 0 gtk-save True True True True False True end 2 False True end 6 False 10 10 True False vertical True True in 200 250 True True tree-liststore False False 12 True True 0 True False icons 1 False True False gtk-add False True False True False gtk-delete False True False True False gtk-edit False True False True 1 False True 0 True False 10 5 5 True True False Choose weather provider 0 0 True False Temperature Unit 0 1 True False Wind Speed Unit 0 2 True False Pressure Unit 0 3 True False Position in Panel 0 4 True False Wind Direction by Arrows 0 5 True False Translate Conditions 0 6 True False Symbolic Icons 0 7 True False Text on buttons 0 8 True False Temperature in Panel 0 9 True False Conditions in Panel 0 10 True False Conditions in Forecast 0 11 True False Center forecast 0 12 True False Number of days in forecast 0 13 True False Maximal number of digits after the decimal point 0 14 True False Personal Api key from openweathermap.org 0 15 True False Personal Api key from forecast.io 0 16 True False http://openweathermap.org http://forecast.io 1 0 True False °C °F K °Ra °Ré °Rø °De °N 1 1 True False km/h mph m/s kn ft/s Beaufort 1 2 True False hPa inHg bar Pa kPa atm at Torr psi 1 3 True False Center Right Left 1 4 True True center 1 5 True True center 1 6 True True center 1 7 True True center 1 8 True True center 1 9 True True center 1 10 True True center 1 11 True True center 1 12 True False 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 13 True False 0 1 2 3 1 14 True True 32 32 1 15 True True True 32 1 16 False True 1