/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "PrimaryDeviceHAL" #include "core/default/PrimaryDevice.h" #include "core/default/Util.h" #include #include #if MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 #include #endif namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace audio { namespace CPP_VERSION { namespace implementation { namespace util { using namespace ::android::hardware::audio::CORE_TYPES_CPP_VERSION::implementation::util; } PrimaryDevice::PrimaryDevice(audio_hw_device_t* device) : mDevice(new Device(device)) {} PrimaryDevice::~PrimaryDevice() { // Do not call mDevice->close here. If there are any unclosed streams, // they only hold IDevice instance, not IPrimaryDevice, thus IPrimaryDevice // "part" of a device can be destroyed before the streams. } // Methods from ::android::hardware::audio::CPP_VERSION::IDevice follow. Return PrimaryDevice::initCheck() { return mDevice->initCheck(); } Return PrimaryDevice::setMasterVolume(float volume) { return mDevice->setMasterVolume(volume); } Return PrimaryDevice::getMasterVolume(getMasterVolume_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->getMasterVolume(_hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::setMicMute(bool mute) { return mDevice->setMicMute(mute); } Return PrimaryDevice::getMicMute(getMicMute_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->getMicMute(_hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::setMasterMute(bool mute) { return mDevice->setMasterMute(mute); } Return PrimaryDevice::getMasterMute(getMasterMute_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->getMasterMute(_hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::getInputBufferSize(const AudioConfig& config, getInputBufferSize_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->getInputBufferSize(config, _hidl_cb); } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 Return PrimaryDevice::openOutputStream(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, AudioOutputFlags flags, openOutputStream_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->openOutputStream(ioHandle, device, config, flags, _hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::openInputStream(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, AudioInputFlags flags, AudioSource source, openInputStream_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->openInputStream(ioHandle, device, config, flags, source, _hidl_cb); } #elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 Return PrimaryDevice::openOutputStream(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 AudioOutputFlags flags, #else const AudioOutputFlags& flags, #endif const SourceMetadata& sourceMetadata, openOutputStream_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->openOutputStream(ioHandle, device, config, flags, sourceMetadata, _hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::openInputStream(int32_t ioHandle, const DeviceAddress& device, const AudioConfig& config, #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 AudioInputFlags flags, #else const AudioInputFlags& flags, #endif const SinkMetadata& sinkMetadata, openInputStream_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->openInputStream(ioHandle, device, config, flags, sinkMetadata, _hidl_cb); } #endif Return PrimaryDevice::supportsAudioPatches() { return mDevice->supportsAudioPatches(); } Return PrimaryDevice::createAudioPatch(const hidl_vec& sources, const hidl_vec& sinks, createAudioPatch_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->createAudioPatch(sources, sinks, _hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::releaseAudioPatch(int32_t patch) { return mDevice->releaseAudioPatch(patch); } Return PrimaryDevice::getAudioPort(const AudioPort& port, getAudioPort_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->getAudioPort(port, _hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::setAudioPortConfig(const AudioPortConfig& config) { return mDevice->setAudioPortConfig(config); } Return PrimaryDevice::setScreenState(bool turnedOn) { return mDevice->setScreenState(turnedOn); } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 Return PrimaryDevice::getHwAvSync() { return mDevice->getHwAvSync(); } Return PrimaryDevice::getParameters(const hidl_vec& keys, getParameters_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->getParameters(keys, _hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::setParameters(const hidl_vec& parameters) { return mDevice->setParameters(parameters); } Return PrimaryDevice::debugDump(const hidl_handle& fd) { return mDevice->debugDump(fd); } #elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 Return PrimaryDevice::getHwAvSync(getHwAvSync_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->getHwAvSync(_hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::getParameters(const hidl_vec& context, const hidl_vec& keys, getParameters_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->getParameters(context, keys, _hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::setParameters(const hidl_vec& context, const hidl_vec& parameters) { return mDevice->setParameters(context, parameters); } Return PrimaryDevice::getMicrophones(getMicrophones_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->getMicrophones(_hidl_cb); } Return PrimaryDevice::setConnectedState(const DeviceAddress& address, bool connected) { return mDevice->setConnectedState(address, connected); } #endif #if MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 Return PrimaryDevice::close() { return mDevice->close(); } Return PrimaryDevice::addDeviceEffect(AudioPortHandle device, uint64_t effectId) { return mDevice->addDeviceEffect(device, effectId); } Return PrimaryDevice::removeDeviceEffect(AudioPortHandle device, uint64_t effectId) { return mDevice->removeDeviceEffect(device, effectId); } Return PrimaryDevice::updateAudioPatch(int32_t previousPatch, const hidl_vec& sources, const hidl_vec& sinks, updateAudioPatch_cb _hidl_cb) { return mDevice->updateAudioPatch(previousPatch, sources, sinks, _hidl_cb); } #endif // Methods from ::android::hardware::audio::CPP_VERSION::IPrimaryDevice follow. Return PrimaryDevice::setVoiceVolume(float volume) { if (!util::isGainNormalized(volume)) { ALOGW("Can not set a voice volume (%f) outside [0,1]", volume); return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } return mDevice->analyzeStatus("set_voice_volume", mDevice->device()->set_voice_volume(mDevice->device(), volume)); } Return PrimaryDevice::setMode(AudioMode mode) { /* On stock ROM Samsung sets the g_call_state and g_call_sim_slot audio parameters * in the framework, breaking it on AOSP ROMs. * For the g_call_sim_slot parameter 0x01 describes SIM1 and 0x02 SIM2. */ char simSlot1[92], simSlot2[92]; // These props return either 0 (not calling), // or 1 (SIM is calling) property_get("vendor.calls.slot_id0", simSlot1, ""); property_get("vendor.calls.slot_id1", simSlot2, ""); // Wait until one sim slot reports a call if (mode == AudioMode::IN_CALL) { while (strcmp(simSlot1, "0") == 0 && strcmp(simSlot2, "0") == 0) { property_get("vendor.calls.slot_id0", simSlot1, ""); property_get("vendor.calls.slot_id1", simSlot2, ""); } } if (strcmp(simSlot1, "1") == 0) { // SIM1 mDevice->halSetParameters("g_call_sim_slot=0x01"); } else if (strcmp(simSlot2, "1") == 0) { // SIM2 mDevice->halSetParameters("g_call_sim_slot=0x02"); } // INVALID, CURRENT, CNT, MAX are reserved for internal use. // TODO: remove the values from the HIDL interface switch (mode) { case AudioMode::NORMAL: case AudioMode::RINGTONE: case AudioMode::IN_CALL: case AudioMode::IN_COMMUNICATION: #if MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 case AudioMode::CALL_SCREEN: #endif break; // Valid values default: return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS; }; return mDevice->analyzeStatus( "set_mode", mDevice->device()->set_mode(mDevice->device(), static_cast(mode))); } Return PrimaryDevice::getBtScoNrecEnabled(getBtScoNrecEnabled_cb _hidl_cb) { bool enabled; Result retval = mDevice->getParam(AudioParameter::keyBtNrec, &enabled); _hidl_cb(retval, enabled); return Void(); } Return PrimaryDevice::setBtScoNrecEnabled(bool enabled) { return mDevice->setParam(AudioParameter::keyBtNrec, enabled); } Return PrimaryDevice::getBtScoWidebandEnabled(getBtScoWidebandEnabled_cb _hidl_cb) { bool enabled; Result retval = mDevice->getParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_BT_SCO_WB, &enabled); _hidl_cb(retval, enabled); return Void(); } Return PrimaryDevice::setBtScoWidebandEnabled(bool enabled) { return mDevice->setParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_BT_SCO_WB, enabled); } static const char* convertTtyModeFromHIDL(IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode mode) { switch (mode) { case IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode::OFF: return AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_TTY_OFF; case IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode::VCO: return AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_TTY_VCO; case IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode::HCO: return AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_TTY_HCO; case IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode::FULL: return AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_TTY_FULL; default: return nullptr; } } static IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode convertTtyModeToHIDL(const char* halMode) { if (strcmp(halMode, AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_TTY_OFF) == 0) return IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode::OFF; else if (strcmp(halMode, AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_TTY_VCO) == 0) return IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode::VCO; else if (strcmp(halMode, AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_TTY_HCO) == 0) return IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode::HCO; else if (strcmp(halMode, AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_TTY_FULL) == 0) return IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode::FULL; return IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode(-1); } Return PrimaryDevice::getTtyMode(getTtyMode_cb _hidl_cb) { String8 halMode; Result retval = mDevice->getParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_TTY_MODE, &halMode); if (retval != Result::OK) { _hidl_cb(retval, TtyMode::OFF); return Void(); } TtyMode mode = convertTtyModeToHIDL(halMode.c_str()); if (mode == TtyMode(-1)) { ALOGE("HAL returned invalid TTY value: %s", halMode.c_str()); _hidl_cb(Result::INVALID_STATE, TtyMode::OFF); return Void(); } _hidl_cb(Result::OK, mode); return Void(); } Return PrimaryDevice::setTtyMode(IPrimaryDevice::TtyMode mode) { const char* modeStr = convertTtyModeFromHIDL(mode); if (modeStr == nullptr) { ALOGW("Can not set an invalid TTY value: %d", mode); return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } return mDevice->setParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_TTY_MODE, modeStr); } Return PrimaryDevice::getHacEnabled(getHacEnabled_cb _hidl_cb) { bool enabled; Result retval = mDevice->getParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_HAC, &enabled); _hidl_cb(retval, enabled); return Void(); } Return PrimaryDevice::setHacEnabled(bool enabled) { return mDevice->setParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_HAC, enabled); } #if MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 Return PrimaryDevice::setBtScoHeadsetDebugName(const hidl_string& name) { return mDevice->setParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_BT_SCO_HEADSET_NAME, name.c_str()); } Return PrimaryDevice::getBtHfpEnabled(getBtHfpEnabled_cb _hidl_cb) { bool enabled; Result retval = mDevice->getParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_HFP_ENABLE, &enabled); _hidl_cb(retval, enabled); return Void(); } Return PrimaryDevice::setBtHfpEnabled(bool enabled) { return mDevice->setParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_HFP_ENABLE, enabled); } Return PrimaryDevice::setBtHfpSampleRate(uint32_t sampleRateHz) { return mDevice->setParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_HFP_SET_SAMPLING_RATE, int(sampleRateHz)); } Return PrimaryDevice::setBtHfpVolume(float volume) { if (!util::isGainNormalized(volume)) { ALOGW("Can not set BT HFP volume (%f) outside [0,1]", volume); return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } // Map the normalized volume onto the range of [0, 15] return mDevice->setParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_HFP_VOLUME, static_cast(std::round(volume * 15))); } Return PrimaryDevice::updateRotation(IPrimaryDevice::Rotation rotation) { // legacy API expects the rotation in degree return mDevice->setParam(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_ROTATION, int(rotation) * 90); } #endif Return PrimaryDevice::debug(const hidl_handle& fd, const hidl_vec& options) { return mDevice->debug(fd, options); } } // namespace implementation } // namespace CPP_VERSION } // namespace audio } // namespace hardware } // namespace android