/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "StreamHAL" #include "core/default/Stream.h" #include "common/all-versions/HidlSupport.h" #include "common/all-versions/default/EffectMap.h" #include "core/default/Util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace audio { namespace CPP_VERSION { namespace implementation { using ::android::hardware::audio::common::CPP_VERSION::implementation::HidlUtils; using ::android::hardware::audio::common::utils::splitString; Stream::Stream(bool isInput, audio_stream_t* stream) : mIsInput(isInput), mStream(stream) { (void)mIsInput; // prevent 'unused field' warnings in pre-V7 versions. } Stream::~Stream() { mStream = nullptr; } // static Result Stream::analyzeStatus(const char* funcName, int status) { return util::analyzeStatus("stream", funcName, status); } // static Result Stream::analyzeStatus(const char* funcName, int status, const std::vector& ignoreErrors) { return util::analyzeStatus("stream", funcName, status, ignoreErrors); } char* Stream::halGetParameters(const char* keys) { return mStream->get_parameters(mStream, keys); } int Stream::halSetParameters(const char* keysAndValues) { return mStream->set_parameters(mStream, keysAndValues); } // Methods from ::android::hardware::audio::CPP_VERSION::IStream follow. Return Stream::getFrameSize() { // Needs to be implemented by interface subclasses. But can't be declared as pure virtual, // since interface subclasses implementation do not inherit from this class. LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Stream::getFrameSize is pure abstract"); return uint64_t{}; } Return Stream::getFrameCount() { int halFrameCount; Result retval = getParam(AudioParameter::keyFrameCount, &halFrameCount); return retval == Result::OK ? halFrameCount : 0; } Return Stream::getBufferSize() { return mStream->get_buffer_size(mStream); } #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 Return Stream::getSampleRate() { return mStream->get_sample_rate(mStream); } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 Return Stream::getSupportedSampleRates(getSupportedSampleRates_cb _hidl_cb) { return getSupportedSampleRates(getFormat(), _hidl_cb); } Return Stream::getSupportedChannelMasks(getSupportedChannelMasks_cb _hidl_cb) { return getSupportedChannelMasks(getFormat(), _hidl_cb); } #endif Return Stream::getSupportedSampleRates(AudioFormat format, getSupportedSampleRates_cb _hidl_cb) { AudioParameter context; context.addInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_FORMAT), int(format)); String8 halListValue; Result result = getParam(AudioParameter::keyStreamSupportedSamplingRates, &halListValue, context); hidl_vec sampleRates; SampleRateSet halSampleRates; if (result == Result::OK) { halSampleRates = samplingRatesFromString(halListValue.string(), AudioParameter::valueListSeparator); sampleRates = hidl_vec(halSampleRates.begin(), halSampleRates.end()); // Legacy get_parameter does not return a status_t, thus can not advertise of failure. // Note that this method must succeed (non empty list) if the format is supported. if (sampleRates.size() == 0) { result = Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 _hidl_cb(sampleRates); #elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 _hidl_cb(result, sampleRates); #endif return Void(); } Return Stream::getSupportedChannelMasks(AudioFormat format, getSupportedChannelMasks_cb _hidl_cb) { AudioParameter context; context.addInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_FORMAT), int(format)); String8 halListValue; Result result = getParam(AudioParameter::keyStreamSupportedChannels, &halListValue, context); hidl_vec channelMasks; ChannelMaskSet halChannelMasks; if (result == Result::OK) { halChannelMasks = channelMasksFromString(halListValue.string(), AudioParameter::valueListSeparator); channelMasks.resize(halChannelMasks.size()); size_t i = 0; for (auto channelMask : halChannelMasks) { channelMasks[i++] = AudioChannelBitfield(channelMask); } // Legacy get_parameter does not return a status_t, thus can not advertise of failure. // Note that this method must succeed (non empty list) if the format is supported. if (channelMasks.size() == 0) { result = Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 _hidl_cb(channelMasks); #elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 _hidl_cb(result, channelMasks); #endif return Void(); } Return Stream::setSampleRate(uint32_t sampleRateHz) { return setParam(AudioParameter::keySamplingRate, static_cast(sampleRateHz)); } Return Stream::getChannelMask() { return AudioChannelBitfield(mStream->get_channels(mStream)); } Return Stream::setChannelMask(AudioChannelBitfield mask) { return setParam(AudioParameter::keyChannels, static_cast(mask)); } Return Stream::getFormat() { return AudioFormat(mStream->get_format(mStream)); } Return Stream::getSupportedFormats(getSupportedFormats_cb _hidl_cb) { String8 halListValue; Result result = getParam(AudioParameter::keyStreamSupportedFormats, &halListValue); hidl_vec formats; FormatVector halFormats; if (result == Result::OK) { halFormats = formatsFromString(halListValue.string(), AudioParameter::valueListSeparator); formats.resize(halFormats.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < halFormats.size(); ++i) { formats[i] = AudioFormat(halFormats[i]); } // Legacy get_parameter does not return a status_t, thus can not advertise of failure. // Note that the method must not return an empty list if this capability is supported. if (formats.size() == 0) { result = Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } } #if MAJOR_VERSION <= 5 _hidl_cb(formats); #elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 _hidl_cb(result, formats); #endif return Void(); } Return Stream::setFormat(AudioFormat format) { return setParam(AudioParameter::keyFormat, static_cast(format)); } Return Stream::getAudioProperties(getAudioProperties_cb _hidl_cb) { uint32_t halSampleRate = mStream->get_sample_rate(mStream); audio_channel_mask_t halMask = mStream->get_channels(mStream); audio_format_t halFormat = mStream->get_format(mStream); _hidl_cb(halSampleRate, AudioChannelBitfield(halMask), AudioFormat(halFormat)); return Void(); } #else // MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 Return Stream::getSupportedProfiles(getSupportedProfiles_cb _hidl_cb) { String8 halListValue; Result result = getParam(AudioParameter::keyStreamSupportedFormats, &halListValue); hidl_vec profiles; if (result != Result::OK) { _hidl_cb(result, profiles); return Void(); } // Ensure that the separator is one character, despite that it's defined as a C string. static_assert(sizeof(AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_LIST_SEPARATOR) == 2); std::vector halFormats = splitString(halListValue.string(), AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_LIST_SEPARATOR[0]); hidl_vec formats; (void)HidlUtils::audioFormatsFromHal(halFormats, &formats); std::vector tempProfiles; for (const auto& format : formats) { audio_format_t halFormat; if (status_t status = HidlUtils::audioFormatToHal(format, &halFormat); status != NO_ERROR) { continue; } AudioParameter context; context.addInt(String8(AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_FORMAT), int(halFormat)); // Query supported sample rates for the format. result = getParam(AudioParameter::keyStreamSupportedSamplingRates, &halListValue, context); if (result != Result::OK) break; std::vector halSampleRates = splitString(halListValue.string(), AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_LIST_SEPARATOR[0]); hidl_vec sampleRates; sampleRates.resize(halSampleRates.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < sampleRates.size(); ++i) { sampleRates[i] = std::stoi(halSampleRates[i]); } // Query supported channel masks for the format. result = getParam(AudioParameter::keyStreamSupportedChannels, &halListValue, context); if (result != Result::OK) break; std::vector halChannelMasks = splitString(halListValue.string(), AUDIO_PARAMETER_VALUE_LIST_SEPARATOR[0]); hidl_vec channelMasks; (void)HidlUtils::audioChannelMasksFromHal(halChannelMasks, &channelMasks); // Create a profile. if (channelMasks.size() != 0 && sampleRates.size() != 0) { tempProfiles.push_back({.format = format, .sampleRates = std::move(sampleRates), .channelMasks = std::move(channelMasks)}); } } // Legacy get_parameter does not return a status_t, thus can not advertise of failure. // Note that the method must not return an empty list if this capability is supported. if (!tempProfiles.empty()) { profiles = tempProfiles; } else { result = Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } _hidl_cb(result, profiles); return Void(); } Return Stream::getAudioProperties(getAudioProperties_cb _hidl_cb) { audio_config_base_t halConfigBase = {mStream->get_sample_rate(mStream), mStream->get_channels(mStream), mStream->get_format(mStream)}; AudioConfigBase configBase = {}; status_t status = HidlUtils::audioConfigBaseFromHal(halConfigBase, mIsInput, &configBase); _hidl_cb(Stream::analyzeStatus("get_audio_properties", status), configBase); return Void(); } Return Stream::setAudioProperties(const AudioConfigBaseOptional& config) { audio_config_base_t halConfigBase = AUDIO_CONFIG_BASE_INITIALIZER; bool formatSpecified, sRateSpecified, channelMaskSpecified; status_t status = HidlUtils::audioConfigBaseOptionalToHal( config, &halConfigBase, &formatSpecified, &sRateSpecified, &channelMaskSpecified); if (status != NO_ERROR) { return Stream::analyzeStatus("set_audio_properties", status); } if (sRateSpecified) { if (Result result = setParam(AudioParameter::keySamplingRate, static_cast(halConfigBase.sample_rate)); result != Result::OK) { return result; } } if (channelMaskSpecified) { if (Result result = setParam(AudioParameter::keyChannels, static_cast(halConfigBase.channel_mask)); result != Result::OK) { return result; } } if (formatSpecified) { if (Result result = setParam(AudioParameter::keyFormat, static_cast(halConfigBase.format)); result != Result::OK) { return result; } } return Result::OK; } #endif // MAJOR_VERSION <= 6 Return Stream::addEffect(uint64_t effectId) { effect_handle_t halEffect = EffectMap::getInstance().get(effectId); if (halEffect != NULL) { return analyzeStatus("add_audio_effect", mStream->add_audio_effect(mStream, halEffect)); } else { ALOGW("Invalid effect ID passed from client: %" PRIu64, effectId); return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } } Return Stream::removeEffect(uint64_t effectId) { effect_handle_t halEffect = EffectMap::getInstance().get(effectId); if (halEffect != NULL) { return analyzeStatus("remove_audio_effect", mStream->remove_audio_effect(mStream, halEffect)); } else { ALOGW("Invalid effect ID passed from client: %" PRIu64, effectId); return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } } Return Stream::standby() { return analyzeStatus("standby", mStream->standby(mStream)); } Return Stream::setHwAvSync(uint32_t hwAvSync) { return setParam(AudioParameter::keyStreamHwAvSync, static_cast(hwAvSync)); } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 Return Stream::getDevice() { int device = 0; Result retval = getParam(AudioParameter::keyRouting, &device); return retval == Result::OK ? static_cast(device) : AudioDevice::NONE; } Return Stream::setDevice(const DeviceAddress& address) { return setParam(AudioParameter::keyRouting, address); } Return Stream::getParameters(const hidl_vec& keys, getParameters_cb _hidl_cb) { getParametersImpl({} /* context */, keys, _hidl_cb); return Void(); } Return Stream::setParameters(const hidl_vec& parameters) { return setParametersImpl({} /* context */, parameters); } Return Stream::setConnectedState(const DeviceAddress& address, bool connected) { return setParam( connected ? AudioParameter::keyDeviceConnect : AudioParameter::keyDeviceDisconnect, address); } #elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 Return Stream::getDevices(getDevices_cb _hidl_cb) { int halDevice = 0; Result retval = getParam(AudioParameter::keyRouting, &halDevice); hidl_vec devices; if (retval == Result::OK) { devices.resize(1); retval = Stream::analyzeStatus( "get_devices", CoreUtils::deviceAddressFromHal(static_cast(halDevice), nullptr, &devices[0])); } _hidl_cb(retval, devices); return Void(); } Return Stream::setDevices(const hidl_vec& devices) { // FIXME: can the legacy API set multiple device with address ? if (devices.size() > 1) { return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } DeviceAddress address{}; if (devices.size() == 1) { address = devices[0]; } return setParam(AudioParameter::keyRouting, address); } Return Stream::getParameters(const hidl_vec& context, const hidl_vec& keys, getParameters_cb _hidl_cb) { getParametersImpl(context, keys, _hidl_cb); return Void(); } Return Stream::setParameters(const hidl_vec& context, const hidl_vec& parameters) { return setParametersImpl(context, parameters); } #endif Return Stream::start() { return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } Return Stream::stop() { return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } Return Stream::createMmapBuffer(int32_t minSizeFrames __unused, createMmapBuffer_cb _hidl_cb) { Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED); MmapBufferInfo info; _hidl_cb(retval, info); return Void(); } Return Stream::getMmapPosition(getMmapPosition_cb _hidl_cb) { Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED); MmapPosition position; _hidl_cb(retval, position); return Void(); } Return Stream::close() { return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED; } Return Stream::debug(const hidl_handle& fd, const hidl_vec& /* options */) { if (fd.getNativeHandle() != nullptr && fd->numFds == 1) { analyzeStatus("dump", mStream->dump(mStream, fd->data[0])); } return Void(); } #if MAJOR_VERSION == 2 Return Stream::debugDump(const hidl_handle& fd) { return debug(fd, {} /* options */); } #endif } // namespace implementation } // namespace CPP_VERSION } // namespace audio } // namespace hardware } // namespace android